关键词生态资产 经济社会 生态环境 自然资源 中国
其他题名Dynamic Change & Environmental Effects Analysis on Chinese Eco-assets
中文摘要生态资产是以货币或实物形式计量的自然资源、生态环境为人类提供的各种服务和福利的总和,是人类经济社会发展到一定阶段,人地矛盾日益突出、人类重新认识自然环境与自身发展关系的产物。20世纪90年代以来,生态资产研究成为世界环境生态学研究关注的焦点。生态资产评估是与经济社会发展相结合的生态环境价值化的过程。本文在总结、借鉴国内外已有的生态资产研究成果的基础上,结合现实经济生活中广泛存在的自然资源、生态环境与人类经济社会发展的各种关系和形式,提出在目前生态资产静态评估的基础上,开展以生态资产消耗、损失、转移为主要研究内容的生态资产动态评估,并在对相关研究内容逐一分析说明的前提下,探索了生态资产消耗、损失、转移的评估方法和技术模型,建立了相对完善的生态资产评估及应用技术体系。并以此为基础对中国生态资产消耗、损失、转移情况分别进行了研究,揭示了中国生态资产利用现状、动态演变趋势及其经济社会动因,可为中国经济社会发展、环生态境保护、资源利用战略的制定提供大量支持数据。中国生态资产动态评估研究揭示:中国生态资产消耗总量巨大,已远远超出国内资源环境承载能力,同时生态资产损失严重,以致对国际市场的依赖性逐年增大;2005年生态赤字达到-2.77, 1985年-2005年,中国进口生态经济产品以每年超过15%的速度增长,大约是同期出口物资增长速度的3倍;目前进口物资以能源、矿物和食品性农产品为主,而出口物资主要以机械、纺织品等工业制成品为主;国内环境污染与初级产品进口、工业制成品出口的国际贸易格局密切相关;人口多、底子薄、生产技术水平低、公有制经济体制下资源环境损失的外部性、有限的自然资源和脆弱的生态环境下经济社会发展的强大压力、片面的经济社会发展理念是导致资源巨量消耗、生态环境严重破坏的主要原因。本文在结构上主要由生态资产研究理论探讨、方法研究和案例分析三部分构成。分章节具体而言:第一章分析世界及中国生态资产研究的背景,阐述了开展中国生态资产动态研究的意义和目的,并对论文结构进行了说明;第二章从生态资产研究进展着手,分析了生态资产评估研究的基础理论和科学原理,阐释了生态环境、自然资源价值产生的根源,并探讨了对生态资产价值体系、生态资产特点、目前国内外生态资产现状及存在问题。第三章在已有的生态资产评估内容、方法和技术模型的基础上,提出了开展以生态资产消耗、损失、转移为核心的生态资产动态研究内容,并系统地探索相关评估技术和计量模型;第四章以能值分析法为基础对中国生态资产的消耗情况及演变态势进行了研究;第五章对中国农田、森林、草地、水域生态系统生态资产受损现状作了评估;第六章以能值分析法和投入-产出模型为基础,对中国在国际贸易中生态资产转移情况以及生态资产转移的环境效应进行了量化分析;第七章在总结和研究中国生态资产动态变化研究成果的基础上,对中国经济社会可持续发展提出了建设性意见和建议。本文研究旨在从生态经济、环境经济等交叉学科的角度,更深入、直接的揭示区域经济社会发展与自然环境的互动演变关系,促进生态资产研究内容的完善,健全生态资产研究方法,并尽可能避免目前生态已有的静态生态资产研究成果脱离经济社会发展实际、应用范围狭小的缺陷,以提升生态资产研究成果在经济社会可持续发展中的应用价值和指导意义。
英文摘要Ecological assets (EA) are the service or welfare that natural recourse and ecological environments provide to people. It is a new research project established against the increasing contradictions between natural environment and human economic & social development then people have to relearn man-land relationship. Since 1990s', EA research has been one of the fastest growing area of interest in environmental science on earth.The evaluation on ecological assets is a process of assessing the direct and indirect correlations between resource & environment and regional economic development. On the basis of summarizing the domestic and foreign research progress on EA and integrating with practical relations between environment and economy in the real world, the dissertation put forward developing dynamic EA evaluation which including EA consuming, loss and transferring, and the assessing means and models related with dynamic EA contents are explored. The research on EA dynamic change and its environmental effects in China are carried out founded on above mentioned dynamic EA research content & methods, aim to reveal the driving forces and changing direction of that China ecological environment, then to provide supporting data for the strategy of sustainable development been constituted and implemented more effectively in China.The dynamic evaluation research on Chinese EA discovered the relations between resource & environment and economic development in China. The total amount of EA depletion & loss in China is far beyond the capacity of Resources and Environment, the ecological deficit is -2.77 in 2005. The dependence of China's economic and social development on international markets is gradually increasing year by year, and the annual compound rate growth of import EA (mainly consisted of by energy, minerals and food agricultural products in recent years) is 15 percent from 1985 to 2005, that is about 3 times of export EA (mainly consisted of by manufactured goods such as mechanical appliance, textiles) in same period. The international trade mode with primary products import & manufactured goods manufactured goods export is aggravating domestic pollution. It is the large population, poor foundation,underdeveloped productive forces,externality of resource depletion & ecological damages with the basic economic system of public ownership and unscientific development concept that got China into difficulties of sustainable development.The dissertation is composed 3 main parts, theoretical discussion, and methods study and case analysis. It is combined by followed chapters in detail. The backgrounds, meaning and purpose of carrying China EA research were analyzed in Chapter 1. The value genesis of natural resource & environment was explained from some basic theories and scientific principles in ecology & economics by elaborating domestic and foreign research results in Chapter 2, the limitations in recent researches and future research directions were pointed out on the premise of discussing the characteristics & value system of EA. New EA study subjects (including EA consumption, loss and transferring) & corresponding assessing models, and relative comprehensive research system on EA were brought forward in Chapter 3. EA consumption situation and trends in China were studied by emergy analysis method in Chapter 4. The EA loss brought by damages on agriculture ecosystem, forest ecosystem, grassland ecosystem and aquatic ecosystem in China were computed in Chapter 5.Chapter 6 drew a quantitative analysis on EA transferring on import & export by emergy analysis and the corresponding environmental effects on pollutants discharge by input-output models. Many constructive proposals were raised after making a summary on China EA dynamic research achievements in Chapter 7, which will be helpful to establish a mechanism to promote sustainable social and economic development in China.The research aims to reveal the interactions between natural environment and economic-social development deeply and directly from the view of ecological economics and environmental economics, and to accelerate the advancement of EA study. The dissertation tried to avoid the limitation of EA study such as disengage practice or limited application area, it is dedicated to exalt the guiding significance of EA studied results in advancing sustainable social and economic
GB/T 7714
范小杉. 中国生态资产动态变化与环境效应分析[D]. 成都. 中国科学院水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所. 2008.
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