关键词生态恢复 经济过程 生态经济耦合 黄土丘陵区

本研究针对当前黄土高原实施大规模退耕还林(草)工程及中尺度生态建设试验示范中生态经济协调发展的主要问题,以陕北黄土丘陵区延安市707 km2的水土保持与生态建设试验示范区为研究对象,以其中的五个不同试验示范模式(下称五个试点)为重点,系统分析了其生态恢复的经济演变过程、特征及其与生态演变的相互耦合过程和状态,并进行五个不同生态经济模式间的相互比较,以揭示黄土高原水土流失严重地区生态经济相互关系及耦合机制,并为中尺度生态经济过程分析探索科学的分析方法和指标体系。主要结论如下:
1. 在生态恢复过程中,延安示范区逐步建立了与土地利用结构和资源禀赋相适应的农村产业结构,即特色林果业、特色种植业、特色养殖业和以小城镇建设为依托、以农村劳动力转移为纽带的非农产业链条。尽管农业比重有所下降,但其绝对产值仍然呈上升态势。非农产值和比重显著上升,产业结构多样性和生产力均呈增加趋势,而且两者表现出正相关性,反映出该区生态恢复促进了系统生产力的提高,推动产业结构沿着一二三产业层次顺序向高级化演变,使产业结构得到了极大改善。
    2. 2000~2005年间,试区五个模式人均收入呈连年增长趋势,并超过了国家所确定的农村小康收入标准线,恩格尔系数、基尼系数和Sen和FGT贫困指数分别是:河庄坪设施农业型依次为44%、0.26、0.08和0.03,县南沟农-经济林果型为45%、0.17、0.03和0.01,飞马河农-果型为46%、0.17、0.05和0.01,高桥农-牧型为47%、0.22、0.06和0.02,燕沟水资源高效利用型为50%、0.28、0.29和0.11,均低于国际上公认的温饱值,表明试区农民生活水平已经跨越了温饱阶段而逐步向小康阶段过渡。五个模式的人类综合发展水平由高到低分别为飞马河的农-苹果模式、县南沟的农-经济林果模式、河庄坪的高效设施农业模式、高桥的农-牧模式和燕沟水资源高效利用模式。 
4. 2005年五个模式的人均生态足迹由小到大分别为县南沟、燕沟、飞马河、高桥和河庄坪,相应的人均生态承载力(扣除12%的生物多样性保护面积)与各自的生态足迹比较,其中县南沟、飞马河和高桥有生态盈余,分别为0.239 hm2/人、0.298 hm2/人和0.128 hm2/人,而燕沟和河庄坪有生态赤字,分别为0.17 hm2/人和1.973 hm2/人,所以从生态足迹的角度分析,县南沟、飞马河和高桥的现有的生产和消费模式是可持续的,而燕沟和河庄坪由于投能结构不尽合理以及人口密度相对过大从长远来说不具备可持续条件。
A Study on economic process and ecological-economic coupling in the ecological restoration in loess hilly region
Student:DANG Xiaohu             Supervisors:LIU Guobin, WANG Jijun
Major: Ecology                     Research field: Eco-restoration and its evaluation
Based on the ecological restoration and the “grain for green” action, as a case study, the economical evolution and its linking with ecological process were studied in the Yan’an mesoscale scale experimental site (707 km2 ) of soil and water conservation and ecosystem rehabilitation with 5 different models. These five modes with different solutions to ecological/economic coupling were compared each other in the process of ecological restoration. Also the relations between eco-restoration and economy improvement and the mechanism of ecological-economic coupling were analyzed, and the integrated assessment indicators and their criterias ware presented. The main results were as follows:
1. The rural industrial structure had been established in process of rehabilitation in case study area, which is fitting to the land use and resource characteristic with the special industry of Orchards, crops and animal husbandry, and non-farming industries relied on small town construction and related via rural labor migration to rural industry of study area in the process of eco-rehabilitation. Although the proportion of agricultural production to the total in case study area was decreased moderately, the absolute value for agricultural production was increased, while both non-farming industry value and its proportion inclined to increase over time. The diversity in industrial structure and economic productivity both inclined to elevation, which implied that reconstructing degraded ecosystem in study area contributed to increase in system productivity, and also promoted the industrial structure towards high level following the order of first, second and third industry, which showed its notable improvement and change in disharmony between ecosystem configuration and industrial structure in case study area.
2. Over the period of 2000~2005, the net income per capita in these five experimental patterns had been improved which exceeded rural the well-being criterion of the country, and the Engel’s coefficient, Gini index and Sen and FGT poverty indicators were all under respective the accepted value for subsistence worldwide with 44%、0.26、0.08 and 0.03 for Hezhuangping intensive agriculture-based respectively, 45%、0.17、0.03 and 0.01 for Xiannangou agriculture-cash forests-based, 46%、0.17、0.05 and 0.01 for Feimahe  agriculture-orchard-based, 47%、0.22、0.06 and 0.02 for Gaoqiao agriculture-pasture-based and 50%、0.28、0.29 and 0.11 for Yangou efficient use in water resources based, which implied that farmers’ living level already overran the critical standard for survival towards well-being level. Based on comparisons among these five patterns, integrated human development scale ranked as Feimahe, Xiannangou, Hezhuangping, Gaoqiao and Yangou according to descending order.
3. By using of economics, emergy and eco-footprint tools, the sustainability and harmony between economy and society and resources were analyzed. The emergy-based analysis on ecological and economic coupling showed that, as the progress of eco-rehabilitation, the efficiency of resource use in five experimental patterns was improved over the period of 2000~2005. Among those indicators, emergy loading ratios(ELRs) of these five units were entirely less than 2, which indicated the less pressure on ecosystem exerted by economic system, emergy sustainable indices(ESIs) of Xiannangou, Gaoqiao and Feimahe all exceeded 1.0, denoting strong sustainability in the future. In contrast, however, ESIs for Hezhuangping and Yangou were less than 1.0, due to non-proportionate consumption of non-renewable to renewable resources, suggesting improvement for components of energy input is required both in two systems.
4. Eco-footprints per capita (ef) of Xianangou, Yangou, Feimahe, Gaoqiao and Hezhuangping minus corresponding carrying capacities (also deducting the area of 12% reserved for biodiversity protection) gave ecological surpluses of 0.239 hm2/person, 0.298 hm2/person and 0.128 hm2/person in Xianangou, Feimahe, and Gaoqiao respectively, compared to ecological deficits of 0.17 hm2/person and 1.973 hm2/person in Yangou and Hezhuangping respectively. From eco-footprint perspective, the patterns of production and consumption in Xianangou, Feimahe, and Gaoqiao could be sustainable, whereas in Yangou and Hezhuangping were unsustainable in the long run because of unreasonable composing of energy input and huge population size.
5. A indicator sets was constructed for assessing effect of ecological-economic coupling based ecological and economic coordination, into which ESI and EFPI were introduced tentatively, and using fuzzy comprehensive evaluation the ecological-economic harmony of these five patterns was quantified. The results suggested that there was harmony between ecological and economic subsystem for Feimahe mode, weakly harmony for Xiannangou and Gaoqiao, and maladjustment for both Hezhuangping and Yangou.
Key words: eco-restoration; economic process; ecological-economic coupling; loess hilly region

GB/T 7714
党小虎. 黄土丘陵区生态恢复的经济过程及生态经济耦合研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院研究生院. 2007.
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