关键词红直獐牙菜 抱茎獐牙菜 四数獐牙菜 椭圆叶花锚 胚胎学 系统学
中文摘要本文研究了獐牙菜避中的红直獐牙菜,抱茎獐牙菜和四娄獐牙菜及花锚属的椭圆叶花锚的胚胎发育过程,并以此为依据讨论了龙胆族胚胎学性状与外部形态的相关性,獐牙菜属及花锚属的系统位置。红直獐牙菜花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型;绒毡层异型起源,为非典型腺质型绒毡层;中层3层;花药壁表皮宿存,细胞柱状伸长,纤维状加厚;药室内壁减缩。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式的四面体型;成熟花粉为3-细胞。子房2心皮,1室,多列胚珠,为超侧膜胎座。薄珠心,单珠被,倒生胚珠,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直线型排列,其合点端大孢子具功能,胚囊发育为蓼型。反足细胞3个,宿存,每个细胞均多核和异常膨大。珠孔受精,受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳发育为核型。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆I变型。成熟种子发育至心型胚阶段。抱茎獐牙菜花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型;绒毡层异型起源,为非典型腺质型绒毡层,中层2层;花药壁表皮宿存,细胞柱状伸长,纤维状加厚;药室内壁减缩。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体型;成熟花粉为 3-细胞。子房2心皮,1室,8列胚珠,为侧膜胎座。薄珠心,单珠被,倒生胚珠,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直线型排列,其合点端大孢子具功能,胚囊发育为蓼型。反足细胞分裂为 5-8 个,宿存,每个细胞均多核和异常膨大,反足细胞形成的吸器明显,并在胚乳层之外形成染色深的类似“外胚乳”的结构。珠孔受精,受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳发育为核型。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆I 变型。成熟种子发育至球型胚阶段。四数獐牙菜花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型;绒毡层异型起源,为非典型腺质型绒毡层;中层1层;花药壁表皮宿存,部分纤维状加厚;药室内壁部分纤维状加厚。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体型;成熟花粉为 3-细胞。子房2心皮,1室,两心皮结合处内陷,子房为假二室状,4列胚珠,为减缩侧膜胎座。薄珠心,单珠被,直立胚珠,大孢子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直线型排列,其合点端大孢子具功能,胚囊发育为蓼型。反足细胞3个,宿存,每个细胞均多核和异常膨大,并在胚乳层之外形成染色深的类似“外胚乳”的结构。具承珠盘结构。珠孔受精,受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳发育为核型。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆I变型。成熟种子发育至早期心型胚阶段。椭圆叶花锚花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型;绒毡层异型起源,为非典型腺质型绒毡层;中层2层;花药壁表皮宿存,纤维状加厚;药室内壁纤维状加厚。小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体型;成熟花粉为 3-细胞。子房2心皮,1室,两心皮结合处内陷,子房为假二室状,4列胚珠,为减缩侧膜胎座。薄珠心单珠被,直立胚珠,大饣子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大孢子呈直线型排列,其合点端大孢子具功能,胚囊发育为蓼型。反足细胞3或多个,宿存,每个细胞均多核和异常膨大,反足细胞形成的吸器明显。具承珠盘结构。珠孔受精,受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳发育为核型。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆 I 变型。成熟种子发育至心型胚阶段。比较龙胆族的假龙胆支中獐牙菜属,花锚属,扁蕾属,喉毛花属和假龙胆属及龙胆支中的龙胆属等属的胚胎学性状发现:龙胆族胚胎学特征存在较大的差异,其中胚胎发育类型与外部形态具有一定的相关性:腺体位于花冠上的假龙胆支上各属胚胎发育为茄型酸浆 II 变型;胚胎学怀状之间的相关性在龙胆族中也较为突出,其中最典型的直立胚珠,承珠盘等特征,只在四数獐牙菜和椭圆叶花锚中发现,具有高度的相关性。花药壁表皮层与药室内壁之间存在相互依赖的发展与减缩关系。而胎座类型,中层,反足细胞以及胚囊形状,花粉管进入胚囊的途径,助细胞丝状器,种皮等性状可能具有较大的趋同性和进化上的不均衡性。獐牙菜属的红直獐牙菜和抱茎獐牙菜,四数獐牙菜及花锚属的椭圆叶花锚胚胎学研究表明,花锚属与獐牙菜属的四数獐牙菜具有较近的亲缘关系。
英文摘要This paper researches embryological characters of S. erythrosticta, S. franchetiana, S. tetraptera in Swertia L. and Halenia elliptica, with aims of discussing the relationship of embryological characters to gross-morphology of the Trib. Gentianinae and the systematic position of the genus Swertia, Halenia. The embryological characters of S. erythrosticta: Anthers are tetrasporangiate. The development of anther walls conforms to the dicotyledonous type. The anther wall consists of seven layers: an epidermis, an endothecium, three middle layers and two layers of the tapetum. The origin of the tapetum is dual. The tapetum confroms to the dimorphic secretary type. The epidermis peresists while endothecium degenerates. Cytokinesis in the microsporocyte meiosis is of simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are tetrahedral, Pollen grains are 3-celled. The ovule is bicarpellate, unilocular with many series of ovules and parietal placentation. The ovule is unitegmic, tenuinucellate and anatropous. The embryo sac originates from a