Foliar and soil (15)N natural abundances provide field evidence on nitrogen dynamics in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems
Cheng S. L. ; Fang H. J. ; Yu G. R. ; Zhu T. H. ; Zheng J. J.
关键词(15)N natural abundance N availability N transformation N loss Enrichment factor Mountain transect mycorrhizal fungi n-mineralization carbon-cycle delta-n-15 plant gradient availability patterns nitrate enrichment
英文摘要The natural abundance of (15)N (delta(15)N) in plants and soils is an ideal tool for assessing ecosystem N dynamics. However, many of the mechanisms driving the variability of foliar and soil delta(15)N values within and across ecosystems are still unclear. In this study, we analyzed the patterns of N concentrations and delta(15)N values in leaves, bulk soils and soil mineral N as well as soil N turnover rates across four temperate and boreal forest ecosystems along a mountain transect. The results showed that plant species and soil properties directly controlled soil delta(15)N patterns and climate factors (air temperature and precipitation) indirectly affected foliar delta(15)N patterns. Foliar N concentrations varied consistently with the concentrations of soil available N and soil NO (3) (-) -N, whereas foliar delta(15)N was most closely associated with the delta(15)N of soil NH (4) (+) , the most abundant form of N in soil solution. (15)N enrichment in surface mineral soil in high elevation forests was mainly attributed to (15)N-enriched organic N accumulation. Furthermore, the foliar enrichment factor (epsilon(p/s) = I '(15)N(foliage)-I '(15)N(soil)) was significantly correlated with N transformation and loss rates, and was negatively correlated with the ratio of NH (4) (+) to total inorganic N. These results suggest that foliar delta(15)N value and foliar N concentration together accurately reflect the N availability of forest ecosystems. Foliar epsilon(p/s) can act as an integrated proxy to reflect the status of N cycling within or across forest ecosystems. Soil nitrification and species' NH (4) (+) to NO (3) (-) uptake ratios are key processes controlling foliar delta(15)N patterns in N-limited forest ecosystems. Our findings improve the mechanistic understanding of the commonly observed variability in foliar and soil delta(15)N within and across forest ecosystems.
出处Plant and Soil
GB/T 7714
Cheng S. L.,Fang H. J.,Yu G. R.,et al. Foliar and soil (15)N natural abundances provide field evidence on nitrogen dynamics in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. 2010.
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