题名唐古特大黄居群遗传变异研究; Genetic variations of Rheum tanguticum Maxim.ex Balf. Populations
英文摘要大黄是我国著名的传统中药,具有泻热通肠,凉血解毒,逐瘀通经之功效。唐古特大黄是我国特有物种,中国药典(2005年版,一部)规定其为正品大黄之一,青海省是唐古特大黄地道药材的主要产区。过度开采导致唐古特大黄野生药用资源的锐减,再加上目前栽培大黄种质来源混乱,良莠不齐,给临床应用带来极大不便,因此,选育唐古特大黄优良种质具有重要意义,而遗传多样性是种质资源筛选的遗传基础,本研究从细胞学水平和分子生物学水平对唐古特大黄不同居群遗传变异进行研究,主要研究结果如下: 1 首次对中国特有物种唐古特大黄染色体数目和核型进行了研究。确定唐古特大黄染色体数目为2n=22;dw、kq和dk居群的核型公式为:2n=2x=22=2sm+20m;jk:2n=2x=22=20m+2M;sp:2n=2x=22=2sm+18m+2M。核型分析表明唐古特大黄属于比较原始的物种。 2 确定了唐古特大黄ISSR-PCR扩增体系。筛选出15条 ISSR 引物,对青海省果洛州4居群的80个植株个体进行研究。主成分分析的结果表明,用ISSR分子标记可以把唐古特大黄不同居群区分开。ISSR分子标记可有效地应用于唐古特大黄的个体鉴定和遗传多样性评价。 3 对唐古特大黄的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行了分析。结果如下: 共扩增出342条带,其中339条为多态性条带;多态位点百分率P=99.12%,Shannon信息指数I=0.3788,种群遗传变异度Ht=0.2376,居群内的遗传变异Hs=0.1888。遗传分化系数Gst=0.2054,基因流Nm=1.9344。遗传分化度Фst=0.2852。 4果洛州唐古特大黄4居群的居群内变异大于居群间变异。 5不同居群的遗传距离及其地理距离的Mantel检验表明,二者具有较强的正相关。 6唐古特大黄的繁育系统为异交。; “Da-Huang” (Rhubarb), a famous Traditional Chinese Medicine, has been used to befall heat, cool the blood, and clear toxic purges. Rheum tanguticum Maxim.ex Balf., as a peculiar species of our country, is recognized and recorded in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia as one of official rhubarb. Qinghai province is the main product area of genuine R. tanguticum. Natural officinal resources of R. tanguticum have decreased greatly owing to overexploitation. What is worse, the source of cultivar rhubarb germplasm is confused. The low and high quality of different R. tanguticum is inconvenient to clinical application. So it is important to breed high quality germplasm, while genetic diversity is the genetic foundation of breeding germplasm resource. At cytology and molecular biology level, genetic diversity of different populations was studied. The main results are as follows: The chromosome number (2n=22) and karyotypes of R. tanguticum were firstly reported in the study. The karyotypes of 5 populations were as follows: dw, kq and dk were all 2n=2x=22=2sm+20m; jk population, 2n=2x=22=20m+2M; sp population, 2n=2x=22=2sm+18m+2M. The results of karyotypic analysis showed that R. tanguticum was a more original species. The ISSR-PCR amplification conditions were optimized and established. 15 primers were selected for the study of 80 individuals of 4 populations in Guoluo Qinghai province. Principal components analysis (PCA) about the bands of 80 individuals showed that ISSR marker can distinguish different populations of R. tanguticum, and it was an effective approach to distinguish individuals and evaluate genetic diversity of R. tanguticum. ISSR-PCR analysis of R. tanguticum produced 342 band loci, of which 339 (P=99.12%) were polymorphic. The gene diversity (He) was 0.2381 and Shannon Index (I) was 0.3788. Total genetic diversity for species (Ht) was 0.2376 and the mean heterozygosity within populations (Hs) was 0.1888 while coefficient of gene differentiation (Gst) and gene flow (Nm) were 0.2054 and 1.9344 respectively. Фst of AMOVA was 0.2852. The genetic variation of 4 populations of Guoluo R. tanguticum was mainly found within population. Mantel Test illustrated a strong positive relationship between genetic and geographical distance. Through the genetic variance, we concluded that the breeding system of R. tanguticum was outcrossing.
GB/T 7714
胡延萍. 唐古特大黄居群遗传变异研究, Genetic variations of Rheum tanguticum Maxim.ex Balf. Populations[D]. 2007.
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