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几种不同细胞系之间P68 RNA解旋酶表型差异的研究; Studies on the phenotypic differences of P68 RNA helicases in four cell lines
韦毅 ; 胡美浩
关键词P68 RNA解旋酶 细胞系 表型差异
英文摘要对分别来自4种不同细胞系的细胞,在生长期间胞内P68 RNA解旋酶的动态变化进行了蛋白质和mRNA的比较研究。结果发现随着细胞培养时间的延长,各系细胞中P68 RNA解旋酶均呈现出有规律的改变,并且这种规律具有明显的细胞系特征:肿瘤细胞系之间表现出P68 RNA解旋酶蛋白条带单一的一致性;非肿瘤细胞系P68 RNA解旋酶蛋白出现多条带变化,并表现出明显的适应性;肿瘤细胞系与非肿瘤细胞系之间P68 RNA解旋酶的表型存在着明显的差异,这种差异从分子水平上揭示出P68 RNA解旋酶与细胞生长密切相关,并可能与细胞癌化有关。对产生这种差异的可能原因及其生物学意义进行了讨论。; The dynamic changes of P68 RNA helicases derived from four cell lines were compared on the level of proteins and mRNAs. Of the four cell lines, HeLa and TC3H10 are tumouric while NIH 3T3 and NC3H10 are nontumouric. The TC3H10 is the derivative of NC3H10 induced by 3H-TdR. The growing curves showed that all of them can reach Logarithum phase around 24 hours post-inoculation. The Western blotting showed that the P68 RNA helicases in cells exhibited some regular patterns along with the extended growth of the cell cultures: they appeared as early as 6 hours post-inoculation, reached to the top about 24 hours, and dropped and maintained to low level after then. During a whole passage the bands of P68 RNA helicases were only single in tumour cells but multiple in nontumour cells with moderate changes. RNA slot hybridization resulted in similar quantitative patterns of P68 mRNAs and its proteins in each line. The ATPase activities of P68 RNA helicases purified by McAb-PAb 204 mediated immunoprecipitation were ssRNA-dependent, consistent with the results of P68 RNA helicases reported by others. These results first showed the close relationship between P68 RNA helicase and cell growth on the molecular level, and maybe implied its potential functions in the cell transformation process.; PubMed; 中文核心期刊要目总览(PKU); 中国科学引文数据库(CSCD); 0; 05; 387-393; 24
GB/T 7714
韦毅,胡美浩. 几种不同细胞系之间P68 RNA解旋酶表型差异的研究, Studies on the phenotypic differences of P68 RNA helicases in four cell lines[J]. 遗传学报,1997.
APA 韦毅,&胡美浩.(1997).几种不同细胞系之间P68 RNA解旋酶表型差异的研究.遗传学报.
MLA 韦毅,et al."几种不同细胞系之间P68 RNA解旋酶表型差异的研究".遗传学报 (1997).
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