其他题名The change of plant diversity and structure of city protection green space under close-to-nature management
中文摘要城市外围的防护绿地是干旱区城市生态安全保障体系的重要组成部分,对改善城市环境有着重要的作用。城市防护绿地的管护模式决定着绿地的生物多样性、结构稳定以及生态服务功能的有效发挥。研究并建立科学的管护模式,提高对现有城市防护绿地的管理管护水平,可以为干旱区城市生态园林绿地的可持续发展提供理论依据。以新疆克拉玛依城市外围防护绿地为研究对象,采用代表样地调查法对近自然管护和传统管护方式下绿地群落物种多样性和组成结构变化进行了对比研究。主要结果和结论如下:近自然管护措施可以明显增加城市防护绿地群落中的草本植物和灌木的物种数量及个体数量。近自然管护措施对乔木的物种组成和生长量在短期内没有产生影响;灌木层和草本层的物种科属种的数量均有所增加,两层的优势种的重要值在两种管护方式下存在差异。近自然管护条件下绿地灌木层的总盖度比传统管护方式下的高。近自然管护有利于增加草本层物种的频度和盖度。 近自然管护措施对城市防护绿地草本植物物种多样性变化的影响较大。乔木层的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou 指数两者之间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。灌木层中Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou 均匀度指数(E)两者之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。草本层中除了Pielou 指数无差异显著外,Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均差异显著。在近自然管护措施下城市防护绿地群落结构趋于复杂。近自然管护与人工管护中样地中乔木DBH≥1的总胸高断面积之间差异不显著。近自然管护下的灌木层优势种的相对密度和物种的平均高度显著高于传统管护下的相对应的值。近自然管护草本的总盖度比传统管护的总盖度高。对群落垂直结构的影响主要表现在草本层的影响上。综上所述,近自然管护有利于增加防护绿地中草本植物和灌木植物的物种多样性,增加林下植被的盖度,增加城市防护绿地的层片结构。Construction of shelter forest belt in arid northwestern China is one of the most important elements to improve local ecological environment. In recent decades, it witnesses a rapid increase in plantation area of shelter belt in arid northwestern China. To answer or solve these problems, some basic researches on the existing shelter belt system are required, among which the study of the plantation community of species diversity is particularly important. It is proved that the improvement of species diversity in plantation community can effectively reduce the incidence of forest diseases and insect pests, and increase the plantation ecosystem stability. The study of species diversity in the plantation community can provide reasonable technical measures for ecological construction of plantation and the sustainable development of plantations. In this paper, species composition of plantation community, species diversity within the community in Karamay in Xinjiang Province were analyzed. The study results can be concluded as follows: There were 46 species, 44 gengera and 20 families in the green space under close-to-nature management, and 37 species, 33 gengera and 18 families in the green space under artifical management. There were 13 species, 13 gengera of Composifae; 8 species,7 gengera of Chenopodiaceae; 9 species, 8 gengera of Gramineae; 4 species, 4 gengera of Leguminosae. The plants of these four families accout for 56.60% of total gengeras and 54.26% of total species. Under close-to-nature management, a sequence of grass layer >arbor layer>shrub layer for Simpson index of species diversity and for Shannon-Wiener index of species diversity can be found. Under artificial management, a sequence of grass layer >arbor layer>shrub layer for Simpson index of species diversity and layer > shrub layer > arbor layer for Shannon-Wiener index of species diversity have been found. Shannon-wiener index of species diversity in the grass layer of the forest patches under close-to-nature management is of 0.1953 higher than that in the grass layer of the forest patches under artifical management. But the Simpson index of communities is lower than it. The relative frequency of four shrubs, which are of numerical advantage in forest patches under close-to-nature management were higher than that in forest patches under artifical management. For the grass layer under close-to-nature management, there are 10 species more than that under artificial management. The important value of S. capillata, S. oleraceus, C. sibiricum in forest patches under close-to-nature management were 42.17, 1.35 and 5.33 higher than that under artifical management.
GB/T 7714
杨小艳. 近自然管护条件下的城市防护绿地群落物种多样性及结构变化特征[D]. 中国科学院.新疆生态与地理研究所. 2009.
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