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关键词医学影像 算法平台 图像配准 特征提取 特征匹配 视网膜图像 脑部磁共振图像 Medical Imaging Algorithm Toolkit Image Registration Feature Extraction Feature Matching Retinal Image Brain MRI Image
其他题名Study of Medical Image Registration Based on Feature Region in Integrated Medical Imaging Algorithm Platform
中文摘要随着计算机科学和成像技术的进步,医学影像处理与分析正越来越多地受到人们的重视, 现在已经成为一门新兴的发展迅速的交叉科学领域,是现代医学的一个非常重要的组成部分。图像配准是医学影像处理与分析领域中的一个重要而又基本的研究内容,它通过寻找不同时间、不同角度、不同成像模式的两个或多个图像空间的一个一对一映射关系,将不同图像上的代表相同解剖结构的像素或体素在空间上对应起来。图像配准在现代医学临床诊断及治疗过程中有着非常关键的作用:对多模态图像进行配准,可以实现多模态图像融合,在同一图像上直观地表达解剖、生理及病理信息;对不同时期获得的同一器官的医学图像进行配准可以监控疾病发展过程及制定治疗计划;对不同时期,不同模态的图像进行配准则是图像引导手术及治疗中不可缺少的重要步骤。 近年来,医学图像配准技术发展非常迅速,通用的图像配准算法理论也已趋于成熟。但是医学图像来源广泛,应用背景复杂多样,对于特定的配准问题,受图像内容、质量、及需求条件的限制,通用的图像配准算法往往难以取得令人满意的效果。因此当前医学图像配准算法的研究热点正不断地深入细化,主要集中于针对具体的配准问题,探索高性能的配准算法。从具体的算法性能上进行分析,当前医学图像的配准算法主要还存在一些难点,包括: 1.医学图像配准计算量非常大:对于三维体数据以及非线性变换模型的配准问题,这个难点尤其突出,高维变换参数空间的全局最优值搜索通常会耗费几分钟乃至几十分钟。运行时间长的缺点限制了图像配准在计算机辅助诊断以及实时引导治疗上的进一步应用。 2.低质量医学图像的快速、精确配准:受成像技术的限制以及疾病恶化的影响,一些医学图像的质量比较低,自动的图像配准算法不能完全满足需要,为了实现低质量图像的精确配准通常需要借助医生的人工交互,不仅增加了配准时间同时也加重了医生的负担。 因此,快速、精确的图像配准算法是一个非常重要,需要进一步深入研究的内容。为了实现视网膜图像及脑部磁共振图像的快速,精确配准,本文在视网膜图像及脑部磁共振图像中基于特征区域的图像配准算法研究、集成化医学影像算法平台(Medical Imaging Toolkit, MITK)中配准框架的完善以及基于特征区域的图像配准子框架的设计与实现等方面做了比较细致的工作,主要内容包括: 1.提出了一种视网膜图像的显著性特征区域提取及匹配算法,以及基于显著性特征区域的视网膜图像快速配准方法。我们定义了一个融合了区域自适应标准差及梯度场熵的显著性函数来提取视网膜图像的显著性特征区域,统计区域的梯度场方向分布及相应梯度方向的像素点集的几何结构特征,构造了一个72维的尺度不变特征描述子进行显著性特征区域的匹配。根据正确匹配的特征区域,采用局部到全局的快速配准策略来减少配准的计算量并保证配准精度。我们在真实临床数据上对算法性能进行了测试,实验结果表明,我们的方法是快速而且精确的,对低质量的视网膜图像也能很好地实现快速、精确配准。 2.提出了一种脑部磁共振图像的特征区域提取及匹配算法,...
英文摘要With the development of computer science and imaging technology, medical image processing and analysis is now obtaining more and more attention. It has now become a rapidly developing new area of interdisciplinary sciences and a very important component of modern medicine. Image registration is an important and fundamental research content in the field of medical image processing and analysis. The goal of image registration is to find an one to one mapping relationship of two or more image spaces with different time, different perspectives, as well as different imaging modes, thus the correspondences of same pixels or voxels in different images can be set up. Image registration now plays a crucial role in the modern clinical diagnosis and treatment: by multi-modal image registration, multi-modal images can be fused in the same visual image to express both anatomy, physiology and pathology information; by the registration of the same organ in different periods, doctors can monitor the development of the disease and make treatment plans; besides that, the registration of images with different time and different modes is also an important and indispensable step for image-guided surgery and treatment. In recent years, the development of medical image registration is very fast,general image registration algorithms have reached maturity. However, since that medical images are derived from a wide range of source with a diversity of applications, general methods are difficult to obtain satisfactory results for specific problems restricted by the image content, quality, and specific demands. Therefore, the current medical image registration algorithms are refined to focus on the specific applications to get better performances. Still, there are some major difficulties in current medical image registration algorithms, including: 1.Medical image registration is very computationally expensive: for the registration of three-dimensional volume data and non-linear transformation model based registration, this is especially time consuming. High-dimensional transformation parameters search space for the global optimal value will usually spend a few minutes or even tens of minutes. The shortcomings of a long running time limit further applications of image registration in real-time computer-aided diagnosis and treatment. 2.Fast and accurate registration for low-quality medical images: limited by the imaging technology and disease progression, some medi...
GB/T 7714
郑健. 集成化医学影像算法平台中基于特征区域的医学图像配准算法研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2010.
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