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关键词现场总线 基金会现场总线 用户层接口 现场总线报文规范层 系统管理 网络管理 COM/DCOM OPC OPC接口模型 客户机/服务器 Fieldbus Foundation Fieldbus User Layet Interface Filedbus Message Specification System Management Network Management COM/DCOM O
中文摘要现场总线是一种新技术、新标准。现场总线的出现,为自动化领域带来了 一场革命。它带来了全分布式的系统结构、全数字的通信网络、智能的现场设 备和全分布式的控制。基金会现场总线FF是当今具有代表性的现场总线之一, 已经成为国际标准。为了促进民族工业的发展,国家设立了九五攻关项目—— 基于FF协议的现场总线控制系统。 FF的宗旨是制定统一的国际现场总线标准,建立工业控制界的分布式开放 系统。与之相适应,为了满足工业控制数据交换的要求,现场总线与系统应用 之间的接口也在追求一种标准化,OPC就是这样一种适用于Windows应用程序 之间、现场设备和应用系统之间数据交换的标准化接口协议。基于OLE/COM 规范,OPC Server封装了数据访问的具体过程,为多个客户程序提供了进行数 据访问的标准平台。因此, OPC规范的出现,使得现场总线系统从现场级到 应用程序级都实现了真正意义上的分布式开放。 全文的主要内容有: 1.介绍现场总线技术的产生背景,从多个角度阐述了现场总线的实质含义,指 出它对工业控制界的革命性影响,分析了现场总线带来的巨大机遇和挑战。 2.结合实际开发工作中对基金会现场总线协议的理解,简要介绍了FF的通信 模型以及FF协议的物理层、数据链路层、应用层、用户层的结构和功能。 3.分析了工业自动化应用系统转向PC与windows的趋势,分析了现场总线与 Windows应用程序的接口模型,指出基于OPc的接口模型是适用的现场总 线接口模型。最后介绍了OPC的概念和应用。 4.结合着国家九五项目的背景,介绍了基金会现场总线用户层接口的形式,研 究和讨论了接口实现中的几个技术难点,最后结合着基金会现场总线协议, 详细的介绍了接口的实现方法。 5.介绍了OPC的技术基础,即COM技术,并结合着“基于多现场总线及Internet 的综合自动化系统”这个项目,阐述了系统使用的OPC方案的优点,然后 分析的OPC规范的接口与对象,详细的介绍了OPC服务器的实现。 6.对全文作出总结,并展望了未来的工作。 作为此论文背景之一的九五项目已经与2000年通过了该专题的国家验收, 开发的FF主设备的通信栈成功通过了FF基金会的认证,是世界上第三个通过 FF基金会一致性认证的通信栈。“基于多现场总线及Internet的综合自动化系 统”这个项目也与去年通过中科院的鉴定,获得了很高的评价,达到了国际先进和国内领先的水平。
英文摘要Fieldbus is a type of new technology and new standard. The coming of the filedbus will foster a revolution in the area of automation. Fieldbus has brought us full-open architecture, full-digital communication network, intelligent field instrument and full-distributed control solution. Foundation Fieldbus is a representative filedbus and has become a kind of international standard. In order to promote the development of the national industry, the project — Foundation Fieldbus Protocol Based Fieldbus Control System — was set up as the 9th 5-Year-Plan National Key Development Project. As a distributed open system in manufacturing and process control environment, FF (Foundation Fieldbus) aims to provide an international standard in this field. In order to satisfy the requirement of data transfer in industrial control, the interface between fieldbus and the program also need to pursue a standard. OPC technology is introduced to satisfy the requirement of efficient data transfer. It develops an open and interoperable interface standard between applications and fieldbus. Based on OLE/COM specification, OPC Server encapsulates the details of data transfer and provides a standard platform for clients to collect data from devices. Furthermore, based on DCOM, it becomes network available so that it is accessible by clients on remote computers. The main content of this dissertation is as follows: 1. Introduce "Fieldbus" and analyze its revolutionary significance to the field of industrial control. Point out that this new technology can bring good opportunity and pose great challenge. 2. Based on my understanding of Foundation Fieldbus Protocol in actual develop work, introduce the communication model of Foundation Fieldbus and the architecture and function of Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Application Layer and User Layer of Foundation Fieldbus Protocol. 3. The tendency of PC, Windows creeping into industrial automation system is analyzed and the interface models between fieldbus system and Windows based application is presented by which a conclusion is gotten that OPC model is a kind of standard interface model which fit fieldbus control system. 4. Based on the 9th 5-Year-Plan Key Plan Project, User Layer interface of FF is introduced and several difficulties in designing the interface is discussed. At last, the way of implement the interface is introduced in detail combined with Foundation Fieldbus Protocol. 5. The technology base of OPC, which is COM and DCOM, is introduced. Related to the project of Multi-Fieldbus Platform, we discuss the merit of OPC in the project and analyze the interfaces and objects of OPC specification. Then the way of implement the OPC server for Foundation Fieldbus is introduced in detail. 6. A summary of the dissertation is made and future work is discussed. The 9th 5-Year-Plan National Key Development Project, which is par
GB/T 7714
董景彦. 基金会现场总线用户层接口与OPC服务器的研究和开发[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2001.
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