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滋肾健脑法对老龄小鼠脑海马区神经细胞密度及超微结构的影响; Effect of nourishing kidney and tonifying brain on density and ultrastructure of nerve cell in hippocampal area of aging mouse
周慎 ; 陈立峰 ; 周重余 ; 彭志辉
关键词海马 滋肾 神经系统
英文摘要背景:补肾是治疗神经系统老化的主要方法,而神经系统老化主要表现为神经细胞的密度减少、细胞老化和胞质中脂褐素颗粒沉积.目的:探讨滋肾健脑法对老龄小鼠脑海马CA1,CA3区神经细胞密度及超微结构的影响,并与阳性药物维生素E进行对照.设计:完全随机对照实验.单位:湖南省中医药研究院.材料:实验于2000-09/2003-11在湖南省中医药研究院中药研究所药理实验室完成.选择昆明种小鼠30只,益肾健脑1号药液(以下简称滋肾方),由湖南省中医药研究院制剂研究室提供(由制首乌15 g,桑椹15 g,枸杞子15 g,五味子6 g,丹参30 g,葛根30 g,红花10 g,石菖蒲10 g,郁金10 g,远志10 g,山楂10 g,全蝎等药物组成,先将全蝎粉碎成细粉,余药加水煎煮2次,合并煎煮液,滤过,加入全蝎细粉即得),生药量为1.0g/mL.方法:30只小鼠随机分为3组,每组10只.对照组给蒸馏水,滋肾方组给滋肾方20.0g/kg,维生素E组给维生素E 40.0 mg/kg.均灌胃给药,体积为20 mL/kg,1次/d,连续给药4周.末次给药后1 h,在麻醉状态下迅速处死小鼠.剪开颅骨,取出海马组织,在显微镜下计量CA1和CA3区的神经细胞数,计算出神经细胞密度值.主要观察指标:①各组小鼠脑海马神经细胞密度.②各组小鼠脑海马神经细胞超微结构.结果:30只小鼠均进入结果分析.①脑海马CA1和CA3区神经细胞密度:滋肾方组和维生素E组均高于对照组阵A1区:(3 707±495),(3 812±281),(257±372)mm-2;CA3区:(2 746±262),(2 397±366),(1 992±307)mm-2,t=2.68~8.30,P<0.05~0.01].②滋肾方组和维生素E组能减少线粒体老化及胞质中脂褐素颗粒沉积和溶酶体等老化改变.结论:滋肾健脑颗粒对老龄小鼠脑海马区神经细胞密度减少和细胞老化有一定延缓作用.; BACKGROUND: Tonifying kidney is the main method to treat aging of nervous system, which is characterized by decreasing density of nerve cells,cell aging and deposition of lipofuscin granule in the cytoplasm of nerve cell.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of nourishing kidney and tonifying brain on density and ultrastructural of nerve cell in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 area of aging mouse. DESIGN: Completely randomized and controlled study.SETTING: Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hunan Province.MATERIALS: The experiment was completed at the Pharmacological Laboratory of Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hunan Province between September 2000 and November 2003. Totally 30 Kunming mice with 11-month old were selected. Solution of yishen jiannao Ⅰ (zishen prescription) was provided by Agent Laboratory of Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Hunan Province (including 15 g shouwu, 15 g sangshen, 15 g gouqizi, 6 g wuweizi, 30 g danshen, 30 g gegen, 10 g honghua,10 g shichangpu, 10 g yujin, 10 g yuanzhi, 10 g shanzha and scorpion).Scorpion was crushed into power. The rest drugs were decocted with water twice, mixed together and filtered, then the powder of scropion was added.The raw material was 1.0 g/mL.METHODS: Thirty mice were randomly divided into 3 groups with 10 in each group. Mice in control group were given distilled water, those in zishen prescription group were given 20.0 g/kg zishen prescription, and in vitamin E group were given 40.0 mg/kg vitamin E. All mice were perfused with 20 mL/g, once a day for 4 weeks. After 1 hour of the last medication, mice were sacrificed at once at the drugged state. Cranium of mice was sheared and the hippocampal tissue was taken out. Numbers of nerve cells in CA1 and CA3 area were calculated under the microscope to calculate the density of nerve cell.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ① Density of nerve cell in cerebral hippocampus of mice in each group; ② Ultrastructure of nerve cell in cerebral hippocamp us of mice in each group.RESULTS: Totally 30 mice entered the final analysis. ① Density of nerve cell in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 area of brain: Density in zishen prescription group and vitamin E group was higher than that in control group [CA1: (3 707±495), (3 812±281), (257±372) mm-2; CA3:(2 746±262),(2 397±366), (1 992±307) mm-2, t=2.68-8.30, P < 0.05-0.01]. ② Aging of mitochondrion was decreased, deposition of lipofuscin and aging of lysosome in cytoplasm were reduced in zishen prescription group and vitamin E group.CONCLUSION: Granule of nourishing kidney and tonifying brain can defer density decrease of nerve cell and aging of cell in hippocampla area of mice' brain.; 湖南省卫生厅科研项目; 0; 40; 162-163; 9
GB/T 7714
周慎,陈立峰,周重余,等. 滋肾健脑法对老龄小鼠脑海马区神经细胞密度及超微结构的影响, Effect of nourishing kidney and tonifying brain on density and ultrastructure of nerve cell in hippocampal area of aging mouse[J]. 中国临床康复,2005.
APA 周慎,陈立峰,周重余,&彭志辉.(2005).滋肾健脑法对老龄小鼠脑海马区神经细胞密度及超微结构的影响.中国临床康复.
MLA 周慎,et al."滋肾健脑法对老龄小鼠脑海马区神经细胞密度及超微结构的影响".中国临床康复 (2005).
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