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中国首都圈发展的三大战略; Three Development Strategies of China Capital Area
谭成文 ; 李国平 ; 杨开忠
关键词首都圈 都市圈 首都经济 北京 区域 发展战略
英文摘要区域发展需要龙头,城市发展需要区域支撑,建设首都圈是中国南北经济格局协调、带动北京周边地区发展的需要,是首都北京可持续发展、建设成为世界城市的需要。根据首都圈的划分对首都圈关系进行了重构,提出首都圈内4个新关系域:知识经济域、旅游文化域、工业经济域、出海通道网络。为建设发展4个新关系域,结合现实,提出首都圈发展的三大战略:空间联系网络化战略、职能疏导战略、空间结构发展战略,具体包括网络化基础设施、网络化市场体系、劳动地域分工、双核都市圈、世界城市战略等。; Regional development needs center city, and urban developmentneeds regional supports. Constructing Capital Area is necessary to harmonize south-north economy pattern in China, to drive an area around Beijing to develop, and for Beijing to develop sustained and to add into world city rank. This paper focuses on how China Capital Area develops. Capital Area is reconstructed to four new-relation area in this paper: (1)Knowledge Economy Area. It's the core of Capital Area, which includes Beijing and Tianjin. The major industries are tertiary industry, hi-tech industry, and low-pollution industry. The Knowledge Economy Area will be the headquarter in Capital Area. (2) Tourism & Culture Area. This area includes Beijing, Baoding, Chengde, Qinhuangdao. (3) Industry Economy Area. It will be industry economy base of Capital Area, which includes Tianjin, Tangshan, Langfang, Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Cangzhou. (4) Out-contact Network. Division and Cooperation will drive Tianjin, Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, Cangzhou to a series of port-cluster with different scale and function in Capital Area. Combined with reality, this paper advances three development strategies: (1) Network Strategy in Spatial Relation. On the one hand, we should construct infrastructure network. Capital Area can works only based on convenient spatial relation between inside and outside of Capital Area. Construction of infrastructure network helps to form good labor division between areas. Of course, communication establishments are included. On the other hand, we should also construct market network in Capital Area. In Beijing, we should plan and build a set of markets with the level of the first rank in the world to enlarge communication with the world. In Tianjin which is the trade center, commercial center, extroversion economy center, we should plan and build regional integrated markets and special markets, like futures market, money market, etc, to enlarge communication and trade in North China. In the other cities, some regional markets should be planned and built to facilitate fluxion of different economy stream. (2) Scattering Function Strategy. First of all, it means scattering industry in Beijing. Industry in Beijing should adapt to the function of Beijing, i.e. political center, culture center, foreign communication center. Tertiary industry and hi-tech industry would be the major industries in Beijing. Heavy industry can be transferred to Tianjin aptly. Mechinery industry can be transferred to Tangshan. Qinhuangdao can develop tourism and culture industry to release the pressure of Beijing. Besides industry scattering, subordination function of politics center can be scattered in Capital Area. (3) Internationalization Strategy in Spatial Structure. It includes three sub-strategies: world region strategy, twin-core Metropolitan Area strategy, and world city strategy. Under the conditions of economy globalization, Beijing needs a strong Capital Area to support developing to add in the first rank of world cities, and in the meantime, Capital Area needs Beijing to drive developing to a world region.; 国家自然科学基金; 国家软科学基金; 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 0; 1; 12-18; 21
GB/T 7714
谭成文,李国平,杨开忠. 中国首都圈发展的三大战略, Three Development Strategies of China Capital Area[J]. 地理科学,2001.
APA 谭成文,李国平,&杨开忠.(2001).中国首都圈发展的三大战略.地理科学.
MLA 谭成文,et al."中国首都圈发展的三大战略".地理科学 (2001).
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