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Narcissism and United States' Culture: The View From Home and Around the World 期刊论文
JOURNAL OF PERSONALITY AND SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY, 2015, 卷号: 109, 期号: 6, 页码: 1068-1089
作者:  Miller, Joshua D.;  Maples, Jessica L.;  Buffardi, Laura;  Cai, Huajian;  Gentile, Brittany
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2016/01/18
河北雾灵山国家级自然保护区暖温带落叶阔叶林物种多样性及C、N循环特征研究 学位论文
博士, 北京: 中国科学院研究生院, 2014
作者:  万五星
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The inaccuracy of national character stereotypes 期刊论文
journal of research in personality, 2013
McCrae, Robert R.; Chan, Wayne; Jussim, Lee; De Fruyt, Filip; Loeckenhoff, Corinna E.; De Bolle, Marleen; Costa, Paul T., Jr.; Hrebickova, Martina; Graf, Sylvie; Realo, Anu; Allik, Jueri; Nakazato, Katsuharu; Shimonaka, Yoshiko; Yik, Michelle; Fickova, Emilia; Brunner-Sciarra, Marina; Reatigui, Norma; Leibovich de Figueora, Nora; Schmidt, Vanina; Ahn, Chang-Kyu; Ahn, Hyun-Nie; Aguilar-Vafaie, Maria E.; Siuta, Jerzy; Szmigielska, Barbara; Cain, Thomas R.; Crawford, Jarret T.; Mastor, Khairul Anwar; Rolland, Jean-Pierre; Nansubuga, Flor
收藏  |  浏览/下载:8/0  |  提交时间:2015/11/12
Design of controlling system in multi-function durability testing device for vehicle vacuum booster with brake master cylinder (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
2012 International Conference on Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, ICMEE 2012, June 23, 2012 - June 24, 2012, Hefei, China
Hao X.; Zhang R.; Li X.; Wang M.
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The quality of vehicle vacuum booster with brake master cylinder is related to the safe of drivers and automobiles. The testing experiment must be executed strictly before leaving factory based on the national standards.The paper introduces the controlling system of multi-function durability testing device  which is designed for doing durable testing experiments and Anti-lock braking system (ABS) performance experiments. The structure and theory of device is presented. The controlling system is illuminated in detail. To test the dynamic property  this system was identified by a recursive BP neural network. According to the character of a great deal of sensors and actuators  the high precision  capabilities and reliability  the distributed control mode (DCS) including the computer and PLC by RS-485 bus is utilized. The four channels testing experiments are achieved at the same time. The test data is directly memorized into the computer. The results of general endurance and ABS endurance testing experiments are shown to demonstrate the excellent performance of the testing device. 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.  
Stereotypes of Age Differences in Personality Traits: Universal and Accurate? 期刊论文
journal of personality and social psychology, 2012
Chan, Wayne; McCrae, Robert R.; De Fruyt, Filip; Jussim, Lee; Loeckenhoff, Corinna E.; De Bolle, Marleen; Costa, Paul T., Jr.; Sutin, Angelina R.; Realo, Anu; Allik, Jueri; Nakazato, Katsuharu; Shimonaka, Yoshiko; Hrebickova, Martina; Graf, Sylvie; Yik, Michelle; Brunner-Sciarra, Marina; de Figueora, Nora Leibovich; Schmidt, Vanina; Ahn, Chang-kyu; Ahn, Hyun-nie; Aguilar-Vafaie, Maria E.; Siuta, Jerzy; Szmigielska, Barbara; Cain, Thomas R.; Crawford, Janet T.; Mastor, Khairul Anwar; Rolland, Jean-Pierre; Nansubuga, Florence; Miramonte
收藏  |  浏览/下载:5/0  |  提交时间:2015/11/16
ことわざから見た日本人の国民性の特色 学位论文
: 河北大学, 2010
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Perceptions of Aging Across 26 Cultures and Their Culture-Level Associates 期刊论文
psychology and aging, 2009
Loeckenhoff, Corinna E.; De Fruyt, Filip; Terracciano, Antonio; McCrae, Robert R.; De Bolle, Marleen; Costa, Paul T., Jr.; Aguilar-Vafaie, Maria E.; Ahn, Chang-kyu; Ahn, Hyun-nie; Alcalay, Lidia; Allik, Juri; Avdeyeva, Tatyana V.; Barbaranelli, Claudio; Benet-Martinez, Veronica; Blatny, Marek; Bratko, Denis; Cain, Thomas R.; Crawford, Jarret T.; Lima, Margarida P.; Fickova, Emilia; Gheorghiu, Mirona; Halberstadt, Jamin; Hrebickova, Martina; Jussim, Lee; Klinkosz, Waldemar; Knezevic, Goran; Leibovich de Figueroa, Nora; Martin, Thomas
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2015/11/16

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