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The research of digltal CR medicine image adapitive enhancement method (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, ICMET 2012, July 24, 2012 - July 26, 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ming-Hui Z.; Yao-Yu Z.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:55/0  |  提交时间:2013/03/25
Digital CR medicine radiation image is in doctor's favor and has became medicine imaging technology new hot spot because of its high gray contrast  powerful computer disposal function  little radiation dosage  non-film diagnosis  different area consultation. But degradation of digital X-ray medical image such as low contrast and blurring during radiographic imaging  caused by complexity of body tissue and effects of X-ray scattering and electrical noise etc.  can worsen the results of analysis and diagnosis. So it is usually needed that CR medicine image is enhanced to improve its vision quality  and easy to doctor's more accurate diagnosis. The general enhancement algorithms over enhancing the contrast and lose image details  aiming at the defects  an enhancement algorithm for CR image is proposed based on the ratio of deviation to mean of domain. The arithmetic enhance CR image edge details by adjusting factor K based on the ratio of deviation to mean of domain of CR image. Experiment results demonstrate that the algorithm enhances CR image detail and CR image enhanced has good visual effect  the adaptive enhancement method is fit for CR medicine image. (2012) Trans Tech Publications  Switzerland.  
宇宙线辐射成像技术在重核材料检测方面的应用 会议论文
全国第一届核技术与公共安全学术研讨会论文集, Proceedings of the First National Symposium on Nuclear Technology and Public Safety, 全国第一届核技术与公共安全学术研讨会, The First National Symposium on Nuclear Technology and Public Safety, 中国辽宁丹东, CNKI, 中国人民解放军防化研究院
叶瑾; 岳骞; 程建平; 李元景; 李金; YE Jin; YUE Qian; CHENG Jian-Ping; LI Yuan-Jing; LI Jin
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Study on dynamic imaging on TDI CCD optical remote sensor of push-broom technology (EI CONFERENCE) 会议论文
5th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Optical Test and Measurement Technology and Equipment, April 26, 2010 - April 29, 2010, Dalian, China
Gao M.-H.; Zhao G.-J.; Liu L.; Ren J.-Y.
收藏  |  浏览/下载:17/0  |  提交时间:2013/03/25
A set special detecting system is proposed based on TDICCD push-broom technology applying in dynamic imaging detecting experiment of space optics remote sensor. In the system  In the course of detecting  push-broom movement of the satellite is simulated through using double supporting U structure precision rotary platform with remote sensor by angular speed 0.555/s  regard Nyquist frequency target as detecting aim  within the range of 5 and control precision on steady speed achieves 0.3%  in order to solve matching uncertainty between the CCD pixel and the vertical target strip image when the remote sensor does push-broom  make matching simplify  enhance the measurement result the accuracy. So the tolerance a/n arithmetic progression gap target strip is joined in each group of rectangular vertical group target strip. The remote sensor obtains in vertical  the level and 45 the direction 0 fields of view  0.86 the field of view Nyquist frequency target strip image after detected  a group target strip which can precision matching to TDICCD pixel at least can be obtained through analysis and dealing with 0.86 field of view's target strip image. The experiment not only verifies the detecting system's feasibility but simultaneously verifies whether to have the high quality dynamic imaging quality when TDICCD push-broom technology is adopted on the remote sensor developed. 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.  
有效的海上运动目标检测方法 期刊论文
谢小竹; 洪景新; 肖思兴
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2016/05/17
A general axiomatic system for image resolution quantification 其他
Jiang, M; Wang, G; Ma, XM
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2015/11/10
Application of SRTM-DEM based two-pass SAR interferometry for detecting seismic deformation on high-altitude rugged terrain - A case study in Kokoxili Ms8.1 earthquake, 2001 会议论文
2005 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2005,, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, July 25, 2005 - July 29,2005
Zhang, Yanmei; Cheng, Xiao
收藏  |  浏览/下载:11/0  |  提交时间:2014/12/07

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