Burmese injecting drug users in Yunnan play a pivotal role in the cross-border transmission of HIV-1 in the China-Myanmar border region.
Xin Chen1; Yong-Tang Zheng1,3; Mei Ye1; Yu Wang3; Lin Duo4; Wei Pang1; Chiyu Zhang5
关键词Hiv-1 Idus Cross-border Transmission Epidemiology China Myanmar

Injecting drug users (IDUs) are the major risk group for HIV-1 infection in the China-Myanmar borderarea. There are a large number of Burmese IDUs living in Yunnan (Yunnan-mIDUs) who might beassociated with the cross-border transmission of HIV-1. From 2010 to 2013, 617 Yunnan-mIDUs wererecruited from three counties of Yunnan, 19.0% of whom were detected to be HIV-1 positive byserologicaltesting.PartialHIV-1p17,pol,vif-env,andenvgeneswereamplifiedfromthepositivesamplesand were sequenced. Phylogenetic and HIV-1 subtyping analyses revealed that HIV-1 recombinantforms (RFs), including RF_BC (36.4%), RF_01BC (26.1%), RF_01C (9.1%) and RF_01B (1.1%), werepredominant among this cohort. Of the identified HIV-1 strains, 14.8%, 9.1% and 3.4% belonged tosubtype C, CRF01_AE and subtype B, respectively. Transmission cluster analysis showed that sequencesfrom the Yunnan-mIDUs formed transmission clusters not only with those from Burmese IDUs but alsowith those from Chinese IDUs, indicating that Yunnan-mIDUs might acquire HIV-1 infection from orspreadHIV-1toboth BurmeseandChineseIDUs. Phylogeographic analysesrevealedthreecross-bordertransmission patterns associated with Yunnan-mIDUs, in which Yunnan-mIDUs served as the crucialnodes linking the Burmese and Chinese IDUs. These results suggest that Yunnan-mIDUs are a potentialviralreservoirforthediffusionofHIV-1inYunnanandplayapivotalroleinthebidirectionalcross-bordertransmission of HIV-1 in the China-Myanmar border region. More intervention efforts that focus onYunnan-mIDUs are recommended in Yunnan’s campaign against HIV/AIDS.

通讯作者Chiyu Zhang
作者单位1.Key Laboratory of Animal Models and Human Disease Mechanisms of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Key Laboratory of Bioactive Peptides of Yunnan Province, National Kunming High Level Biosafety Research Center for Non-human Primate, Kunming Institute of Zool
2.College of Life Sciences, Yan’an University, Yan’an, China;
3.KIZ-SU Joint Laboratory of Animal Models and Drug Development, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Soochow University, Suzhou, China;
4.Section of Science and Education, The Second People’s Hospital of Yunnan Province, Kunming, China;
5.Pathogen Discovery and Evolution Unit, Pathogen Discovery and Big Data Center, CAS Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology & Immunology, Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
GB/T 7714
Xin Chen,Yong-Tang Zheng,Mei Ye,et al. Burmese injecting drug users in Yunnan play a pivotal role in the cross-border transmission of HIV-1 in the China-Myanmar border region.[J]. Virulence,2018,9(1):1195–1204.
APA Xin Chen.,Yong-Tang Zheng.,Mei Ye.,Yu Wang.,Lin Duo.,...&Chiyu Zhang.(2018).Burmese injecting drug users in Yunnan play a pivotal role in the cross-border transmission of HIV-1 in the China-Myanmar border region..Virulence,9(1),1195–1204.
MLA Xin Chen,et al."Burmese injecting drug users in Yunnan play a pivotal role in the cross-border transmission of HIV-1 in the China-Myanmar border region.".Virulence 9.1(2018):1195–1204.
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