CORC  > 北京大学  > 地球与空间科学学院
Mantle Branch Structure in the South-Central Segment of the Da Hinggan Mts., Inner Mongolia and Its Ore-controlling Role
Niu Shuyin ; Sun Aiqun ; Wang Baode ; Nie Fengjun ; Jiang Sihong ; Shao Ji&apos ; Guo Lijun ; Liu Jianming ; an
刊名acta geologica sinica english edition
关键词mantle branch structure mantle branch metallogenic model Da Hinggan Mts CHINA
英文摘要Mantle branch structure is the third tectonic unit of multiple evolution of a mantle branch. It is not only the main mechanism of intercontinental orogeny, but also an important ore-forming and ore-control structure. Studies on geotectonic evolution, regional geological characteristics and oreforming and ore-control structures have shown that since the Mesozoic the Da Hinggan Mts. region has entered a typical intercontinental orogenic stage, and it is closely related to mantle branch activities. The south-central segment of the Da Hinggan Mts. is a typical mantle branch structure and possesses obvious magmatic-metamorphic complexes in the core, detachment slip beds in the periphery and overlapped fault depression basins. Moreover, all of these are the principal factors leading to ore formation and ore control in the region. This paper also further explores the mechanism of mineralization in the south-central segment of the Da Hinggan, summaries the rules of mineralization, puts forward the models of mineralization and points out future ore-exploring orientation.; Geosciences, Multidisciplinary; SCI(E); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 4; ARTICLE; 6; 1148-1162; 83
GB/T 7714
Niu Shuyin,Sun Aiqun,Wang Baode,et al. Mantle Branch Structure in the South-Central Segment of the Da Hinggan Mts., Inner Mongolia and Its Ore-controlling Role[J]. acta geologica sinica english edition,2009.
APA Niu Shuyin.,Sun Aiqun.,Wang Baode.,Nie Fengjun.,Jiang Sihong.,...&an.(2009).Mantle Branch Structure in the South-Central Segment of the Da Hinggan Mts., Inner Mongolia and Its Ore-controlling Role.acta geologica sinica english edition.
MLA Niu Shuyin,et al."Mantle Branch Structure in the South-Central Segment of the Da Hinggan Mts., Inner Mongolia and Its Ore-controlling Role".acta geologica sinica english edition (2009).
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