Geological features and origin of gold deposits occurring in the;Baotou-Bayan Obo district, south-central Inner Mongolia, People's;Republic of China
Nie, FJ3; Jiang, SH; Su, XX; Wang, XL
关键词geologic features ore genesis alkaline magmatism gold deposits Baotou-Bayan Obo Inner Mongolia
英文摘要Located at western portion of northern margin of North China craton, the Baotou-Bayan Obo district is one of the most important Fe-REE-Nb and An metallogenic provinces in China. Presently, about 52 gold deposits and prospects have been discovered, explored and mined, among which Shibaqinhao, Laoyanghao, Houshilma, Saiyinwusu, Wulashan and Donghuofang are the most important ones. All these gold occurrences can be subdivided into three groups (or types) according to its host rocks: (1) hosted by Archean high-grade metamorphic rocks; (2) hosted by Proterozoic sedimentary rocks; (3) hosted by or related to Hercynian alkaline intrusive rocks. The first group contains the Shibaqinhao, Laoyanghao and Houshihua gold deposits. Gold mineralization at these three deposits occurs within Archean amphibolite, gneiss and granulite as gold-bearing quartz veins and veinlet groups containing native gold, electrum, pyrite and chalcopyrite. The Saiyinwusu deposit belongs to the second group, and occurs within Proterozoic sandstone, quartzite and carbonaceous slate as quartz veins and replacement bodies along the fracture zones. Pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, native gold and electrum are identified. The third group includes the Wulashan, Donghuofang and Luchang deposits. Gold mineralization at these three deposits occurs predominantly within the Hercynian alkaline syenite or melagabbro stocks and dyke swarms or along their contacts with Archean metamorphic wall rocks as K-feldspar-quartz veins, dissemination and veinlets. Pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, native gold and calaverite are major metallic minerals. delta(34S) value of sulfides (pyrite, galena and pyrrhotite) separates from groups 1 and 2 varies from - 4.01 parts per thousand to - 0.10 parts per thousand and - 3.01 parts per thousand to 2.32 parts per thousand, respectively. delta(34)S values of Archean and Proterozoic metamorphic wall rocks for groups 1 and 2 deposits range from - 20.2 parts per thousand to - 17.0 parts per thousand and - 15.8 parts per thousand to 16.2 parts per thousand, respectively. The values are much lower than their hosted gold deposits. All these pyrite separates from Hercynian alkaline intrusions associated with the gold deposits show positive 634S values of 1.3 parts per thousand to 4.8 parts per thousand, which is higher than those Precambrian metamorphic wall rocks and their hosted gold deposits. 634S values of the sulfides (pyrite and galena) from the Donghuofang and Wulashan deposits (group 3) increase systematically from veins ( - 14.8 parts per thousand to - 2.4 parts per thousand) to the Hercynian alkaline igneous wall rocks (2.8 parts per thousand to 4.8 parts per thousand). All of these deposits in groups 1, 2 and 3 show relatively radiogenic lead isotopic compositions compared to mantle or lower crust curves. Most lead isotope data of sulfides from the gold ores plot between the Hercynian alkaline intrusions and Precambrian metamorphic wall rocks. Data are interpreted as indicative of a mixing of lead from mantle-derived alkaline magma with lead from Precambrian metamorphic wall rocks. Isotopic age data, geological and geochemical evidence suggest that the ore fluids for the groups 1 and 2 deposits were generated during the emplacement of the Hercynian alkaline syenite and mafic intrusions. The Hercynian alkaline magma may provide heat, volatiles and metals for these groups 1 and 2 deposits.;Evolved metamorphic fluids produced by the devolatilization, which circulated the wall rocks, were also progressively involved in the alkaline magmatic hydrothermal system, and may have dominate the ore fluids during late stage of ore-forming processes. Most of these gold deposits hosted by Archean high-grade metamorphic rocks occur at or near the intersections of the NE- and E-W-trending fracture systems. The ore fluid of the group 3 deposits may have resulted from the mixing of Hercynian alkaline magmatic fluids and evolved meteoric waters. The deposits are believed to be products of Hercynian alkaline igneous processes along deep-seated fault zones within Archean terrain. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
WOS研究方向Geology ; Mining & Mineral Processing
作者单位1.Chinese Acad Geol Sci, Inst Mineral Deposits, Beijing 100037, Peoples R China.
2.Inner Mongolian Geol Survey, Hohhot 010020, Peoples R China.
GB/T 7714
Nie, FJ,Jiang, SH,Su, XX,et al. Geological features and origin of gold deposits occurring in the;Baotou-Bayan Obo district, south-central Inner Mongolia, People's;Republic of China[J]. ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,2002,20(3-4):139-169.
APA Nie, FJ,Jiang, SH,Su, XX,&Wang, XL.(2002).Geological features and origin of gold deposits occurring in the;Baotou-Bayan Obo district, south-central Inner Mongolia, People's;Republic of China.ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS,20(3-4),139-169.
MLA Nie, FJ,et al."Geological features and origin of gold deposits occurring in the;Baotou-Bayan Obo district, south-central Inner Mongolia, People's;Republic of China".ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 20.3-4(2002):139-169.
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