The advanced position compensation to improve the dynamic tracking ability for fast moving target in an optoelectronic tracking system (EI CONFERENCE)
Wu N. ; Zhao L. ; Zhou H. ; Chen J.
会议名称ICO20: Optical Devices and Instruments, August 21, 2005 - August 26, 2005
会议地点Changchun, China
关键词The servo control system of the optoelectronic tracking equipment usually is a kind of SISO. When the fast moving target is tracked the over-tune of the servo system is the main representation for the dynamic tracking error. As the result the tracking ability may be improved by limiting the over-tune. We put forward a method the advanced position compensation (called as APC in short) which is to check the speed-overtune by applying the advanced position information. For the large accelerate target small over-tune tracking is achieved but it lowers the ability for tracking the sine signal at low frequency area. While the dynamic high-type can improve the tracking precision for the sine signal at low frequency area we work out a brand-new method which combines the advantages of the both. It increases the tracking precision in the whole frequency band at large scale for the optoelectronic tracking system. The simulation results show that when the target moves with the largest accelerate 120/s2 120/s the maximum static tracking error is about 0.6.
GB/T 7714
Wu N.,Zhao L.,Zhou H.,et al. The advanced position compensation to improve the dynamic tracking ability for fast moving target in an optoelectronic tracking system (EI CONFERENCE)[C]. 见:ICO20: Optical Devices and Instruments, August 21, 2005 - August 26, 2005. Changchun, China.
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