关键词杂交竹 杉木 树干 毛白杨 树冠 生物量 营养元素 现存量 乔木层 地上部分
其他题名Study on Biomass and Nutrient Content Cycle of Different Forest and Grass System in Converting Farm Lands to Forest and Grass
英文摘要Fo rest and gr ass eco system plays a ver y impor tant ro le in co nver ting ag ricultura l lands to fo r est . This paper makes a
preliminar y study was made o n biomass and its distr ibutio n and neig hbor ho od inter fer ence betw een fo rest and g rassland about
thr ee different fo rest -gr assland pat terns ( ⅠCunninghamia lanceolatta w ith L olium multif lor um. Ⅱ T tip loid tomentosa w ith
L olium multif lorum. Ⅲ Bambusa p er v ar iabilis×Dendr ocal amop sis validus w it h H emarthr ia) aro und the Sichuan basin. The
result show s that: pr opo rtion o f for est and gr ass biomass o n t he gr ound > under gr ound; tr unk > twig and leaf. Patter n Ⅲ
belo ng s to artificially managem ent pr ecisely , and H emarthria yield attains to 7. 28 t/ km 2. In the o ther patt erns gr ass biomass
is ver y low , and especially in the patt ernⅡ. T he g r ass biomass is the low est . Cunninghamia lanceolatta remained content is by
the mo st in the hig h fo rest. The seco nd is Ttip loid tomentosa. The thir d is Bambusa p er v ar iabilis×Dendr ocal amop s is v alidus .
The distr ibut ion o f trunk rem ained content is higher in ever y patter n. T he r ate o f the bark r emained co nt ent is abo ve 10% in
the hig h fo r est . The r ate of T tip loid tomentosa ro ot is 23%. And the r ate of Cunninghamia L anceolatta is the low est ; T o
Bambusa p er v ar iabilis ×Denar ocal amop sis validus, the ration betw een t runk a nd crown is the big gest . This is r elat ing t o
bamboo 's g row n fea tur es. T tip loid tomentosa crow n is the big gest but t he ratio is the low est . Abo ut the r atio of br anch and
leaf, Bambusa p erv ar iabilis ×Dend rocal amop sis v alidus is the hig hest but Cunninghamia lanceolatta is the low est . T he ration
of t runk and leaf is Bambusa p er variabilis×Dend rocal amop sis v alidus > Ttip loid tomentos a> Cunninghamia lanceolatta. The
big gest r atio n o f phot osynthetic sy st em and no n-pho to sy nthetic system is Bambusa p er var iabilis×Dendr ocal amop sis v alidus .
In the patter n Ⅲ ev ery thing is the bigg est, patt ern Ⅲ is a v ery impor tant mo del.
GB/T 7714
王海明. 不同退耕还林林草复合经营模式生物量和营养元素循环研究[J]. 水土保持研究,2005,12(2):125-127,130.
APA 王海明.(2005).不同退耕还林林草复合经营模式生物量和营养元素循环研究.水土保持研究,12(2),125-127,130.
MLA 王海明."不同退耕还林林草复合经营模式生物量和营养元素循环研究".水土保持研究 12.2(2005):125-127,130.
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