CORC  > 北京大学  > 心理与认知科学学院
对河北邢台农村高氟区氟牙症患者社会心理状况的评价; Evaluation of the psychosocial status of fluorosis patients in fluorosis epidemic areas
司燕 ; 张博学 ; 侯玉波 ; 李靖 ; 高学军
关键词氟中毒,牙 心理学,社会 评价研究 农村人口
英文摘要目的通过评价高氟区不同程度氟牙症患者的社会心理状况,探讨氟牙症对人们社会心理的影响.方法多阶段分层整群随机抽取河北省邢台农村高氟区12、15及35~44岁当地居民共416名进行Dean氏氟牙症指数(DI)的调查,筛选不同程度氟牙症患者178例进行问卷调查,涉及6个五度分法的心理分量表(对牙齿看法、主观幸福感、生活满意度、交往焦虑、自尊影响、行为改变).结果随着DI记分的增加,受检样本"对牙齿看法"及"主观幸福感"分量表得分呈上升趋势,不同程度氟牙症患者间差异有统计学意义,且主要存在于对照组与重度患者间(P<0.01).结论高氟区氟牙症患者在"对牙齿看法"及"主观幸福感"两方面的心理状况受到氟牙症程度的一定影响,并且主要表现在重度患者中.; To explore the psychosocial effect of fluorosis on patients in fluorosis epidemic areas.Multistage, stratified, clustered and random sampling method was used in this survey. Totally 416 inhabitants of 12, 15 and 35-44 years of age from rural fluorosis epidemic areas in Hebei province were selected. Dental fluorosis was classified by Dean's index (DI). A total of 178 patients with different types of fluorosis were involved in a psychosocial questionnaire investigation which included six five-point subscales, including attitude to teeth, subjective well-being, life satisfaction, interpersonal or social anxiety, effect of self-esteem, impact on behavior.Fluorosis prevalence in fluorosis epidemic areas of Xingtai in Hebei province was 71.20%, and significant difference existed among three age groups (Pearson Chi-square value = 167.51, P < 0.01). With the increase of DI score, the average value of subscale "attitude to teeth" rising, ranging from 2.58 to 3.51, and value of "subjective well-being" was also increasing, ranging from 2.35 to 2.9. Statistical difference of subscale average value was found only in these two subscales ("attitude to teeth": F = 4.787, P < 0.01; "subjective well-being": F = 2.538, P < 0.05). "Attitude to teeth" was significantly different between control group and moderate group (F = 0.52, P < 0.01) and between control group and severe group (F = 0.72, P < 0.01). While significant difference of "subjective well-being" could only be found between control group and severe group (F = 0.56, P < 0.01). According to the bivariate correlation analysis, strong correlation could be found between the degree of fluorosis and the average value of sub-scales.The psychosocial impact of fluorosis on patients in fluorosis epidemic areas mainly appeared in two aspects, i.e. attitude to teeth and the perception of well-being, especially in severe group.; PubMed; 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 0; 5; 416-419; 40
GB/T 7714
司燕,张博学,侯玉波,等. 对河北邢台农村高氟区氟牙症患者社会心理状况的评价, Evaluation of the psychosocial status of fluorosis patients in fluorosis epidemic areas[J]. 中华口腔医学杂志,2005.
APA 司燕,张博学,侯玉波,李靖,&高学军.(2005).对河北邢台农村高氟区氟牙症患者社会心理状况的评价.中华口腔医学杂志.
MLA 司燕,et al."对河北邢台农村高氟区氟牙症患者社会心理状况的评价".中华口腔医学杂志 (2005).
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