CORC  > 北京大学  > 地球与空间科学学院
青藏高原东南缘察隅地区晚新生代岩体差异抬升—剥露和高原扩展的裂变径迹证据; Late Cenozoic differential uplift-exhumation of batholith and propagation of uplift recorded by fission track thermochronology in Chayu area, the southeast margin of the Tibetan plateau
雷永良 ; 钟大赉 ; 贾承造 ; 季建清 ; 张进
关键词裂变径迹 抬升—剥露 扩展 晚新生代 察隅地区 青藏高原 fission track uplift-exhumation propagation late miocene chayu area Tibetan Plateau
英文摘要对青藏高原东南缘晚新生代抬升扩展的研究是联系青藏高原周缘陆内变形发展特征的重要问题。通过藏东南察隅地区的磷灰石裂变径迹分析揭示,自北向南的德姆拉岩体、阿扎贡拉岩体和察隅岩体受控于断裂构造而表现出的晚新生代差异抬升—剥露是高原向周缘扩展的一种指示。抬升—剥露的时序为15.1~13.7Ma、6.3~4.3Ma、3.5~3.3Ma、1.9~1.7Ma和1.1~1.0Ma,活动性总体上向南扩展和迁移。晚中新世(约6~5Ma)是岩体抬升—剥露速率出现转折的关键时期,在藏东南—滇西北地区具有区域响应,并可能奠定了现今青藏高原东南缘的地势发展格局。从青藏高原东北部到东南部,高原晚新生代陆内变形向周缘的扩展和...; Study on Late Cenozoic propagation of uplift in the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau is critical to link with development of intra-continental deformation in the periphery of the Tibetan Plateau. The apatite fission track analysis in Chayu area of the southeast Tibetan Plateau reveals that the Late Cenozoic differential uplift.-exhumation of Demula, Arza Congla and Chayu batholiths, which arrayed from north to south and controlled by faults, is a proxy of propagation of uplift. The time series of uplift-exhumation are ca. 15. 1 similar to 13. 7Ma, 6. 3 similar to 4. 3Ma, 3. 5 similar to 3. 3Ma, 1. 9 similar to 1. 7Ma and 1. 1 similar to 1.0 Ma and the overall activities show southward propagation and migration. It is in Late Miocene (ca. 6 similar to 5Ma) that uplift-exhumation rate turns speedup with a regional response in southeast Tibet and northwest Yunnan and may establish the development pattern of modern terrain for the southeast margin of the Tibetan Plateau. From the southeast. to northeast of the Tibetan Plateau, the outward propagation and growth of late Cenozoic deformation is characterized by multistage, coeval and disequilibrium developments.; ; SCI(E); 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 7; 02; 384-394; 24
GB/T 7714
雷永良,钟大赉,贾承造,等. 青藏高原东南缘察隅地区晚新生代岩体差异抬升—剥露和高原扩展的裂变径迹证据, Late Cenozoic differential uplift-exhumation of batholith and propagation of uplift recorded by fission track thermochronology in Chayu area, the southeast margin of the Tibetan plateau[J]. 岩石学报,2008.
APA 雷永良,钟大赉,贾承造,季建清,&张进.(2008).青藏高原东南缘察隅地区晚新生代岩体差异抬升—剥露和高原扩展的裂变径迹证据.岩石学报.
MLA 雷永良,et al."青藏高原东南缘察隅地区晚新生代岩体差异抬升—剥露和高原扩展的裂变径迹证据".岩石学报 (2008).
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