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导师张晓鹏 ; 胡包钢
关键词点云 分割 形状分析 树木重建 point cloud segmentation shape analysis plant modeling
其他题名Faithful plant reconstruction based on point cloud
中文摘要对现实世界中的植物模型进行真实准确的重建一直是计算机图形学的一个重要目标。植物模型的准确真实的重建在数字娱乐、农业林业、古树名木保护和数字规划等方面都有重要的应用。近年来,人们在植物重建领域进行了深入的研究,提出了各种方法,也取得了一定的成就。但是由于树木具有复杂而又特殊的拓扑结构,树枝与树叶之间存在大量的相互遮挡,所以至今仍然没有一种方法能够完美的实现树木模型的准确重建,实现树木模型的准确重建至今仍然是一个挑战。 本文以激光扫描点云模型作为研究对象,在树木点云模型的重建以及自动分割方面进行了研究。本文的主要的工作和贡献包括以下四个方面: 1.提出了一种基于主曲率分析的点云分割算法。点云分割作为点云数据预处理的重要步骤,可用于树木重建,以及树木点云的配准和测量。本文借助图像分割算法的启示,定义了表示点云分布情况的“轴向分布密度”,利用点云局部几何特征的分布规律区分树木的器官分布。算法分两步进行分割:分离树枝与树叶点云,分离各个枝干之间的连接关系。本技术的创新性在于利用轴向分布密度值表示点云呈圆柱分布的可能性大小,并以此为标准进行点云分割,实验证明此方法与已有算法相比,无需手工交互且误分割较少。 2.提出了一种基于分割和树枝生长的树木点云模型重建技术,在树木点云分割后树枝与树叶进行分离的基础上,将各个树枝的点云沿树枝轴向进行进一步分组,利用分组中心计算主枝骨架点,之后在主枝上生长细枝,通过控制主枝生长细枝的位置、细枝与主枝的分叉角度、细枝的长度来控制树冠的形状。与已有算法相比,该算法能够在保持树冠外形的同时使树冠内细枝具有与主枝相同的形态特征。 3.提出了基于形状分析的树木点云模型重建算法,该方法以单侧扫描的激光点云数据作为输入数据,首先通过曲面拟合获得各个点的局部几何量,通过一套圆柱区域搜索算法对点云的局部几何特征和位置关系进行综合分析,自动在点云模型中寻找到所有可见的枝干并且提取骨架点作为枝干特征点。之后提取树冠特征点,通过粒子流技术将表示树冠形态的树冠特征点和表示树枝形态的枝干特征点结构化完成模型的重建。本技术的创新性在于对点云的局部几何特征和位置关系进行综合分析以实现自动搜索树枝骨架点,与现有算法相比,该算法能够处理更加复杂的树木点云,获取的重建模型与原始点云具有更高的吻合度,同时需要更少的手工交互。 4.提出了一套针对树林点云数据的重建方法,该方法在细枝搜索过程中利用点云的空间位置关系代替点云的局部几何量,克服了局部几何量不准确对骨架点提取的影响。并且针对各棵树之间难于区分的特点,利用空间截平面从骨架点中自动获取备选吸引点。该算法能够对大片树林的单侧扫描点云数据进行一次性重建,改变了目前没有大规模树林自动重建算法的现状。
英文摘要Accurately modeling of virtual plants is well cared in computer graphics. Plant modeling has an important significance in digital entertainment, eagroforestry, protection of Ancient and rare trees and digitized planning. In recent years, people have conducted in-depth researches in the field of plant modeling and gained certain achievement. Many reconstruction methods have been proposed. Until now, there is no efficient method that can solve this problem, since complex shapes and heavy occlusions are included, so that Faithful 3D reconstruction of living trees is still a challenge. We use point cloud of trees as input, and carry on research in modeling of virtual plants and segmentation of point cloud of trees. The main contributions of this thesis include following four issues: 1.We propose a method for the segmentation of point cloud based on the distribution of principal directions. Points from leaves and points from branches are separated based on a new metrics on the convergence of local directions. A region growing method is used to classify points from different branches, and region merge is adopted to avoid over-segmentation. Our metho needs no interaction during the process and brings less error segmentation. 2.We present a range image segmentation and twigs growth based approach to construct a 3D model of a real tree form a single range image. Point cloud are separated first. Then points from the same branch are further segmeneted along the axis direction of the branch. Main skeleton node is computed from each points group. The shape patterns of visible branches are used to predict those of obscured branches. The small branches generated in our method keep the biological features of main skeleton and perform the shape of crown. 3.We propose a new tree reconstruction technique faithful to their actual data. This method chooses single scanned point cloud as our data source and reconstructs 3d models base on shape analysis of 3D laser scan data. First principal directions and principal curvatures are estimated with quadric surface fitting. Then main skeleton nodes are extracted based on a space searching algorithm. Feature points of crown are extracted and hierarchical particle flows are constructed to organize feature points and to simulate twigs. This method is mainly automatic and easy to use, and it can be applied to model big trees with complex shapes and heavy occlusions. 4.We present an approach to reconstruct point cloud of a forest. Th...
GB/T 7714
代明睿. 基于点云模型的真实树木重建[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2010.
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