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关键词开放的复杂巨系统 综合集成研讨厅 概念系统结构 动态概念空间 本体 学习型组织 知识管理 Open Complex Giant System Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering Metasynthesis Structural Concept System Dynamic Concep
其他题名Studies on Knowledge Reengineering Method in HWME
中文摘要综合集成法是为处理开放的复杂巨系统相关问题而提出的。它对人机结合, 以人为主,从定性到定量的思想的注重可以用智慧来源的假设来理解和解释: 人的思维能力与智慧来源于主观世界与自身,与物理世界和知识信息世界的互 动。这里知识信息世界作为人类思维能力的主要来源,它与人的主观世界、物 理世界的互动过程是呈现人类智慧的主要途径。综合集成研讨厅作为综合集成 法的工程应用技术,为智慧的涌现提供了一个人机结合的智能平台。在这样的 一个人机结合的智能系统中,分布式研讨是专家群体决策的主要形式,研讨过 程中专家群体的定性思维和定性知识是问题处理的关键因素,二者都以自然语 言表达,以类似于分布式网页的形式展现。如何把这些发言内容转变为可以利 用的知识,并在决策过程中帮助专家群体深入认识、分析问题,从而获得更高 的决策效率,是本文的主要研究内容。 本文以智慧来源的假设为基础,对综合集成研讨厅中专家分析、决策知识 的共享、重用和重建进行了探索,例如:以构造概念系统结构为目标,提出了 基于动态概念空间的专家定性知识的获取方法;提出了基于本体的专业型决策 群体内部知识表达、共享和重建方法;探索了知识管理思想在综合集成研讨厅 知识体系中的应用等。具体来说,本文的主要工作包括下面几个部分: 1.基于智慧来源和三个世界的假设,以提高综合集成研讨厅中复杂问题求解 效率为目标,详细分析了综合集成研讨厅中三个世界的互动所带来的智慧涌现 过程和其中迫切需要解决的问题:专家和群体定性知识的共享、重建和重用。 然后根据这一问题,给出了综合集成研讨厅的理论基础和系统框架,并对综合 集成研讨厅作为知识的生产和服务体系的特性进行了深入分析。 2.在从定性到定量的综合集成法的指导下,分析了专家个体在复杂系统问题 求解中的认知特点,提出了开放的复杂巨系统的问题处理框架;以构造“概念 系统结构”为目标,定义了动态概念空间作为开放的复杂巨系统问题的表达基 础,同时给出了问题求解拉动下动态概念空间的获取方法;给出了概念集元素 之间的关系分析方法和概念系统结构网络的建立过程;根据专家思维的特点分 析了专家对概念系统结构网络进行决策获得问题求解方案的步骤。 3.面向综合集成研讨厅中的在线组织研讨过程,分析了知识共享在提高决策 效率,建立共同愿景,避免沟通歧义方面的重要作用;从多种角度分析了决策 过程中多种知识来源的整合方式;
英文摘要The decision-making on problems related to Open Complex Giant Systems (OCGS) is among the most concerned problems in IT, Management Science, System Engineering and AI, etc. Generally, such complex systems are not only involved with several domains, but also have complex interaction with human, for example ecological, social and economic systems etc. Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering (HWME), intelligent decision-making support systems in information era, offers professional platform based on internet for decision on such problems. As a system of knowledge producing and servicing for Learning Organization, HWME cry for professional analytic and decision-making knowledge reusing and reengineering. Based on Hypothesis of "Three World" and its interaction, this paper proposed expertise problem solving method based on cognition and Structural Concept System (SCS) for problem solving related to OCGS. Additionally, a formal knowledge representation based on ontology and knowledge reusing and reengineering based on it are put forward based on analysis on online organizational discussion in HWME. At last, knowledge management in HWME is explored. Firstly, present research related to Complexity science and difficulties of problem solving related to Open Complex Giant Systems (OCGS) are analyzed. Based on the analysis, motivation and theory for Metasynthesis are studied and the hypothesis of "Three World" and its interaction is given. Then the cognitive feature of experts in problems solving related to OCGS is studied and the framework of solving such kind of problems is forwarded based on Metasynthesis. To express the problems solving and SCS related to OCGS explicitly, we define Dynamic Concept Space (DCS) and discuss the achievement of DCS driven by problem-solving, the analysis of the relations between elements in the concept set and the process of building the network of SCS. The process that the experts make decision on the network of SCS and acquire the scheme of problem solving finally is studied thoroughly. Secondly, we analyses the online organizational discussion in HWME in-depth, in which experts as a learning organization discuss in some organized manner exchange their ideas and thoughts without mental barrier, influence each other and revise own ideas to come to an agreement on solving complicated problems with the aid of internet and IT. In the discussion process, the knowledge structure of the organization is shared, emerging and evolving with the knowledge systems in computers and experts' knowledge structure, which is emerging in his debate, his focus and the web resources he visited, can be reused, exchanged, influenced and revised in the organization. For the sake of interaction, share, reuse, evolvement and acquisition of the organizational knowledge system, the organization and integration of the multiple knowledge resources is studied and the concept tha
GB/T 7714
高红霞. 综合集成研讨厅中知识重建方法研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2003.
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