导师龚子同,中国科学院南京土壤研究所 樊自立,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 ,
中文摘要本文对塔里木盆地绿洲土壤水盐运动与调控的研究表明,人工绿洲与自然绿洲在水盐运动上存在显著差异。近几十年来,人工绿洲土壤盐渍化治理取得了很大进展,但农田排水却导致了塔里木河水质盐化加重。喷灌条件下盐渍化治理的基本思路是将盐分运移到剖面底层,合作物生长的根系层保持为淡化层,而不是把盐分带出灌区外,初步的试验结果证实它是可行的。塔里木河冲积平原河水影响地下水淡化带范围在距主河床1km左右,其不同区域土壤水盐运动的强弱存在很大区别。对农田排水出路和排水量的调控,必须采取多途径措施。另外,在塔里木河冲积平原实行游牧定居和人工渠化是对自然绿洲土壤水盐动态调控的重要步骤。According to part statistics data of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and Food and Agricultural Organization(FAO), the area of saline soils was 9.54*10~8 ha all overt the world. The area of saline soils was up to 0.99*10~8 ha in China. Thesis focuses on salt-water dynamics of soils and its management in oasis in Tarim Basin of inland arid zone. Some conclusions were gained through field survey, spot observation and samples analysis as follows: 1. Oasis is a very specific landscape in arid zone. Oasis may be divided into artificial oasis and physical oasis due to impact of human activities. They exist obvious difference in many aspects such as impact degree of human activities, ways of soil moisture supply, speed of salt-water movement, and level of soil productivity. 2. Soil salinisation of artificial oasis was affected not only by human activities, but also by natural factors in Tarim Basin. Measures of salinisation control were gradually improved and advances in the control of salinisation were achieved in past 40 years in Tarim Basin, but drainage caused the river water to be salined in Tarim River. 3. The way of the control of salinisation under the conditions of sprinkler irrigation is to remove the soil surface salt to definite depth and form a desalinized layer in root layer of crop growth, it do not remove the salt to out of irrigated district. Preliminarily experimental result confirms that it is effective. 4. Physical oasis may be divided among flood land, river terrace, and old river plain in accordance with geomorphic types in alluvial plain of Tarim River. Buried depth of groundwater is about 1-2m in flood land region, about 2-4m in river terrace region, about 5-10m in old river pain region. The range of groundwater desalinized zone is about 1km wide under the impact of river water lateral seepage. 5. Survey in Yingbaza section shows that evaporation of soil moisture is great and salt accumulation is rapid in flood land region, whereas salt-water movement is weak in river terrace region and it at the directions of horizon and vertical is considerably weak in old river plain. 6. Pollution of drainage rose not only miniralinzation of river water, but also F~- content. It will affect children growth. In order to the coordination of salinisation control and environmental protection, outlet of drainage would be sought and volume of drainage would be controlled in near future. 7. The settlement of nomadic herdsman and canalization are the key measures to management of salt-water movement in physical oasis in alluvial plain of Tarim River.
GB/T 7714
季方 . 塔里木盆地绿洲土壤的水盐动态变化与调控研究[D]. 中国科学院.中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所.土壤学.. 1999.
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