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Radix puerariae extracts ameliorate paraquat-induced pulmonary fibrosis by attenuating follistatin-like 1 and nuclear factor erythroid 2p45-related factor-2 signalling pathways through downregulation of miRNA-21 expression 期刊论文
作者:  Liu, Ming-wei;  Liu, Rong;  Wu, Hai-ying;  Li, Yi-yun;  Su, Mei-xian
收藏  |  浏览/下载:9/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/04
SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY, 2016, 卷号: 44, 期号: [db:dc_citation_issue], 页码: 603-617
作者:  Zhao, Xin;  Zhou, Mi;  Liu, Qian;  Kang, Hua
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Nrf2 protects against furosemide-induced hepatotoxicity 期刊论文
Toxicology, 2014, 卷号: 324, 页码: 35-42
作者:  Qu, Qiang;  Liu, Jie;  Zhou, Hong-Hao;  Klaassen, Curtis D
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ARE  antioxidant responsive element  Bax  BCL2-associated X protein  Chop10 or Gadd153  C/Ebp-homologous protein  Egr1  early growth response factor  Gadd45  growth arrest and DNA-damage-inducible protein  Gclm  glutamate–cysteine ligase modifier subunit  Gclc  glutamate–cysteine ligase catalytic subunit  Ho-1  hemeoxygenase-1  IL-1β  interleukin 1 beta  Keap1  Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1  MIP-2  macrophage inflammatory protein 2  mKC  mouse keratinocyte-derived chemokine  MT-1  metallothionein-1  Nqo1  NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1  Nrf2  nuclear factor E2-related factor-2  P450  cytochrome P450  STIM1  stromal interaction molecule 1  MAFG  v-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog G  Furosemide  Nrf2  Hepatotoxicity  ER stress  Oxidative stress  Inflammation  
SIRT1 in cardiovascular aging 期刊论文
Clinica Chimica Acta, 2014, 卷号: 437, 页码: 106-114
作者:  Luo, Xin-Yuan;  Qu, Shun-Lin;  Tang, Zhi-Han;  Zhang, Yuan;  Liu, Mi-Hua
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CVD  cardiovascular disease  SIRT1  sirtuin1  LV  left ventricular  Sir2  silent information regulator 2  rDNA  recombinant DNA  PI3K  phosphoinositide 3-hydroxykinase  NF-κB  nuclear factor kappa B  FOXOs  forkhead box O transcription factors  ROS  reactive oxygen species  mTOR  mammalian (or mechanistic) target of rapamycin  H2O2  hydrogen peroxide  NO  nitric oxide  GADD45  DNA damage-inducible protein 45  MnSOD  manganese superoxide dismutase  H2S  hydrogen sulfide  HUVECs  human umbilical vein endothelial cells  eNOS  endothelial nitric oxide synthase  miR  microRNA  CR  caloric restriction  AP-1  activator protein 1  STACs  small molecule activators of SIRT1  mTORC1  mTOR complex 1  mTORC2  mTOR complex 2  LC  light chain  IGF  insulin-like growth factor  Atgs  autophagy-related genes  SIRT1  Cardiovascular aging  Oxidative stress  Inflammation  Autophagy  Anti-aging strategies  
Elevated specific peripheral cytokines found in major depressive disorder patients with childhood trauma exposure: A cytokine antibody array analysis 期刊论文
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 2013, 卷号: 54, 期号: 7, 页码: 953-961
作者:  Lu, Shaojia;  Peng, Hongjun;  Wang, Lifeng;  Vasisha, Seewoobudul;  Zhang, Yan
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ANOVA  AgRP  BMI  BTC  C reactive protein  CI  CRF  CRP  CTE  CTQ  Confidence interval  DM  DSM  Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders  GITR-L  GR  HAMD  HPA  Hamilton Depressive Rating Scale  I-TAC  IL  IL-1 R1  MCP-1  MDD  MEC  MIP-1beta  NC  NT-4  NTD  PTSD  RA  SCID  SDS  SI  SPSS  SSRI  TD  TECK  TGF-beta3  TNF  TRAIL-R4  VEGF  Zung's Self-rating Depression Scale  agouti-related protein  analysis of variance  b-FGF  basic fibroblast growth factor  betacellulin  body mass index  childhood trauma exposure  childhood trauma questionnaire  corticotropin-releasing factor  depression with childhood trauma  depression without childhood trauma  diabetes mellitus  glucocorticoid receptor  glucocorticoid-induced tumor necrosis factor-ligand  hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical axis  interferon induced T cell alpha chemoattractant  interleukin  interleukin-1 Receptor 1  macrophage inflammatory protein-1beta  major depressive disorder  monocyte chemotactic protein-1  mucosae-associated epithelial chemokine  neurotrophin-4  normal control  post traumatic stress disorder  rheumatoid arthritis  selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor  signal intensity  statistical package for the social sciences  structured clinical interview for DSM-IV  thymus-expressed chemokine  transforming growth factor-beta3  tumor necrosis factor  tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand-receptor 4  vascular endothelial growth factor  
Drought adaptation of a terrestrial macroscopic cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme, in arid areas: A review 期刊论文
AFRICAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY RESEARCH, 2012, 卷号: 6, 期号: 28, 页码: 5728-5735
作者:  Gao, Xiang*;  Ai, Yufeng;  Qiu, Baosheng(邱保胜)
收藏  |  浏览/下载:3/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/23
Nostoc flagelliforme is a terrestrial macroscopic cyanobacterium with a hair-like appearance that is distributed in arid and semi-arid areas. It exhibits remarkable tolerance to extremely acute or long-term dehydration stress. However  it cannot withstand prolonged hydration or water saturation. It appears that too little water limits its growth while too much water becomes a burden. This seemingly contradictory situation is particularly pronounced in N. flagelliforme  reflecting its distinctiveness among Nosotcspecies with respect to the ways they adapt to dry environments. In this review  we call attention to potentially important drought-adaptation mechanisms in this species  including mechanisms related to its morphology  structure  ecophysiology and genetic background  summarizing the available studies relevant to this topic. This species may become a good model for investigating the diverse genetic mechanisms of Nostoc adaptation to dry environments.  
Effects of skew ion beam assisted deposition on microstructure and magnetic properties of Co/sub 80/Nb/sub 20/ thin films 期刊论文
2010, 2010
Li Xiao-wei; Ding Yu-qing; Zeng Fei; Gu Yu; Geng Kui-wei; Pan Feng
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Seeking ways to reduce the coercivity of Fe-N soft magnetic films 期刊论文
2010, 2010
Li Dan; Zhang Jing; Lei Mu-yun; Tan Zhong-zhuo; Pan Feng
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Experimental study on electro-magneto-mechanical coupling behavior of smart materials 期刊论文
2010, 2010
Fang Daining; Mao Guanzhong; Li Faxin; Feng Xue; Wang Yongping; Li Changqing; Jiang Bing; Liu Bin; Bing Qida
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