single cell archesporium. The chalazal megaspore in linear tetrad is the functional one. The development of embryo sac is of the Polygonum type. There antipodal cells persist, each of which is multiseriate containing more than 3 nuclei and is enlarged. The fertilization conforms to premitotic syngamy type. The development of the endosperm is of the Nuclear type. The embryogeny corresponds to Soland var. physalis I. The embryological characters of S. franchetiana: Anthers are tetrasporangiate. The development of anther walls conforms to the dicotyledonous type. The anther wall consists of five layers: an epidermis, an endothecium, two middle layers and an tapetum. The origin of the tapetum is dual. The tapetum conforms to the dimorphic secretary type. The epidermis persists while endothecium degenerates. Cytokinesis in the microsporocyte meiosis is of simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are tetrahedral, Pollen grains are 3-celled. The ovule is bicarpellate, unilocular whit eight series of ovules and typical of parietal placentation. The ovule is unitegmic, tenuinucellate and anatropous. The embryo sac originates from a single-cell archesporium. the chalaza megaspore in linear tetrad is the functional one. The development of embryo sac is of the Polygonum type. There antipodal cells persist while divide into 5-8 cells, each of which is multiseriate containing more than 3 nuclei. The size of the antipodal cell is enlarged to be several times bigger than the normal cell. The antipodal cells form a layer of "out endosperm" just out of the endosperm nucleus. The haustorium formed from antipodal cells is distinct. The fertilization conforms to premitotic syngamy type. The development of the endosperm is of the Nuclear type. The embryogeny corresponds to Soland var. physalis I. The embryological characters of S. tetraptera: Anthers are tetrasporangiate. The development of anther walls conforms to the dicotyledonous type. The anther wall consists of four layers: an epidermis, an endothecium, an middle layers and an tapetum. The origin of the tapetum is dual. The tapetum conforms to the dimorphic secretary type. The part of epidermis and endothecium persists and develops fibrous thickening, Cytokinesis in the microsporocyte meiosis is of simultaneous type and microspore tetrads are tetrahedral, Pollen grains are 3 celled. The ovule is bicarpellate, unilocular with 4-seriate ovules on reduced parietal placentation. Between the two ovules on placenta is a prominent sterile outgrowth that projects toward the similar outgrowth from the opposite side. The ovule is unitegmic, tenuinucellate and orthotropous. The embryo sac originates from a single-cell archesporium. The chalaza megaspore in linear tetrad is the functional one. The development of embryo sac is of the Polygonum type. There antipodal cells persist, each of which is multiseriate containing more than 3 nuclei. The size of the antipodal cell is enlarged to be several times bigger than the normal cell. The antipodal cells form a layer of "out endosperm" just out of the endosperm nucleus. There is Hypostase below the embryo sac. The fertilization conforms to premitotic syngamy type. The development of the endosperm is of the Nuclear type. The embryogeny corresponds to Soland var. physalis I.
GB/T 7714
薛春迎. 獐牙菜属和花锚属的胚胎学研究[D]. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所. 中国科学院西北高原生物研究所. 1997.
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