CORC  > 自动化研究所  > 中国科学院自动化研究所  > 毕业生  > 硕士学位论文
关键词结构变化分析 变化检测 外观和形状不变量 识别 学习 马尔可夫随机场 概率模型 高分辨率光学图像 遥感 Structural change analysis Change detection Appearance and shape invariants Recognition Learning Markov Random Field Probabilistic model High resolution optical Remote sensing images
其他题名Structural Change Detection in Very High Resolution Satellite Images
中文摘要中国的快速发展、迅速现代化正通过其城市化进程展现出来。城乡布局结构发生巨大的变化。矮旧的杂乱的临时房被拆除,代替它们的是规整的大楼、街道。越来越多的农田变成了住宅区、厂区与商业区。如此快速的变化下,大量的问题变得迫切。测绘制图部门需要更新大量地图,国土资源部门需要监测土地利用情况,城市规划部门需要规划设施建设、决策支持…… 城市景观的变化可以通过多时相的(multi-temporal)高分辨率卫星或者航空遥感图像监测。因高分辨率遥感图像的精度高、细节表现能力强、信息丰富,它使得场景的解译可以精确到单个目标物级别(比如单幢建筑物,一条道路)。然而开发能快速鲁棒地分析变化本质和变化程度的自动方法仍然是个远没解决好的问题。这样的方法涉及到动态场景中的目标物识别和理解等计算机视觉中的基础问题。 本硕士论文工作就是在这样的背景下展开,围绕城区结构变化检测与理解这一主题进行了研究。我们使用同一地区的不同时间的两幅高分辨率光学遥感图像进行分析。提出了一种新的基于特征类别和特征分布学习方法,进行变化区域检测。 本文主要贡献分为两层:从应用的角度看,我们引入了目标物识别领域的一些思想,将其变为适合变化/无变化“识别”问题的方法;从理论方法角度看,基于概率建模我们引入了一个新的模型和计算框架。 本文首先简短地介绍我们要处理的问题,接着对现有的变化检测的方法进行综述,并介绍了与我们的方法相关的一些研究工作。在接下来的章节 (3,4) 里我们细致的描述了我们的方法、实现和最后的实验结果: 1.第三章提出了基于外观不变量的高分辨率遥感图像变化检测算法。本文在结构物体边缘直线段提取和直线段关系图割(Normalised Cut)基础上,将图像分割为结构一致区域。在两幅图像对应的分割区域中,我们计算类 SIFT 外观不变量,将其聚类生成“词典”。“词语”被用来刻画每个区域的结构。通过求“词语”直方图距离来量化结构变化。 2.第四章提出了基于 MAP-MRF 框架的结构变化检测算法。以第三章的基于外观不变量的变化检测算法为部分基础,我们的新方法了融合形状特征(直线段方向直方图)。我们特征的变化和无变化概率参数通过有监督的估计获得。先验知识项基于 Gibbs 模型定义。
英文摘要In this master thesis, we study the problem of structural change analysis and understanding from two multi-temporal very high resolution optical images. We propose a new general approach, based on features classes and features distribution learning, for an efficient detection of areas of change. The major contributions of this work are at two levels: from an application point of view, we borrow some ideas from the field of object recognition, and adapt them to the question of change/non change recognition ; from a methodological point of view, we introduce a new model and framework based on probabilistic modeling. In the present manuscript, after a short introduction in which we state the problem we are dealing with, we will give a brief review of the existing change detection methods, introduce some works on related research topics. The following chapters (3,4) then present in details our methodology, implementation, and results: 1. In chapter 3, we propose a structural change detection method based on invariant appearance features. We first segment the images into structurally consistent regions. For this purpose, we build a relation graph based on straight-lines extracted from the image, and partition this graph using Normalized Cut. Then, SIFT-like features are computed at keypoints and clustered to form a ``dictionary'' of ``words'' (characterized by the SIFT cluster centers). They are used as the basic elements to capture the structure of each region. Histograms of the ``words'' in each region are created. By estimating the distance between the histograms associated to pairwise regions taken from each of the two images, the structural change is quantified. 2. In chapter 4, we introduce an MRF based approach and label patches of the images as change/non-change with a MAP estimation framework. The appearance features used in chapter 3 are now completed by shape features, characterized by straight-line direction histograms. Following a supervised approach, we estimate the parameters of the distribution of these features for change and no-change areas separately. The density functions are then computed from these distributions. To complete the model, we define the prior term with a Gibbs model.
GB/T 7714
汤峰峰. 高分辨率遥感图像的结构变化检测[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2007.
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