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Comparison of two new intelligent wind speed forecasting approaches based on Wavelet Packet Decomposition, Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise and Artificial Neural Networks 期刊论文
Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 卷号: 155, 页码: 188-200
作者:  Liu, Hui;  Mi, Xiwei;  Li, Yanfei*
收藏  |  浏览/下载:41/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/03
Wind speed forecasting  Wavelet packet decomposition  Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise  Artificial Neural Network  ANN  Artificial Neural Network  AR  Auto Regressive  ARIMA  Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average  BA  Bat Algorithm  BP  Back-propagation Neural Network  CEEMDAN  Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition  CG  Conjugate Gradient  CLSFPA  Flower Pollination Algorithm with Chaotic Local Search  CNN  Convolutional Neural Network  CS  Compressive Sensing  CSA  Cuckoo Search Algorithm  EEMD  Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition  ESM  Exponential Smoothing Method  FA  Firefly Algorithm  FAC  First-order Adaptive Coefficient  GA  Genetic Algorithm  GRNN  General Regression Neural Network  HBSA  Hybrid Backtracking Search Algorithm  HWM  Holt-Winters Model  IMFs  Intrinsic Mode Functions  IS  Input parameter Selection  KF  Kalman filter  LSSVM  Least Square Support Vector Machine  MAE  Mean Absolute Error  MAPE  Mean Absolute Percentage Error  MLP  Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network  MOBA  Multi Objective Bat Algorithm  NNCT  No Negative Constraint Theory  NSGA  Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm  OVMD  Optimized Variational Mode Decomposition  PSO  Particle Swam Optimization  PSOSA  Particle Swarm Optimization based on Simulated Annealing  PSR  Phase Space Reconstruction  RBF  Radial Basis Function Neural Network  RMSE  Root Mean Square Error  SAC  Second-order Adaptive Coefficient  SAM  Seasonal Adjustment Method  SDA  Secondary Decomposition Algorithm  SEA  Seasonal Exponential Adjustment  SOM  Self-Organizing feature Maps  SSA  Singular Spectrum Analysis  SVR  Support Vector Regression  VMD  Variational Mode Decomposition  v-SVM  v-Support Vector Machine  WD  Wavelet Decomposition  WPD  Wavelet Packet Decomposition  
Comparison of four Adaboost algorithm based artificial neural networks in wind speed predictions 期刊论文
Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 卷号: 92, 页码: 67-81
作者:  Liu, Hui*;  Tian, Hong-Qi;  Li, Yan-Fei;  Zhang, Lei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:22/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/03
AA  Apriori Algorithm  RBF  Radial Basis Functions  SVR  Support Vector Regression  WDF  Weibull Distribution Function  MSM  Markov Switching Model  BI  Bayesian Interface  PM  Persistent Model  AR  Auto Regressive  ANN  artificial neural networks  BSBM  Bayesian Structural Break Model  KRRM  Kernel Ridge Regression Method  ALS  Active Learning Strategies  SAA  Seasonal Adjustment Algorithm  ESM  Exponential Smoothing Method  MLP  Multilayer Perceptron  BP  Back Propagation  KSF  Kalman Short-term Filtering  NWP  Numerical Weather Prediction  GA  Genetic Algorithm  PSO  Particle Swarm Optimization  PCA  Principal Component Analysis  FAC  First-order Adaptive Coefficient  SAC  Second-order Adaptive Coefficient  BT  Bayesian Theory  SBM  Structural Break Modeling  UKF  Unscented Kalman Filter  OFM  Organizing Feature Maps  EMD  Empirical Mode Decomposition  WT  Wavelet Transform  SVM  Support Vector Machine  ARIMA  Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average  MAS  Multiple Architecture System  MLR  Multiple Linear Regression  Adaboost  Adaptive Boosting  GD-ALR-BP  Gradient Descent with Adaptive Learning Rate Back Propagation  GDM-ALR-BP  Gradient Descent with Momentum and Adaptive Learning Rate Back Propagation  CG-BP-FR  Conjugate Gradient Back Propagation with Fletcher-Reeves Updates  BFGS  Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno  Wind energy  Wind speed forecasting  Wind speed predictions  Adaboost algorithm  Neural networks  
Wind speed forecasting approach using secondary decomposition algorithm and Elman neural networks 期刊论文
Applied Energy, 2015, 卷号: 157, 页码: 183-194
作者:  Liu, Hui*;  Tian, Hong-Qi;  Liang, Xi-Feng;  Li, Yan-Fei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:27/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/03
