CORC  > 北京大学  > 地球与空间科学学院
西南天山隆起时代的河床砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹证据; The uplift history of south-western Tianshan-Implications from AFT analysis of detrital samples
王丽宁 ; 季建清 ; 孙东霞 ; 徐芹芹 ; 涂继耀 ; 张志诚 ; 韩宝福
关键词西南天山 河床砂岩屑 磷灰石裂变径迹 冷却事件 地貌形态 Southwestern-Tianshan Detrital sample Apatite Fission Track Cooling event Landform
英文摘要现代的天山山脉是在古生代造山基础上,于新生代强烈抬升而形成.其新生代造山和隆升过程,造就了现今的天山地貌格局.本文选取西南天山作为研究区域,采用河床砂岩屑裂变径迹测年分析,从统计角度限定西南天山的隆升-剥露过程.样品采集于特克斯河支流阿克雅孜河、夏特河、木扎河以及特克斯河干流的沉积河床.磷灰石裂变径迹测试和统计分析表明,存在代表源区热史演化不同阶段的年龄峰值.尽管不同样品的年龄众数分布有少许差别,颗粒年龄众数的去褶积分析获得了西南天山山体新生代冷却的三个基本一致的阶段:6~8 Ma,12~19 Ma以及32~40 Ma.结合山脉隆起的地质地貌模型,无论是整体抬升或掀斜抬升,以及压扭性背景的花状...; The present Tianshan mountain range and its landform pattern were believed to be shaped by intensive Cenozoic uplift basing on the Paleozoic crust. Employing Apatite Fission Track Dating as a primary method, this paper attempts to reveal the uplift and denudation history of southwestern Tianshan. We collected channel-deposited sand samples from Teks River and its tributaries Akyaz, Shate, and Muza, for Apatite-Fission-Track (AFT) analysis. A population of ages can be deconvolved into a best-fit group of component distributions by a binomial peak-fitting approach. Different age-peaks obtained from the analysis represent thermal history of different source areas, which further reveal three main cooling periods of southwestern Tianshan since Cenozoic, namely 6 similar to 8 Ma, 12 similar to 19 Ma, and 32 similar to 40 Ma. Combined with geological model of mountain's uplift, as well as the fact that uplift capacity is equal with height of present Tianshan mountain range, the analysis result mentioned above testifies that the Tianshan mountain range was shaped since 6 similar to 8 Ma. These three rapid cooling phases correspond well with cooling phases of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It testifies the far-field effect on the uplift of Tianshan as a result of the collision of Indian and Eurasian Continents. Furthermore, the phase of 6 similar to 8Ma is in accord with stratigraphic research of an acute climate change at around 6Ma in the research area. It indicates a possible correlation that generally exists between mountain uplift and climate change.; SCI(E); 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 6; 04; 931-945; 53
GB/T 7714
王丽宁,季建清,孙东霞,等. 西南天山隆起时代的河床砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹证据, The uplift history of south-western Tianshan-Implications from AFT analysis of detrital samples[J]. 地球物理学报,2010.
APA 王丽宁.,季建清.,孙东霞.,徐芹芹.,涂继耀.,...&韩宝福.(2010).西南天山隆起时代的河床砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹证据.地球物理学报.
MLA 王丽宁,et al."西南天山隆起时代的河床砂岩屑磷灰石裂变径迹证据".地球物理学报 (2010).
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