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Fully gapped topological surface states in Bi2Se3 films induced by a d-wave high-temperature superconductor
Wang, EY ; Ding, H ; Fedorov, AV ; Yao, W ; Li, Z ; Lv, YF ; Zhao, K ; Zhang, LG ; Xu, ZJ ; Schneeloch, J ; Zhong, RD ; Ji, SH ; Wang, LL ; He, K ; Ma, XC ; Gu, GD ; Yao, H ; Xue, QK ; Chen, X ; Zhou, SY
通讯作者Chen, X (reprint author), Tsinghua Univ, State Key Lab Low Dimens Quantum Phys, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China.
中文摘要Topological insulators are a newclass of material(1,2), that exhibit robust gapless surface states protected by time-reversal symmetry(3,4). The interplay of such symmetry-protected topological surface states and symmetry-broken states (for example, superconductivity) provides a platform for exploring new quantum phenomena and functionalities, such as one-dimensional chiral or helical gapless Majorana fermions(5), and Majorana zero modes(6) that may find application in fault-tolerant quantum computation(7,8). Inducing superconductivity on the topological surface states is a prerequisite for their experimental realization(1,2). Here, by growing high-quality topological insulator Bi2Se3 films on a d-wave superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta using molecular beam epitaxy, we are able to induce high-temperature superconductivity on the surface states of Bi2Se3 films with a large pairing gap up to 15meV. Interestingly, distinct from the d-wave pairing of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8-delta, the proximity-induced gap on the surface states is nearly isotropic and consistent with predominant s-wave pairing as revealed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Our work could provide a critical step towards the realization of the long sought Majorana zero modes.
资助信息National Natural Science Foundation of China [11274191, 11025419]; Ministry of Education of China [20121087903, 20121778394]; National Thousand Young Talents Program; Advanced Light Source doctoral fellowship programme; DOE [DE AC02 98CH10886]; DOE Center for Emergent Superconductivity; Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, of the US Department of Energy [DE-AC02-05CH11231]
GB/T 7714
Wang, EY,Ding, H,Fedorov, AV,et al. Fully gapped topological surface states in Bi2Se3 films induced by a d-wave high-temperature superconductor[J]. NATURE PHYSICS,2013,9(10):620.
APA Wang, EY.,Ding, H.,Fedorov, AV.,Yao, W.,Li, Z.,...&Zhou, SY.(2013).Fully gapped topological surface states in Bi2Se3 films induced by a d-wave high-temperature superconductor.NATURE PHYSICS,9(10),620.
MLA Wang, EY,et al."Fully gapped topological surface states in Bi2Se3 films induced by a d-wave high-temperature superconductor".NATURE PHYSICS 9.10(2013):620.
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