CORC  > 自动化研究所  > 中国科学院自动化研究所  > 毕业生  > 博士学位论文
关键词交流调速 矢量控制 可靠性 SPWM 专用集成电路 AC speed controlling Vector controlling Reliability SPWM Specially used integrated circuit
其他题名Advanced AC Inverter And Analysis of It's Reliability
中文摘要论文以作者主持的河北省科学技术委员会指令性计划课题《高可靠性交流调速装 置》为基础。 论文阐述了国内外交流调速技术现状及发展态势,对所设计的交流调速装置就其 整体结构及各环节具体设计方案作了详细分析。同时将可靠性设计引入整个系统设计 过程,在给定系统整体设计指标后,将可靠性指标分配至各环节,并对各环节可靠性 做了定量分析,由此找出薄弱环节加以改进,以提高全系统的可靠性。 系统研制过程中,尽量采用新技术及新型器件。在国内首次自行设计开发了专用 正弦脉冲宽度调制(SPWM)集成器件。该器件与单片机及高速AD器件配合构成三片 系统形成专用电流内环集成系统。该系统具有通用性,性能可靠,使用方便。 速度环中采用了模糊控制理论及变结构控制方法,方案先进、结构简单、鲁棒性 妤,达到较好的控制效果。 自行设计了结构简单、性能可靠的光电隔离驱动电路。主回路采用了具有当前先 进水平的智能功率模块(Intelligent Power Modules)。使全系统实现了模块化结构。 系统的制造、安装、调试及维护工作被大大简化。 装置完成后,对其性能进行了测试,证明符合计划任务书的要求。 论文主要工作如下: 1.在国内首次自行研制了用于矢量控制系统电流内环的具有数据采集、矢量运 算、SPWM波发生及故障保护功能的专用集成系统。 2.将模糊控制、自适应变结构技术应用于实际装置,达到很好的控制效果。装 置在响应速度较高的同时具有较小的过调,且有极好的鲁棒性。 3.基于实用化原则,以先进器件为基础,设计制造了高可靠性矢量控制交流调 速装置。 4.对装置进行了详尽的可靠性分析及可靠性设计。在硬件、软件等方面采用了 多种提高可靠性的措施。设计的系统具有对过压、过流、过热、欠压等各种 故障的保护功能。
英文摘要The thesis is based on the project responded by writer. The project is come from schedule of The Committee of Science and Technology of Hebei Province. In the thesis, current situation of AC motor speed controlling technology of our country and the world has been discussed. The designed AC inverter system has also been discussed in details about the whole construction and each section. Meanwhile reliability design method was introduced to whole the system. After the reliability index of each section had been distributed, analysis of every section in quantity was made. Thus the weakest part was located and improved; the reliability of whole system was also improved. In progress of system researching and manufacturing, new types of technology and parts were used as far as possible. In the inner current loop, specially designed SPWM integrated circuit has been developed the first time in our country. This circuit combined with single chip macro-processor and high speed AD part constructs a specially used current loop system. The system has the characteristics of being commonly used, being reliable and convenient. The fuzzy controlling theory and vary construction controlling method has been used in speed loop. The method above is advanced, robust and simple in construction. Better controlling results have been gotten. Photoelectricity isolated driving circuit has been designed by our selves which has the characteristics of simple construction and being reliable. Advanced Intelligent-Power- Modules(IPM) has been used in main power circuit. All the system has constructed as modules and greatly simplifies the problem of manufacturing, installing, testing and maintaining. After the device was made, the performance of the device had been made and the results expressed that the requests of schedule has been satisfied. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1. Specially used integrated circuit which has the functions of data collecting, vector operating, SPWM wave producing and trouble protecting has been researched and manufactured first time in our country. 2. Combining fuzzy control and self-adopted vary construction technologies and using it into actual device. Good controlling effect has been received. The device has high responding speed, low overshot and good robustness. 3. Based on the fundamental of practice, advanced technology and parts has been used as far as possible and vector controlled AC inverter with high reliability has been designed and manufactured. 4. The reliability analysis about the device has been made in details. A variety of steps for increasing reliability have been used in hardwires and software. The designed device has the protecting functions to overvolt, overcurrent, overheat and short of volt.
GB/T 7714
贾辉然. 先进交流调速装置及其可靠性分析[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 1999.
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