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大兴安岭地区德尔布干断裂带北段构造年代学研究; Geochronology in the north segment of the Derbugan fault zone, Great Xing'an Range, NE China.
郑常青 ; 周建波 ; 金巍 ; 季建清 ; 张兴洲 ; 马志红 ; 丁雪
关键词德尔布干断裂带 锆石SHRIMP 云母~(40)Ar/~(39) Ar 伸展构造 大兴安岭 Derbugan fault zone SHRIMP zircon dating (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating Extensional structure Great Xing&apos an Range
英文摘要德尔布干断裂带是大兴安岭隆起西侧NE向的重要断裂带,处在海拉尔-拉布达林-根河盆地西缘,是著名德尔布干成矿区东南边界断裂带。为了确定德尔布干断裂带运动性质、活动时间,深入探讨该断裂带与中生代海拉尔-拉布达林-根河盆地及大兴安岭盆山格局、认识德尔布干断裂带多金属矿床成因等问题,本文应用锆石SHRIMP和云母~(40)At/~(39)Ar定年技术,分别对断裂带内的细粒黑云母花岗岩侵入体、韧性变形的花岗闪长质片麻岩、白云母石英片岩,进行了同位素年代学研究。其中花岗闪长质片麻岩岩浆型锆石SHRIMP谐和年龄300.6±9.3Ma,为花岗闪长质片麻岩海西期的侵位年龄;而花岗闪长质片麻岩中黑云母~(40)...; Derbugan fault zone, a NE tending fault zone in the West of the Great Xing'an Range uplift and along the western margin of the Hailar-Labudalin-Genhe basins, is the famous zone which is the INS boundary fault zone of the Derbugan metallogenic belt. In order to understanding the character for the activity and timing of this fault, and its relations to the Hailar-Labudalin-Genhe basins, and polymetal ore deposit along this fault, we show the SHRIMP zircon and mica (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating for the granule-biotite granitic vein, granodioritic gneiss with ductile deformation and mica-quartz schist in this fault zone. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating of the granodioritic gneiss yield concordant age of 300.6 +/- 9.3Ma, together with its igneous zircon in CL image, indicate that age of 300.6 +/- 9.3Ma is the protolith ages for this gneiss. The biotite (40)Ar/(39)Ar dating also from this granodioritic gneiss, which yield the plateau age of 130.9 +/- 1.4Ma, together with the biotite (40)Ar/(39)Ar plateau age of 115.6 +/- 1.6Ma from the mica-quartz schist, indicate that those ages between the 115 similar to 130Ma are the extensional event ages at the Early Cretaceous in the Derbugan fault zone. The granule-biotite granitic vein also analyzed by the SHRIMP method, which yield the concordant age of 130.1 +/- 1.4Ma with the igneous zircon in CL image, indicate that age of 130.1 +/- 1.4Ma are the protolith age and incursion due to the syn- extensional event during the Yanshanian in this fault zone. Those results from this study, suggest that the Derbugan fault zone is the youngest extensional structure with the ages between 110 similar to 130Ma during the Yanshanian in this area. Derbugan fault zone has dominated the framework of the Mesozoic volcanism in the Hailar-Labudalin-Genhe basins, the crust evolutions and ore-forming types in the Great Xing'an Range. Therefore the Derbugan fault zone with the extensional event ages of 115 similar to 130Ma are the typical evidence for the intra-continental orogen at Yanshanian during the Mesozoic.; ; SCI(E); 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 7; 08; 1989-2000; 25
GB/T 7714
郑常青,周建波,金巍,等. 大兴安岭地区德尔布干断裂带北段构造年代学研究, Geochronology in the north segment of the Derbugan fault zone, Great Xing'an Range, NE China.[J]. 岩石学报,2009.
APA 郑常青.,周建波.,金巍.,季建清.,张兴洲.,...&丁雪.(2009).大兴安岭地区德尔布干断裂带北段构造年代学研究.岩石学报.
MLA 郑常青,et al."大兴安岭地区德尔布干断裂带北段构造年代学研究".岩石学报 (2009).
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