CORC  > 北京大学  > 地球与空间科学学院
河南省嵩县鱼池岭斑岩钼矿床成矿流体特征及其地质意义; Characteristics of ore-forming fluids of the Yuchiling porphyry Mo deposit, Songxian county, Henan province, and its geological significance
李诺 ; 陈衍景 ; 倪智勇 ; 胡海珠
关键词流体包裹体 高盐度富CO_2流体 鱼池岭斑岩钼矿床 东秦岭钼矿带 浆控高温热液型矿床 Fluid inclusion High-salinity CO(2)-rich fluids Yuchiling porphyry Mo deposit East Qinling Mo belt intrusion-related hypothermal deposit
英文摘要河南省嵩县鱼池岭钼矿床产于合峪复式花岗岩基内部,含矿岩体为黑云母二长花岗斑岩。矿体呈透镜状或似层状产出于侵入体中,含矿斑岩全岩矿化。矿石构造主要为网脉浸染状,网脉矿物组合有石英±钾长石±绿帘石、石英-萤石±方解石、萤石以及大量的石英-黄铁矿、石英-辉钼矿、石英-多金属硫化物等。根据网脉矿物组合和穿切关系,将矿化过程分为早、中、晚3个阶段,其特征性围岩蚀变分别是高温硅化、钾长石化、绿帘石化,硅化、绢云母化、绿泥石化、硫化物化,以及低温碳酸盐化、萤石化。脉石英中广泛发育流体包裹体,包括水溶液包裹体(W型)、纯CO_2包裹体(PC型)、H_2O-CO_2包裹体(C型)及含子矿物多相包裹体(S型)。早...; The Yuchiling Mo deposit, Songxian County, Henan Province, is a large porphyry deposit recently discovered in the famous East Qinling Mo belt. It is spatially associated with a biotite monzogranite porphyry intruding into the Heyu multistage granite batholith. Ore-bodies are lentiform or stratiform occurring in the porphyry which was universally mineralized. The ores are characterized by disseminated multistage stockworks of quartz +/- potassic feldspar +/- epidote, quartz-fluorite +/- calcite, fluorite and quartz-sulfide including quartz-pyrite, quartz-molybdenite, quartz-polymetallic sulfides. Paragenesis and crosscutting relationship of the stockworks suggest the ore-forming process includes the early, middle and late stages, accompanied by characteristic wall-rock alterations of silicification-potassic feldspathization-epidotization, silicification-sericitization-chloritization-sulfidization, and low-temperature carbonation-fluoritization, respectively. In the vein quartz, four types of fluid inclusions are distinguished from aqueous water (W-type), pure CO(2) (PC-type), H(2)O-CO(2) (C-type) and daughter mineral-bearing (S-type). The early-stage barren quartz veins trapped the initial high-salinity (30.1 wt% similar to 54.1 wt% NaCl eqv.) H(2)O-CO(2)-NaCl ore-fluids at temperatures of 280 similar to 420 degrees C with the pressure up to 194MPa, corresponding to depth of < 6.8 km. Due to the high CO(2) content and low sulfur fugacity, little sulfide precipitated in the early-stage fluid process. The quartz-pyrite-molybdenite veins formed where high temperature, CO(2)-rich fluids ascended to depth of ca 5.6km and cooled to ca 400 degrees C, due to fluid boiling and CO(2)-escape. Further fluid ascending resulted in intense boiling and formation of quartz-molybdenite or molybdenite stockworks whose fluid inclusions yield homogenization temperature of 280 similar to 380 degrees C and pressure of up to 137MPa, corresponding to depth of up to 4.8km. Quartz-polymetallic sulfide veins progressively formed at lower temperature and shallower depth, i.e. 200 similar to 340 degrees C and 0 8 similar to 4.3km, The late-stage barren quartz veins contain only aqueous fluid inclusions with homogenization temperatures between 130 and 200 degrees C. Fluid inclusions are rare in the latest quartz-fluorite calcite and fluorite veins. The results above show that fluid-system forming intracontinental intrusion-related hypothermal deposit; are likely characterized by high salinity and high CO(2) content. Considering regional tectonic evolution, we conclude that the Heyu granite batholith where Yuchiling deposit located formed during a rapid uplift of a thickened orogenic crust. The erosion thickness is estimated to be less than 7km and erosion rate is less than 0.05mm/a since 144Ma which is interpreted as the formation age of the Yuchiling deposit.; ; SCI(E); 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 34; 10; 2509-2522; 25
GB/T 7714
李诺,陈衍景,倪智勇,等. 河南省嵩县鱼池岭斑岩钼矿床成矿流体特征及其地质意义, Characteristics of ore-forming fluids of the Yuchiling porphyry Mo deposit, Songxian county, Henan province, and its geological significance[J]. 岩石学报,2009.
APA 李诺,陈衍景,倪智勇,&胡海珠.(2009).河南省嵩县鱼池岭斑岩钼矿床成矿流体特征及其地质意义.岩石学报.
MLA 李诺,et al."河南省嵩县鱼池岭斑岩钼矿床成矿流体特征及其地质意义".岩石学报 (2009).
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