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The application of adaptive enhancement algorithm based on gray entropy in mammary gland CR image (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
2012 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2012, April 21, 2012 - April 23, 2012, Three Gorges, China
Zhang M.-H.; Zhang Y.-Y.
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Mammary gland is composed entirely of soft tissue with approximate density  therefore mammary gland CR medicine radiation image presents a low contrast  and slight difference changes may be a manifestation of tumor  so it is necessary to enhance mammary gland CR image to improve its visual quality in order to meet the demands of doctor's clinical diagnosis. However the general enhancement algorithms over enhance the contrast and noise  due to image details lost  aiming at the defects  a mammary gland CR medicine image adaptive enhancement arithmetic based on image gray entropy is put forward. The arithmetic adapts dizzy image to magnify selected spatial frequency response in order to enhance the edge details of mammary gland CR images. It can adjust weighted factor K according to image gray characteristics namely pixel gray entropy. Experiments results demonstrate that mammary gland CR image enhanced by the algorithm has abundant details and high signal-to-noise ratio  moreover  CR image enhanced has good visual effect. So the method is effective and fit for enhancing CR medical radiation image edge details. 2012 IEEE.  
Characteristic point match algorithm based on the SURF in binocular stereo vision (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
5th International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Intelligent Systems, ICINIS 2012, November 1, 2012 - November 3, 2012, Tianjin, China
Wang X.; Yang L.; Wang L.; Xu J.
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The research of digltal CR medicine image adapitive enhancement method (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, ICMET 2012, July 24, 2012 - July 26, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ming-Hui Z.; Yao-Yu Z.
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Digital CR medicine radiation image is in doctor's favor and has became medicine imaging technology new hot spot because of its high gray contrast  powerful computer disposal function  little radiation dosage  non-film diagnosis  different area consultation. But degradation of digital X-ray medical image such as low contrast and blurring during radiographic imaging  caused by complexity of body tissue and effects of X-ray scattering and electrical noise etc.  can worsen the results of analysis and diagnosis. So it is usually needed that CR medicine image is enhanced to improve its vision quality  and easy to doctor's more accurate diagnosis. The general enhancement algorithms over enhancing the contrast and lose image details  aiming at the defects  an enhancement algorithm for CR image is proposed based on the ratio of deviation to mean of domain. The arithmetic enhance CR image edge details by adjusting factor K based on the ratio of deviation to mean of domain of CR image. Experiment results demonstrate that the algorithm enhances CR image detail and CR image enhanced has good visual effect  the adaptive enhancement method is fit for CR medicine image. (2012) Trans Tech Publications  Switzerland.  
An embedded infrared image enhancement system based on DSP and FPGA (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
2012 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Process, ICMEP 2012, April 21, 2012 - April 22, 2012, Kunming, China
Liu D.; Zhang T.; Yin C.; Ji X.
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According to the disadvantage of the large noises of histogram equalization algorithm  a new adaptive image enhancement algorithm is presented. First  the statistical histogram of the infrared image is done. Then the threshold of plateaus Equalization is calculated and the statistical histogram is modified. Finally the bright values of the pixels of the image are changed. An embedded high speed image enhancement processing system on high performance DSP TMS320DM642 and FPGA was designed. Experimental results with real images shown that the system can improve the contrast of the infrared image  limit the noises of the enhancement image  and effectively enhance the infrared image  the running time of the program is shorter  so it can meet the requirements of real-time in the project. (2012) Trans Tech Publications.  
Comparison and simulation of subpixel imaging modes for linear CCD (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
2012 3rd International Conference on Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems, ITMS 2012, September 8, 2012 - September 9, 2012, Qingdao, China
Li Y.; He B.; Liu T.
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Subpixel technique of linear CCD is effective to enhance the spatial resolution without increasing the focal length of optics and reducing the pixel size. To compare image quality of two main subpixel imaging modes  quincunx sampling and four-point sampling  a method to quantitatively evaluate image quality of subpixel based on MTF was proposed. The MTF of quincunx and four-point sampling modes were derived. Analytical results shows that theoretical limiting resolution of quincunx sampling and four-point sampling is improved to 1.4 and 1.86 times respectively  and MTF values at Nyquist frequency of two modes are increased by 0.1106 and 0.1679  respectively. MTFA in (0  0.5) of two subpixel imaging modes were calculated and results illustrates that four-point sampling offers much more improvement with image quality than quincunx sampling  at the cost of double amount of data. A model for simulating subpixel imaging using Matlab was established  and simulation results of spoke target verify the theoretical analysis. (2012) Trans Tech Publications  Switzerland.  
Design of motion compensation mechanism of satellite remote sensing camera (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Space Exploration Technologies and Applications, May 24, 2011 - May 26, 2011, Beijing, China
Gu S.; Yan Y.; Xu K.; Jin G.
