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关键词宽带语音编码 小波变换 线性预测(LP) 码激励线性预测(CELP) 声音活动检测(VAD) 清浊(U/V)判别 码本 wideband speech coding wavelets transform code excited linear prediction (CELP) linear prediction (LP) voice activity detecting
中文摘要现代通讯及多媒体通讯的迅速发展,对信息压缩提出了更高的要求。在语 音压缩领域,现有的语音压缩标准已不再满足某些应用的要求;努力研究新的 算法和方法、尽快推出新的语音压缩标准已成为日益紧迫的任务。在这种形式 下,本文针对两种宽带语音压缩的实际应用(一是用于语音信箱的宽带语音, 另一是用于多媒体通讯系统的宽带语音),借鉴了目前国际上流行的典型算法, 提出了两种不同的编码方案,努力达到或低于国际语音压缩新标准所要求的码 率,并取得了较好的结果;另外,本文也利用目前信号处理领域流行的新的数 学工具-小波变换理论及技术对语音信号的一些参数进行提取,得到有意义的 结果。具体工作如下: 一、重点的研究了目前语音压缩的流行算法——码激励线性预测(CELP)算 法。尤其对该算法的核心技术(如:线性预测(LP)、码本的生成、码本 搜索及感知加权等)做了详细、深入、具体的研究,完成了整个算法的软 件实现,并将其推广应用于宽带语音压缩。 二、针对实际应用的信息查询系统,提出了一种基于分带的可变码率的多模式 编码算法,使平均传输码率在7kb/s以下。考虑到编码-存储-回放系统的特 点,该算法的独特之处有: ·通过比较相邻帧的能量与短时频谱参数,设计了一个有效区分有声帧与无 声帧的声音活动检测器(VAD)。 ·利用短时能量和短时跨零数有效的区分了语音的清、浊音段(U/V)。 · 根据VAD和U/V判别技术、以及不同频带、不同类别语音帧的特点,设计 了一个可变码率的多模式的CELP宽带语音算法,使传输码率大大下降。 ·对高、低两个不同的频段,引进了不同的感知加权滤波器,达到人耳感知 上更好的效果。 三、为国家八六三项目“多媒体通讯系统”设计了一个适合编码-传输-解码系 统的宽带语音压缩方案。在该方案中除了在低子带改进了CELP方案外, 在高子带分别采用了两种算法: ·2-bit的ADPCM算法; 设计了一个新颖的具有10阶自适应预测的ADM编码器。取得了较好的信 噪比。 这两种算法使总的传输码率分别为20.6kb/s和1 3.6kb/s。 四、利用小波变换做了如下工作: ·在上述两个宽带语音编码器中,利用小波变换作为滤波器,将宽带语音信 号分解为高、低两个子带。 · 利用小波变换进行了语音基音周期提取的实验,达到较好的效果。 · 利用小波变换进行了语音信号LPC参数的提取,并与传统的线性预测分析 比较,得到了一些有意义的结
英文摘要With developing rapidly in modem communication and multi-media communication, a higher demand for information compression is put forward. In speech compression field, the current standards of speech coding no longer meet the demands of some applications. It becomes a more and more urgent task to try to find new methods and algorithms of speech coding and to publish new standards of speech coding. For two applications of wide-band speech coding (one is used a information inquiring system, and another is used a multi-media communication system), this paper presents two different wide-band speech coding schemes by using current popular algorithms of speech coding to try to attain the rate at or below which the new standards will request. This paper also uses the theory and techniques of Wavelets Transform to detect some parameters of speech signal, and gets good results. All work is as follows: 1. In this paper, the study emphasis on the algorithm Code Excited Linear Prediction (CELP), especially on the kernel techniques such as Linear Prediction Analysis, Construction of Code-Book, Code-Book Search and Perceptual Weighting. Author completes the software implement of CELP algorithm, and expands it to wide-band speech coding. 2. For the application of information inquiring system, the paper presents a Multimode and Variable-Rate Coding Algorithm Based on Splitting Band. The average rate attains below 7kb/s. Considering the special features of the code- store-playback system, the main features of the algorithm are: · By comparing the energy and short-term spectrum parameters of two neighboring frames, author designs a Voice Activity Detector (VAD) to detect efficiently the voice and the silence frames. · The unvoiced and the voiced (U/V) frames are detected efficiently by using the short-term energy and short-term zero-crossings. · According to the techniques of VAD and U/V Detecting and the special features of the speech signal of different spectrum bands and different frames. author designs a Multimode and Variable-Rate CELP Coding Algorithm. The algorithm makes the rate reduced deeply. · For the high and low bands, the coding scheme uses different perceptual weighting filter to attain the better results of perception of human ear. · For the National "863" Project --- "multi-media communication system" , this paper presents a wideband speech coding scheme which is suitable for the coding-transmission-decoding system~ In this coding scheme, author adopts the improved CELP algorithm for the low band, and adopts respectively two algorithms for the high band as follows: ~ 2-bit ADPCM algorithm ~ a ADM coder which have a 10-tap adaptive predictor. It attains a good S/N rate. Finally, the coding schemes attains respectively two rates --- 20.6kb/s and 3.6kb/s. · U
GB/T 7714
姚力. 基于码激励线性预测(CELP)的宽带语音编码研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 1998.
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