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中亚成矿域地质矿产研究的若干重要问题; Some important issues for the studies on the Central Asian Metallogeny Domain
关键词中亚成矿域 准噶尔 天山 塔里木 新疆 Central Asian Metallogenic Domain (CAMD) Junggar Tianshan Mts. Tarim Xinjiang
英文摘要我国新疆地处中亚成矿域的核心地区,具有得天独厚的地理和资源优势。在执行国家"十一五"科技支撑计划重点项目08课题并取得初步成果的同时,我们意识到中亚成矿域目前还存在如下关键科学问题:中亚成矿域的形成和演化在全球地质构造体系中的地位和作用;环巴尔喀什-西准噶尔成矿省的地质背景:是岛弧环境还是后碰撞环境形成了斑岩型矿床以及相关浅成低温热液型矿床?成吉斯-塔尔巴哈台山的地质演化及其对金属成矿作用的制约机制;天山和阿尔泰地区广泛发育的韧性剪切带对金成矿作用控制时限与区域构造演化的耦合问题:中地壳的韧性剪切带如何会聚成矿流体?晚古生代晚期火山岩和次火山岩中铜金多金属矿集区的形成和演化;印支期地质过程的成...; Located in the core area of Central Asian Metallogenic Domain (CAMD), Chinese Xinjiang has the unique geographic and resource advantages. A steady political situation with government encouraging the cooperative research focused on CAMD, as well its the friendly diplomatic relationship and staff communication with surrounding Countries, all build 2 firm foundation for us to investigate the CAMD as a whole. With softie new achievements, we conic to realize that, in the current study off CAMD, there are, Such scientific problems as followed: The Status and role that the formation and evolution of CAMD in global geological tectonic system; the geological background of circum Balkbash-Junggar metallogenic province: was it island-arc or post-collisinonal selling that develop the porphyry deposits and related epithermal deposits? The geological evolution of the Chigiz-Taerbahatai and its constraints on ore-formation; Problems of the widespread shear zones in Tianshan and Altay mountains oil the tinting control of gold deposition and coupling with regional tectonic evolutions: how do the shear zones in middle-crust level concentrate the ore-forming fluids? Formation and evolution of the ore-concentrated area in Late Paleozoic volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks: was it the magmatic. fluid forced by caldera or the activity of ancient hot spring that form the giant gold deposits'.? The ore-forming significance and geodynamic, background of the Indosinian geological processes. Discussions on those crucial scientific problems would definitely lead to further research On the geological development of CAMD, along with new breakthrough of mineral exploration. In order to promote the survey on the geology and mineralization in CAMD, we selected 44 scientific papers in these two special issues (Acta Petrologic Sinica 2009 December volume and this volume), which mainly illustrate the latest progresses oil the related topics.; ; SCI(E); 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 9; 06; 1297-1302; 25
GB/T 7714
朱永峰. 中亚成矿域地质矿产研究的若干重要问题, Some important issues for the studies on the Central Asian Metallogeny Domain[J]. 岩石学报,2009.
APA 朱永峰.(2009).中亚成矿域地质矿产研究的若干重要问题.岩石学报.
MLA 朱永峰."中亚成矿域地质矿产研究的若干重要问题".岩石学报 (2009).
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