其他题名Study on the variation of the vegetation index based on MODIS data in desert-oasis --A case study of the Sangong river basin
中文摘要对于荒漠一绿洲区来说植被不仅是当地人民衣食住行赖以生存的基本资源,而且还具有重要的生态调节与保护功能;由于荒漠一绿洲区生态环境脆弱,因而地表植被对荒漠一绿洲区的作用显得尤为重要。本文采用MODIS信息源,以三工河流域为例,在区域尺度上探讨了MODIS数据在荒漠一绿洲区不同下垫面荒漠植被监测的应用。首先运用Matlab程序对MODIS原数据进行处理并提取植被指数,然后采用信噪比对提取的植被指数进行评价,探讨了三工河流域荒漠植被指数的适宜性以及不同下垫面荒漠植被指数的空间变化规律;进而将遥感数据与地面实测数据结合起来进行对比分析,通过研究,初步得到如下结论:(1)扇缘溢出带植被指数值最高,其次是前山丘陵带和固定沙丘,较真实地反映出了三工河流域荒漠植被的梯度变化规律;在前山丘陵带用NDVI这一植被指数较好,扇缘溢出带和固定沙丘用EVI要比用NDVI能更好的反映植被的生长状况。因此,在进行荒漠植被动态监测时应根据下垫面的不同选择有效的植被指数并作具体分析。(2)在中等植被盖度的冲洪积平原中上部的植被指数与植被盖度趋势较吻合,说明了中等植被盖度下,植被指数NDVI与EVI对植被覆盖状况的反映敏感性较好。(3)本文结论NDVI和湿度与EVI和平均温度呈正相关。湿度又与降水有关,也就是说天山北坡植被覆盖度的增加随着温度和降水的增加而增加。(4)荒漠一绿洲区的草本植被受水分的影响很敏感,四月中下旬季节性积雪融水的增加,一次降水就可能改变地表的植被覆盖状况,一年生草本植物迅速生长。而小半灌木、灌木则在春季过后植被盖度逐渐增大。因而草本植被对降水的敏感性大于灌木。通过对荒漠区MODIS信息源植被指数的提取、对比分析研究,检验其对地表植被信息的监测能力,进而了解西北地区荒漠植被的分布状况以及空间和时间变化特点,其意义在于更好地理解西北地区的荒漠植被生态系统,在农业、植被和生态环境监测方面进行有效地开发与应用。从而为利用MODIS信息源研究荒漠一绿洲区荒漠植被长期变化奠定基础。Desert vegetation as the primary resources of desert-oasis has a vital function in ecology protection. The research of the vegetation in this district is of significance, because the ecological environment is friability in desert-oasis. The application of the MODIS data in monitoring the different topography was studied, taking Sangong river basin as a case in the present article. First of all, the MODIS data was processed and Vegetation Index was calculated using Matlab. Then the ratio of Vegetation Signal to Soil Noise was used to evaluate the vegetation index Combined with the field investigation and climatic data? the suitableness of the vegetation index and the characteristic of the temporal and spatial variation were discussed.The results indicate that: (1) The vegetation index value in the alluvial fan is the highest, followed by the belt of the alluvial fan and the desert, which showed the gradient change pattern of the Sangong River Basin, NDVI is suitable for the vegetation monitoring in the front area of the mountains; EVI is more suitable for the belt of the alluvial fan and the desert than NDVI. Therefore, careful consideration should be given when choosing the vegetation index from MODIS to monitor the desert vegetation dynamic changes of the different sites of the topography. (2) The vegetation index of the upper in the fluvial plain with a medium cover has good correlation with the vegetation cover. This suggested that: the sensitivity to the vegetation of the NDVI and EVI is well. (3) There is positive correlation between NDVI and humidity, so it is EVI and temperature. While humidity has correlation with precipitation, that is to say: the vegetation cover increase with the temperature and precipitation. (4) The herbage vegetation is more sensitive to moister in desert-oasis. Only a rainfall, which boost the growth of the herbage vegetation, can alert the vegetation cover situation. While the vegetation cover of the brush is increase gradually. Therefore, the herbage vegetation is more sensitive to precipitation than the shrub in desert-oasis. Through calculating and analysing the Vegetation Index using MODIS data in desert-oasis, the applicability of the MODIS data in monitoring desert vegetation change could be appraised and understand the distributing of the desert vegetation and the temporal and spatial variation. Its aim is to understand the desert vegetation ecosystem well and instruct rational exploitation. Therefore, it can lay the groundwork for the vegetation research in the desert-oasis area using MODIS data in future.
GB/T 7714
卢丽萍 . 基MODIS信息源荒漠-绿洲区植被指数的变化规律研究——以新疆三工河流域为例[D]. 中国科学院.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所.自然地理.. 2005.
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