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城市规模的空间聚散与中心城市影响力--基于中国637个城市空间自相关的实证; Agglomeration and dispersion of city sizes and the influence of central cities: Based on the multi-scale spatial autocorrelation and the case of China
刘涛 ; 曹广忠
关键词城市影响力 城市规模集聚 空间自相关 城市建设用地 spatial influence of cities agglomeration of cities multiscale spatial autocorrelation urban land use China
英文摘要城市规模的空间集聚与分散和中心城市影响区域划分是城市体系中不同规模等级城市之间相互作用的两个传统研究视角。本文将二者结合起来,提出自下而上考察中心城市影响力的新视角,通过空间自相关分析,从区域和地方两个尺度综合考察了中心城市的影响力和城市规模的空间聚散特征。基于中国637个城市的实证研究表明,东部大城市的区域影响力逐渐由沿海向内陆渗透;中部大城市的区域影响力有限,但地区性影响力可以覆盖整个区域;西部大城市的影响力十分有限,大量的边缘性小城市处于自生发展的状态。对城镇密集地区的考察发现,长三角是中国最成熟的都市连绵区;京津冀、珠三角、山东半岛和辽中南都市连绵区正逐步走向成熟,但城市规模和空间组织特征差异较大;以长株潭、武汉、郑州和成渝等为中心的内陆型大都市区域也很可能较快形成,中心城市间的功能整合、空间优化和区域影响力的提升至关重要;而西部大部分地区可能并不适合发展大都市区域,而应考虑新的城市规模和空间组织形式。·; Using the spatial autocorrelation analysis, this paper investigates the regional and local influence of cities of different sizes from the influenced rather than influencing perspective, which also indicates the agglomeration and dispersion of different sized cities. The empirical study on China's 637 cities with urban land sizes proves the integrated approach feasible and effective. Considering the effect of scales on interaction among cities and the hierarchy of urban service functions, we analyze the issue on regional and local scales with the inverse distance and inverse distance squared as the spatial weight matrix. Regardless their own sizes of investigated cities, as long as most cities are surrounded by large cities, it is indicated that large cities with powerful regional or local influence are dominant in the region. Otherwise, the radiation effect of central cities is limited and agglomeration of small cities is the typical characteristic of regional urban system. Cities with the most significant regional influence agglomerate in the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta and the 13eijing-Tianjin metropolitan area. Among the five metropolitan areas in eastern China, super-cities are dominant in t3eijing-Tianjin-Hebei and the Pearl River Delta without the following development of small and medium-sized cities; the Yangtze River Delta and Central-Southern Liaoning are characterized by the cc.llaborative development of different sized cities led by super-cities; cities in Shandong Pelainsula cooperate well with each other without a distinguished leading city. The regional influence of central cities in central and western China is limited. There are relatively large numbers of cities in central China, whose local influence domains can completely cover the whole region. At the same time, the regional influence of some (joint) central cities may increase by leaps and bounds. However, the urban size hierarchy is dominated by small cities due to lacking large cities in the vast western China. Since the influence of a specific central city on non-central cities cannot be separated from that of other cities, this integrated approach of inspecting the influence domain of central cities through their influences accepted by others is not perfectly accurate. However, it provides a new perspective for the study on city's influence domain, which is to combine the regional influence of central cities with the spatial distribution of cities of different sizes through the interaction among them.; 国家自然科学基金项目; 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科技核心期刊(ISTIC); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 0; 7; 1317-1327; 31
GB/T 7714
刘涛,曹广忠. 城市规模的空间聚散与中心城市影响力--基于中国637个城市空间自相关的实证, Agglomeration and dispersion of city sizes and the influence of central cities: Based on the multi-scale spatial autocorrelation and the case of China[J]. 地理研究,2012.
APA 刘涛,&曹广忠.(2012).城市规模的空间聚散与中心城市影响力--基于中国637个城市空间自相关的实证.地理研究.
MLA 刘涛,et al."城市规模的空间聚散与中心城市影响力--基于中国637个城市空间自相关的实证".地理研究 (2012).
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