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With the development of aerospace remote sensing technology  the ground resolution of remote sensing camera enhances continuously. Since there is relative motion between camera and ground target when taking pictures  the target image recorded in recording media is moved and blurred. In order to enhance the imaging quality and resolution of the camera  the image motion had to be compensated. In order to abate the effect of image motion to image quality of space camera and improve the resolution of the camera  the compensation method of image motion to space camera is researched. First  the reason of producing drift angle and adjustment principle are analyzed in this paper. This paper introduce the composition and transmission principle of image motion compensation mechanism. Second  the system adopts 80C31 as controller of drift angle  and adopts stepping motor for actuators  and adopts absolute photoelectric encoder as the drift Angle measuring element. Then the control mathematical model of the image motion compensation mechanism are deduced  and it achieve the closed-loop control of the drift angle position. At the last  this paper analyses the transmission precision of the mechanism. Through the experiment  we measured the actual precision of the image motion compensation mechanism  and compared with the theoretical analysis. There are two major contributions in this paper. First  the traditional image motion compensation mechanism is big volume and quality heavy. This has not fit for the development trend of space camera miniaturization and lightweight. But if reduce the volume and quality of mechanism  it will bring adverse effects for the precision and stiffness of mechanism. For this problem  This paper designed a image motion compensation that have some advantages such as small size  light weight at the same time  high precision  stiffness and so on. This image motion compensation can be applicable to the small optics cameras with high resolution. Second  the traditional mechanism control need to corrected  fitting and iterative for the control formula of mechanism. Only in this way  we can get the optimal control mathematical model. This paper has high precision of the control formula derived. It can achieve the high precision control without fitting  It also simplify the difficulty of control mathematical model establishment. This paper designed the range of adjusting of image motion compensation mechanism between -5 +5. Based on choosing-5  -4  -3  -2  -1  0  +1  +2  +3  +4  +4 as the expectation value of the imaginary drift angle  we get ten groups of the fact data in adjusting drift angle measured. The test results show that the precision of the drift angle control system can be achieved in 1. It can meet the system requirements that the precision of the control system is less than 3'  and it can achieve the high-precision image motion compensation. 2011 SPIE.  
Multi-focus image fusion algorithm based on adaptive PCNN and wavelet transform (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging 2011: Advances in Imaging Detectors and Applications, May 24, 2011 - May 26, 2011, Beijing, China
Wu Z.-G.; Wang M.-J.; Han G.-L.
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Being an efficient method of information fusion  image fusion has been used in many fields such as machine vision  medical diagnosis  military applications and remote sensing.In this paper  Pulse Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) is introduced in this research field for its interesting properties in image processing  including segmentation  target recognition et al.  and a novel algorithm based on PCNN and Wavelet Transform for Multi-focus image fusion is proposed. First  the two original images are decomposed by wavelet transform. Then  based on the PCNN  a fusion rule in the Wavelet domain is given. This algorithm uses the wavelet coefficient in each frequency domain as the linking strength  so that its value can be chosen adaptively. Wavelet coefficients map to the range of image gray-scale. The output threshold function attenuates to minimum gray over time. Then all pixels of image get the ignition. So  the output of PCNN in each iteration time is ignition wavelet coefficients of threshold strength in different time. At this moment  the sequences of ignition of wavelet coefficients represent ignition timing of each neuron. The ignition timing of PCNN in each neuron is mapped to corresponding image gray-scale range  which is a picture of ignition timing mapping. Then it can judge the targets in the neuron are obvious features or not obvious. The fusion coefficients are decided by the compare-selection operator with the firing time gradient maps and the fusion image is reconstructed by wavelet inverse transform. Furthermore  by this algorithm  the threshold adjusting constant is estimated by appointed iteration number. Furthermore  In order to sufficient reflect order of the firing time  the threshold adjusting constant is estimated by appointed iteration number. So after the iteration achieved  each of the wavelet coefficient is activated. In order to verify the effectiveness of proposed rules  the experiments upon Multi-focus image are done. Moreover  comparative results of evaluating fusion quality are listed. The experimental results show that the method can effectively enhance the edge details and improve the spatial resolution of the image. 2011 SPIE.  
Improved algorithm of LED display image based on composed correction (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
International Conference on Advances in Computer Science, Environment, Ecoinformatics, and Education, CSEE 2011, August 21, 2011 - August 22, 2011, Wuhan, China
Song X.-J.; Ma X.-Q.; Liu W.-Y.; Zheng X.-F.
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An enhancing method based on locally redistributed histogram for medical image (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
2010 International Conference on Computer, Mechatronics, Control and Electronic Engineering, CMCE 2010, August 24, 2010 - August 26, 2010, Changchun, China
He J.-Q.; Zhang L.-P.; Hongliang D.; Wan C.-M.
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An adaptive enhancement means adapt to CR medicine image (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition in Industrial Engineering, August 7, 2010 - August 8, 2010, Xi'an, China
Zhang M.-H.; Zhang Y.-Y.
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