CORC  > 北京大学  > 地球与空间科学学院
The cusp: a window for particle exchange between the radiation belt and the solar wind
Zhou, X-Z ; Fritz, T. A. ; Zong, Q-G ; Pu, Z. Y. ; Hao, Y-Q ; Cao, J-B
刊名annales geophysicae
关键词magnetospheric physics (energetic particles, trapped magnetopause, cusp and boundary layers solar wind-magnetosphere interactions) DAYSIDE MAGNETOSPHERE ENERGETIC ELECTRONS HIGH-ALTITUDES POLAR CLUSTER SIGNATURES TOPOLOGY REGION PLASMA WIDTH
英文摘要The study focuses on a single particle dynamics in the cusp region. The topology of the cusp region in terms of magnetic field iso-B contours has been studied using the Tsy-ganenko 96 model (T96) as an example, to show the importance of an off-equatorial minimum on particle trapping. We carry out test particle simulations to demonstrate the bounce and drift motion. The "cusp trapping limit" concept is introduced to reflect the particle motion in the high latitude magnetospheric region. The spatial distribution of the "cusp trapping limit" shows that only those particles with near 90 degrees pitch-angles can be trapped and drift around the cusp. Those with smaller pitch angles may be partly trapped in the iso-B contours, however, they will eventually escape along one of the magnetic field lines. There exist both open field lines and closed ones within the same drift orbit, indicating two possible destinations of these particles: those particles being lost along open field lines will be connected to the surface of the magnetopause and the solar wind, while those along closed ones will enter the equatorial radiation belt. Thus, it is believed that the cusp region can provide a window for particle exchange between these two regions. Some of the factors, such as dipole tilt angle, magnetospheric convection, IMF and the Birkeland current system, may influence the cusp's trapping capability and therefore affect the particle exchanging mechanism. Their roles are examined by both the analysis of cusp magnetic topology and test particle simulations.; Astronomy & Astrophysics; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences; SCI(E); 3; ARTICLE; 11; 3131-3137; 24
GB/T 7714
Zhou, X-Z,Fritz, T. A.,Zong, Q-G,et al. The cusp: a window for particle exchange between the radiation belt and the solar wind[J]. annales geophysicae,2006.
APA Zhou, X-Z,Fritz, T. A.,Zong, Q-G,Pu, Z. Y.,Hao, Y-Q,&Cao, J-B.(2006).The cusp: a window for particle exchange between the radiation belt and the solar wind.annales geophysicae.
MLA Zhou, X-Z,et al."The cusp: a window for particle exchange between the radiation belt and the solar wind".annales geophysicae (2006).
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