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导师王春恒 ; 肖柏华
关键词人脸识别 非特定环境 度量学习 深度神经网络 独立子空间分析 隐最小二乘回归 多视角人脸识别 face recognition unconstrained environments metric learning deep neural network independent subspace analysis network latent least squares regressions multi-view face recognition
其他题名Research on the Unconstrained Face Recognition and Its Applications
中文摘要人脸识别在安防、军事、金融等众多领域有着广阔的应用前景,受到了研究者们的广泛关注,已经成为计算机视觉和模式识别领域的热点研究课题。目前,在特定或可控的环境下,人脸识别已经达到了比较满意的效果,基本上可以达到实用的需求;然而在真实的自然环境中,由于光照、表情、姿态、成像条件等一系列非可控因素的影响,人脸识别的性能会急剧下降,难以满足实际应用的要求,从而限制了其在实际场合中的应用与推广。本文对非特定环境下的人脸识别问题进行了深入的研究与分析,针对其中的关键问题和难点,提出了相应的解决方法。主要的工作和贡献有: (1) 针对非特定环境中的人脸认证问题,从设计一个好的分类器或选择一个合适的距离度量的角度,提出了两种距离度量的学习算法。人脸认证,简单来说,就是判断两幅人脸图像是否属于同一个人。这个问题的一个关键难点是如何有效的计算两幅人脸图像之间的相似度。度量学习是解决相似度计算的一个最直接的方式。我们提出的第一种方法是基于卡方距离的度量学习算法。该方法结合了在人脸识别等计算机视觉问题中经常用到的(如SIFT,LBP等)统计直方图特征的优点,以及人脸认证问题的目标,提出学习一个线性变换,使得该线性变换能够在一定程度上克服人脸由于光照、姿态、表情等因素带来的人脸表观变化;并通过该线性变换将人脸图像变换到一个共同的子空间中,使得在该子空间中,在卡方距离度量下属于同一个人的图像之间的距离尽可能小,而属于不同人的图像之间的距离尽可能大。第二种是基于环境耦合的度量学习方法。该方法首先针对自然环境中人脸图像会受到多种环境因素的共同影响的问题,从数据驱动的角度,提出了基于结构化相似度的谱聚类算法,来隐式地估计人脸图像所处的拍摄环境;然后针对单一的变换矩阵不足以描述人脸图像由于多种环境因素带来的变化问题,提出了在度量学习的约束下,对不同环境中的人脸图像学习不同的变换矩阵,从而将人脸图像映射到一个耦合空间中,然后在耦合空间中完成人脸认证的任务。本文将提出的算法在国际通用的LFW数据库上进行实验,并与传统的度量学习算法进行了比较,实验结果充分验证了我们方法的有效性。 (2) 针对非特定环境中的人脸认证问题,从学习特征表示的角度,提出了基于深度独立子空间分析网络的人脸特征提取方法。传统的特征提取方法大都是研究者们在结合问题的特性以及研究中积累的经验的基础上而设计的,需要较多的人工参与。深度神经网络可以自动地从图像中学习其特征表示,并且近几年来在计算机视觉相关的问题中,取得了非常不错的效果。我们结合人脸这一特定的图像结构,以独立子空间分析网络作为基本的局部网络,设计了一个分块、多层的深度神经网络。对于网络连接参数的设置,我们采用预训练的方式来获得网络的初始连接权重,然后针对人脸认证问题,结合度量学习的约束条件,设计了相应的目标优化函数,来微调网络的连接权重。在实验中,我们从原始像素空间和底层特征空间学习图像的特征表示,实验结果表明我们的方法能够较好的克服在非特定环境中人脸图像由于多种环境因素...
英文摘要Face recognition has received a great deal of attentions from the scientific and industrial communities, due to its wide range of applications including military affairs, security, finance, etc. And it has become a hot topic in computer vision and pattern recognition. With thousands of published papers, face recognition under well controlled environment is relatively mature, provides high recognition rates, and meets the needs of practical applications. However, when images are collected under uncontrolled environment, such as uncontrolled lighting, pose and expression variations, the performance of most existing face recognition algorithms is far behind satisfactory and hence limits its application and performance in real world. In this thesis, we study on the issues of unconstrained face recognition. We focus on the main difficulties in face recognition research and attempts to provide practical solutions. The main contributions of this thesis include following issues: (1) From the view of choosing a proper classifier or similarity measure, we propose two metric learning based methods for the unconstrained face verification problem. The first is the Chi-Square Metric Learning. Our motivation is that the state-of-art features used in many modern computer vision algorithms are histogram based features, such as SIFT, LBP, etc. And chi-square distance is an effective measure for comparing histogram features. So the general idea of our method is to learn a transformation matrix from the training data, so that the chi-square distance measure performs well in the transformed subspace. The second method is environment coupled metric learning. Firstly, we propose a data-driven approach to estimate the captured environment of each image. We use the Structural Similarity index to measure the pixelwise similarity of two face images, and then a spectral clustering method is applied to cluster the training images into different environments. Secondly, for comparing images captured in two different environments, we find two coupled transformation matrices, such that in a media subspace, the similarity between faces of the same person is near one, while the similarity of different persons is near zero. Experimental results on the public available dataset(LFW) show the effectiveness of the proposed methods. (2) From the view of learning a robust descriptor, we propose a block-wised Deep Independent Subspace Analysis Network for feature extraction. Recently, t...
GB/T 7714
蔡新元. 非特定环境中人脸识别方法与应用研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2013.
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