CENP-E Kinesin Interacts with SKAP Protein to Orchestrate Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Mitosis
Huang, Yuejia1,2; Wang, Wenwen1; Yao, Phil2; Wang, Xiwei1,2; Liu, Xing1,2; Zhuang, Xiaoxuan1; Yan, Feng1,2; Zhou, Jinhua1; Du, Jian1; Ward, Tarsha2
刊名journal of biological chemistry
英文摘要mitotic chromosome segregation is orchestrated by the dynamic interaction of spindle microtubules with the kinetochore. although previous studies show that the mitotic kinesin cenp-e forms a link between attachment of the spindle microtubule to the kinetochore and the mitotic checkpoint signaling cascade, the molecular mechanism underlying dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interactions in mammalian cells remains elusive. here, we identify a novel interaction between cenp-e and skap that functions synergistically in governing dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interactions. skap binds to the c-terminal tail of cenp-e in vitro and is essential for an accurate kinetochore-microtubule attachment in vivo. immunoelectron microscopic analysis indicates that skap is a constituent of the kinetochore corona fibers of mammalian centromeres. depletion of skap or cenp-e by rna interference results in a dramatic reduction of inter-kinetochore tension, which causes chromosome mis-segregation with a prolonged delay in achieving metaphase alignment. importantly, skap binds to microtubules in vitro, and this interaction is synergized by cenp-e. based on these findings, we propose that skap cooperates with cenp-e to orchestrate dynamic kinetochore-microtubule interaction for faithful chromosome segregation.
类目[WOS]biochemistry & molecular biology
研究领域[WOS]biochemistry & molecular biology
关键词[WOS]microtubule plus ends ; mitotic checkpoint ; spindle microtubules ; kinetochore protein ; outer plate ; attachment ; localization ; motor ; aneuploidy ; complex
作者单位1.Univ Sci & Technol China, Anhui Key Lab Cellular Dynam & Chem Biol, Sch Life Sci, Hefei 230027, Peoples R China
2.Morehouse Sch Med, Dept Physiol, Atlanta, GA 30310 USA
3.Dalian Inst Chem Phys, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China
4.Beijing Univ Chinese Med, Sch Grad Studies, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China
5.Guangzhou Inst Hlth Sci, Guangzhou 510515, Guangdong, Peoples R China
GB/T 7714
Huang, Yuejia,Wang, Wenwen,Yao, Phil,et al. CENP-E Kinesin Interacts with SKAP Protein to Orchestrate Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Mitosis[J]. journal of biological chemistry,2012,287(2):1500-1509.
APA Huang, Yuejia.,Wang, Wenwen.,Yao, Phil.,Wang, Xiwei.,Liu, Xing.,...&Yao, Xuebiao.(2012).CENP-E Kinesin Interacts with SKAP Protein to Orchestrate Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Mitosis.journal of biological chemistry,287(2),1500-1509.
MLA Huang, Yuejia,et al."CENP-E Kinesin Interacts with SKAP Protein to Orchestrate Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Mitosis".journal of biological chemistry 287.2(2012):1500-1509.
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