ARIMA  Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average  ANN  Artificial Neural Networks  KF  Kalman Filter  MSM  Markov Switching Model  PCA  Principal Component Analysis  AA  Apriori Algorithm  BT  Bayesian Theory  SBM  Structural Break Modeling  GMCM  Gaussian Mixture Copula Model  NWP  Numerical Weather Prediction  KSF  Kalman Short-term Filtering  HIRLAM  High Resolution Limited Area Model  BP  Back Propagation  RBF  Radial Basis Function  ALE  Adaptive Linear Element  MAS  Multiple Architecture System  MLR  Multiple Linear Regression  MLP  Multi-Layer Perceptron  RBF  Radial Basis Function  SVM  Support Vector Machine  ABA  Ada-boost Algorithm  PSO  Particle Swarm Optimization  FAC  First-order Adaptive Coefficient  SAC  Second-order Adaptive Coefficient  SAA  Seasonal Adjustment Algorithm  ESM  Exponential Smoothing Method  MFNN  Multi-layer Feed-forward Neural Networks  FRR  Fuzzy Rough Regression  ELM  Extreme Learning Machines  MM5  Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model  GNWP  Global Numerical Weather Prediction  EPA  Evolutionary Programming Algorithm  OFM  Organizing Feature Maps  WD  Wavelet Decomposition  WPD  Wavelet Packet Decomposition  NF  Neuro-Fuzzy  ANFIS  Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems  PM  Persistent Model  UKF  Unscented Kalman Filter  SVR  Support Vector Regression  FEEMD  Fast Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition  HM  Hammerstein Model  AR  Auto Regressive  EMD  Empirical Mode Decomposition  SDA  Secondary Decomposition Algorithm  PRWM  Persistent Random Walk Model  IMFs  Intrinsic Mode Functions  EEMD  Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition  GD-BP  Gradient Descent Back Propagation  GDM-BP  Gradient Descent with Momentum Back Propagation  GD-ALR-BP  Gradient Descent with Adaptive Learning Rate Back Propagation  GDM-ALR-BP  Gradient Descent with Momentum and Adaptive Learning Rate Back Propagation  CG-BP-FRU  Conjugate Gradient Back Propagation with Fletcher-Reeves Updates  CG-BP-PR  Conjugate Gradient Back Propagation with Polak-Ribiére Update  CG-BP-PBR  Conjugate Gradient Back Propagation with Powell-Beale Restarts  SCG-BP  Scaled Conjugate Gradient Back Propagation  BFGS-BP  Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno Back Propagation  OSS-BP  One Step Secant Back Propagation  LM-BP  Levenberg Marquardt Back Propagation  MAE  Mean Absolute Error  MAPE  Mean Absolute Percentage Error  RMSE  Root Mean Square Error  Wind speed forecasting  Secondary decomposition algorithm  Wavelet packet decomposition  Fast ensemble empirical mode decomposition  Elman neural networks  
Comparison of new hybrid FEEMD-MLP, FEEMD-ANFIS, Wavelet Packet-MLP and Wavelet Packet-ANFIS for wind speed predictions 期刊论文
Energy Conversion and Management, 2014, 卷号: 89, 页码: 1-11
作者:  Liu, Hui*;  Tian, Hong-qi;  Li, Yan-fei
收藏  |  浏览/下载:10/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/03
WDF  Weibull Distribution Function  WD  Wavelet Decomposition  WPD  Wavelet Packet Decomposition  EEMD  Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition  FEEMD  Fast Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition  SAM  Seasonal Adjustment Method  ESM  Exponential Smoothing Method  RBF  Radial Basis Function  HWM  Holt Winters Model  PSO  Particle Swarm Optimization  MLP  Multilayer Perceptron Network  GA  Genetic Algorithm  PCA  Principal Component Analysis  BT  Bayesian Theory  SBM  Structural Break Modeling  EMD  Empirical Mode Decomposition  ANN  Artificial Neural Networks  UKF  Unscented Kalman Filter  SVR  Support Vector Regression  AR  Auto Regressive  OFM  Organizing Feature Maps  PM  Persistence Method  WTT  Wavelet Transform Technique  ENN  Elman Neural Network  CWT  Continuous Wavelet Transform  IMF  Intrinsic Mode Functions  ANFIS  Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System  ARIMA  Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average  BFGS  Broyden Fletcher Goldfarb Shanno Algorithm  RBFN  Radial Basis Function Network  Wind energy  Wind speed forecasting  Wind speed predictions  Empirical mode decomposition  Fast ensemble empirical mode decomposition  Wavelet decomposition  Wavelet packet decomposition  Artificial neural networks  
提升路基沉降预测能力的方法 期刊论文
煤炭学报, 2013, 卷号: 38, 期号: S1, 页码: 88-92
作者:  张帆宇;  刘高;  邵宗平;  谌文武;  韩文峰
收藏  |  浏览/下载:4/0  |  提交时间:2016/07/27
PACIFIC JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION, 2012, 卷号: 8, 页码: 361-386
作者:  Yuan, Yanhong;  Zhang, Liwei;  Wu, Yue
收藏  |  浏览/下载:1/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/13
A smoothing SAA method for a stochastic mathematical program with complementarity constraints 期刊论文
APPLICATIONS OF MATHEMATICS, 2012, 卷号: 57, 页码: 477-502
作者:  Zhang, Jie;  Zhang, Li-wei;  Wu, Yue
收藏  |  浏览/下载:14/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/13
Evaluation and prediction on fire trend from 1997 to 2004 in China 会议论文
作者:  Chen Yunguo;  Fu Zhimin;  Yan Yujin
收藏  |  浏览/下载:2/0  |  提交时间:2019/12/05

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