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关键词目标检测 随机森林 人体部件检测 目标实例检测 点对分类 object detection random forest human body parts detection object instance detection pairwise classification
其他题名Research on Several Key Technologies
中文摘要目标检测是计算机视觉中的核心任务之一。目标检测是指提取图片的颜色、纹理、形状、边缘、梯度等底层视觉特征,建立目标表示模型,然后采用机器学习和模式分类的方 法实现图像中目标的检测。目标检测研究图像中目标的检测定位。这是对图像做出进一步理解的基本前提。同时,目标检测也是其它计算机高层语义理解任务的基础之一,比如基 于检测的跟踪。除此之外,目标检测与其他学科也有着紧密的联系,如在多媒体领域的基于内容的图像检索,又如对智能视频监控、信息安全领域都有着重要的应用价值。 关于目标检测的研究,一般涉及三个方面:合适的特征描述,恰当的目标模型,有效 的检测算法。本文针对图像中的目标检测进行了比较深入的研究和探讨。本论文的主要工 作和贡献体现在以下几个方面: 01 提出了提升森林方法,结合HOG特征来进行人体检测,以及结合LBP特征检测摩托 车。该方法将随机决策树作为弱分类器,嵌入到Adaboost的框架中。以此方式,随机树动态的组合成一个强分类器:提升森林。提升的过程避免了典型的随机森林算 法中选择的盲目性和随意性,同时也评估和选择潜在的特征。此外,随机树的节点分裂后,其子节点的训练样本减少,而特征维度未减。这就给子节点(尤其是靠近 叶节点的分裂节点)的学习带来难度。于是,我们提出了基于核的随机森林的学习方法,解决了较少样本的分类问题,并将融合到提升森林的目标检测框架里。我们 在公开数据库PASCAL VOC 2008 数据库上的实验结果验证了该方法的有效性和准 确性。 02 提出了基于层级的模板匹配方法。具体而言,我们提出了三级的模板匹配方法。首 先采用改进的主方向模板(dominant orientation template, DOT)对尺度和旋转匹配以进行粗过滤。其次基于金字塔局部三元模式(pyramid local ternary pattern, LTP)利用纹理特征以进一步过滤。最后训练了一个分类器对表观特征分类以做最后辨别。该层级模板匹配方法同传统的模板匹配方法相比能提供较低的虚警率, 同SIFT 相比能较大减少匹配时间而表现性能相当:而同DOT相比,以运算时间略微增加的代价获得了虚警率较大降低。我们的实验表明了提出的该方法在YouTube 视频上若干实例检测任务上的有效性。 03 为了处理多目标的实例检测,本文提出了层次化的框架和点对的分类方法。首先, 在模板图片对齐之后,标志性的模板被选出来替换原始模板,并用于主方向特征寻找匹配响应。然后,通过一个点对的二元分类器来过滤这些响应。点对分类器的目 的是判断匹配响应和模板是否属于同一个实例,这就将多实例检测问题转化成一个二元分类问题,解决了多类目标检测问题中正样本十分有限的情况。实验表明我们 的方法比传统的多目标分类器组合和DOT方法有更低的虚警率。 04 设计和实现了两个目标检测的应用原型系统。一个是实时的多实例检测系统,另一个是深度图像上的人体部件检测系统。多实例检测系统,通过模板匹配和点对分类的二级结构框架,实现了实时的多类目标实例检测。深度图像的检测系统,利用以 头肩检测为基础的部件组合模型,利用协方差矩阵特征以多实例算法训练模型减小人工标注...
英文摘要Object detection is one of central themes in computer vision, which describes an image in terms of the meaningful objects that comprise it, such as vehicle, humans etc. It is the basic premise for computers to further process the images and to interprete the real world. Meanwhile, object detection is the basis of other computer vision tasks, tracking by detection, for example. Besides, object detection also plays an important role in related disciplines, for instance content based image retrieval, video surveillance, information security, and so on. Generally speaking, research on object detection usually involves three issues, suitable feature expressions, effective object models, and efficacious algorithms. In this thesis, an intensive study of object detection in images are made. The main contributions of this work are as follows: 01 Propose a method of boosted forest with HOG features for human detection, and with LBP features for motorbike detection. The proposed detection method associates the random decision trees as weak learners within the framework of Adaboost. Accordingly, these random trees are dynamically combined into a strong classifier, i.e., a boosted forest. The boosting process avoids the blindness and casualness of the tree selection in typical random forest algorithm. Besides, potent features are estimated and chosen in the process. Also, the drawback of random forest is pointed out in this work. Specifically, training examples are sampled by different trees. However, the dimension is not reduced. Meanwhile, fewer samples with same dimension make classification more difficult. Thus, a kernel forest method is intro- duced, to solve the classification problem with fewer samples, especially in the bottom nodes of trees in forest. Experiments on PASCAL VOC 2008 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. 02 Present a cascade template matching framework for object instance detec- tion. Specially, we propose a 3-stage heterogeneous cascade template match- ing method. The first stage employs dominate orientation template (DOT) for scale and rotation invariant filtering. The second stage is based on lo- cal ternary patterns (LTP) to further filter with texture information. The third stage trained a classifier on appearance feature (PCA) to finally reduce false-alarms. The cascade template matching (CTM) can provide very low false-alarm-rate compa...
GB/T 7714
谢程利. 目标检测若干关键技术研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院大学. 2012.
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