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导师谭铁牛 ; 王蕴红
关键词虹膜识别 生物特征识别 身份鉴别 Iris recognition Biometrics Personal identification
其他题名Personal Identification Based on Iris Recognition
中文摘要随着人们对社会安全要求的增加,基于生物特征识别的智能身份鉴别方法 逐渐受到广泛的关注。由于虹膜识别具有高可靠性和非侵犯性,它正成为生物 特征识别领域中的一个研究热点。作为一个应用性很强的研究课题,虹膜识别 正在从实验室走向社会应用,但是虹膜识别的研究还远远没有达到完善的程度。 本文的工作以建立基于虹膜识别的身份鉴别原型系统为目标,并以此为中心对 虹膜图像采集、活体虹膜检测等问题进行初步的探讨,重点研究核心的虹膜特 征提取与匹配方法。论文的主要工作和贡献如下: 1.设计了虹膜图像采集装置,并利用该装置建立了CASIA虹膜图像数据 库。为了推动虹膜识别的发展,我们将该数据库无偿地共享给了国内外 的科研工作者。到目前为止,有来自20多所国外研究机构,50多所国 内科研院校的研究者使用该数据库从事虹膜识别的研究。它是当前国际 上最大的共享虹膜数据库,正逐渐成为虹膜识别研究领域的公共平台。 2.建立了虹膜识别实验平台。该平台包括自行设计的虹膜图像采集装置和 相关的虹膜图像处理方法。在该平台上,可以方便地进行各种虹膜识别 算法的研究。我们提出了基于虹膜局部区域傅立叶频谱分析的图像质量 评价与选择算法和虹膜图像预处理方法,并通过实验证明了这些方法的 准确性和有效性。 3.实用的虹膜识别系统应当具有防伪的能力,也就是能够准确判断输入的 虹膜图像是否来自有生命的个体。基于眼睛特有的生理和光学特性,本 文分别定义了描述瞳孔随时间变化的动态描述子和检测人工伪造方法 的频率描述子,实现了一种有效的活体虹膜检测方法。 4.详细讨论了核心的虹膜识别方法,总结了虹膜特征分布的特点和有效虹 膜特征的类别。通过实验,我们发现:1)虹膜的纹理特征在沿角度的 方向具有高的信息密度和很强的区分性;2)反映虹膜局部空间变化的 特征在识别中扮演了重要的作用。这些结论有助于进一步的研究工作。 5.对国际上主要的虹膜识别方法进行了定量的性能评价和比较,同时也对 其他方法进行了定性的分析。在实验结果的基础上,提供了一些有意义 的结论。 本文提出的基于局部变化分析的识别方法具有非常高的性能。根掘该方法 和上述的工作,建立了基于虹膜识别的身份鉴别原型系统。
英文摘要With the increasing requirements for security, biometrics based personal identification methods have received extensive attention. Recently, iris recognition is becoming an active topic in biometrics due to its high reliability for personal identification. A great deal of progress in iris recognition has been achieved in the past decade, but many efforts remain to be taken to further improve the performance of iris recognition systems. Aiming to develop an iris recognition prototype system, we investigate some of the key issues related to iris recognition in this thesis, including iris imaging, iris liveness detection and iris feature extraction and matching. The main contributions of our work reported in this thesis are as follows: 1. An iris sensor is designed and CASIA iris image database is constructed. We have released this database to the public domain in order to promote research on iris recognition. 2. An experiment platform is built where one can develop and test new algorithms for iris recognition. This platform includes the designed iris sensor and some basic iris image processing methods. We also propose an effective image quality assessment algorithm based on Fourier spectrum analysis as well as a new image preprocessing algorithm. Experimental results have shown the effectiveness and accuracy of these algorithms. 3. A real iris recognition system should be able to determine whether the input images are from a live subject instead of an iris photograph, a video playback, a glass eye or other artifacts. In this thesis, an effective method is implemented to detect live irises by analyzing embodiments of optical and physiological characteristics of the live eye in an image sequence. 4. Several novel algorithms are proposed for iris feature extraction and matching. By our experiments, two important findings can be summarized: 1) the iris characteristics along the angular direction have higher information density and discriminability. 2) features reflecting local sharp variations of the iris play an important role in recognition. The resulting conclusions will be helpful for further research. 5. Extensive performance comparison of existing schemes for iris recognition is conducted on CASIA iris image database. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comparative study on iris recognition. The proposed iris recognition method based on local variation analysis has a high performance. Based on this algorithm and work introduced above, we have built an iris recognition prototype system.
GB/T 7714
马力. 基于虹膜识别的身份鉴别方法研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院研究生院. 2003.
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