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明代延绥镇长城的修筑及其地理意义; The Construction and the Geographical Significance of the Great Walls of the Yansui Fortification in the Ming Dynasty
舒时光 ; 邓辉
关键词明代 延绥镇 “大边” “二边” 土地利用 环境变迁 the Yansui Fortification the Great Walls Dabian Erbian Environment the Ming Dynasty
英文摘要本文对明代延绥镇长城的“二边”和“大边”的修筑时间、地点、修筑者等问题进行了系统研究,指出“二边”长城为余子俊督修,时间为成化九年(1473年)三、四月至次年的三、四月之间;“大边”长城则为文贵主持修建,时间在弘治十七年(1504年)九月至正德二年(1507年)四月之间。“二边”长度为2013里(明里)195步,约合1183.4公里;“大边”长度为1087里(明里),约合639.2公里。延绥镇长城的修筑过程与明代西北边防方略的发展过程密切关联,也间接反映了边地卫所土地屯垦的变化,对研究历史时期陕北长城沿线环境变迁具有重要意义。; This article researches the construction time, place, the builders, and the geographicalsignificance of the Erbian Great Wall(or Chanxiaobian)and the Dabian Great Wall of the Yansui Forti- fication in the Ming Dynasty. The article draws a conclusion that was only the Erbian Great Wall wasbuilt under the supervision of General Yu Zijun. The construction time was from March to April in the ninth-year of Chenghua reign and from March to April in the next year. The Dabian Great Wallwas firstly built by Wen Gui. The construction time of the Dabian Great Wall was from the September 2 in the seventeenth year of the Hongzhi reign to the December 22 in the next year, from the February19 in to the April 1 in the second year of the Zhengde reign. Those great walls were mended based on the previous basis. The length of the Erbian Great Wall was 2013 Li (the Ming unit) and 195 steps,which equals to about 1183.4km. According to Jiu Bian Tu Shuo, the Dabian Great Wall was repaired too. The Dabian was 1087 Li, which equals to 639.2km. The construction process of the great walls of the Yansui Fortification directly reflects the development process of northwest frontier defenee strategy of the Ming, and indirectly reflects the tensityof the frontier garrison cultivation. Also, it is significant in the research of environment changes along the zone of the North Shaanxi Great Walls.; 国家自然科学基金项目; 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI); 0; 4; 122-134; 27
GB/T 7714
舒时光,邓辉. 明代延绥镇长城的修筑及其地理意义, The Construction and the Geographical Significance of the Great Walls of the Yansui Fortification in the Ming Dynasty[J]. 中国历史地理论丛,2012.
APA 舒时光,&邓辉.(2012).明代延绥镇长城的修筑及其地理意义.中国历史地理论丛.
MLA 舒时光,et al."明代延绥镇长城的修筑及其地理意义".中国历史地理论丛 (2012).
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