关键词青藏高原研究 环境与生态 学术交流栏目
其他题名Pay Close Attention to an Issue at Home and Abroad Academic Circles all along:Research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau——A notice inviting contribution to the column of“the Research of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”in Journal of Mountain Sciences
英文摘要The Qing ha-i Tibet Plateau, w ith an average elevat ion of 4 000 m, has an area of 2. 5 million km2,
account ing for a quarter of China. s land. It is the highest plateau on the earth, and know n as / the roof of the
World0. China. s government and concerned department s of Chinese Academy of Sciences etc. organized mult-i
discipline integrated surrey to the Qingha-i Tibet Plateau many t imes since 1950s, and obtained a larg e number of
the firsthand data and rich fruits. Research of the Qinghia-T ibet Plateau has entered a new stage since the middle
period in 1990s, w hich has brought about t ransformat ion and intensif icat ion of the plateau research from
quality to quant ity, from macrocosm to microcosm, from stat ic state to dynamic state, from region to all globe
etc. , and obtained signif icant achievements in the fields of the earth dynamics, atmosphere sciences, environment
and ecosystem evolut ion etc. In recent years, while paying cont inuously at tent ion to research of the earth
dynamics, academic circles are paying great attent ion to research of the g round surface processes and their ef fects
on environment and ecosystem of the surrounding areas in the plateau. The environment and ecosystem in the
Q ingha-i Tibet Plateau are very fragile. A lot of env ironment and ecological issues, such as grassland degradat
ion, land desertif icat ion etc, have been produced under inf luence of pressure in quick pobulat ion increase, and
then living level of peasants and herdsmen in the plateau reg ion has st ill been in backw ard state as means of
livelihood of traditional agriculture and animal husbandry. It is found that difference betw een the platean region
and the developed area in China is very big by comparison of an average person income. Academic circles are now
pay ing close at tent ion to research of these issues. In order to bet ter promote research in depth for the various
g round surface processes in the Qingha-i Tibet Plateau under comprehensive influences in all globe change and
human being act ivit ies, and to enhance academic exchange between dif ferent disciplines. T he column of academic
ex change of / the Research of the Qingha-i T ibet Plateau0 in Jour nal of Mountain Sci encess w ill be set up in
beginning of this year. We warmly w elcome readers inviting cont ribut ion to the column. Cont ribution contents
in the near future include following fields: ( 1) Environment and ecology , ( 2) Chang e of all globe and the Qingha-
i Tibet Plateau, ( 3) Mountain hazards in the plateau , ( 4) Resource exploitation and reg ional development.
GB/T 7714
钟祥浩. 国内外学术界一直关注的问题:青藏高原研究——兼作开设“青藏高原研究”栏目启事[J]. 山地学报,2005,23(3.):257-259.
APA 钟祥浩.(2005).国内外学术界一直关注的问题:青藏高原研究——兼作开设“青藏高原研究”栏目启事.山地学报,23(3.),257-259.
MLA 钟祥浩."国内外学术界一直关注的问题:青藏高原研究——兼作开设“青藏高原研究”栏目启事".山地学报 23.3.(2005):257-259.
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