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The host galaxy and late-time evolution of the superluminous supernova PTF12dam
Fraser, M.8; Kangas, T.2; Kankare, E.1,7; Wright, D.7; Inserra, C.7; Smith, K.7; Elias-Rosa, N.3,9; Zheng, Z.4; Kudritzki, R.6; Rest, A.5
关键词Supernovae: General Supernovae: Individual: Ptf12dam Galaxies: Abundances Galaxies: Dwarf
英文摘要Superluminous supernovae (SLSNe) of Type Ic have a tendency to occur in faint host galaxies which are likely to have low mass and low metallicity. PTF12dam is one of the closest and best-studied superluminous explosions that has a broad and slowly fading light curve similar to SN 2007bi. Here we present new photometry and spectroscopy for PTF12dam from 200-500 d (rest frame) after peak and a detailed analysis of the host galaxy (SDSS J142446.21+461348.6 at z = 0.107). Using deep templates and image subtraction we show that the light curve can be fit with a magnetar model if escape of high-energy gamma rays is taken into account. The full bolometric light curve from -53 to +399 d (with respect to peak) cannot be fit satisfactorily with the pair-instability models. An alternative model of interaction with a dense circumstellar material (CSM) produces a good fit to the data although this requires a very large mass (similar to 13 M-circle dot) of hydrogen-free CSM. The host galaxy is a compact dwarf (physical size similar to 1.9 kpc) and with M-g=-19.33 +/- 0.10, it is the brightest nearby SLSN Ic host discovered so far. The host is a low-mass system (2.8 x 10(8) M-circle dot) with a star formation rate (5.0 M-circle dot yr(-1)), which implies a very high specific star formation rate (17.9 Gyr(-1)). The remarkably strong nebular emission provide detections of the [O III] lambda 4363 and [O II] lambda lambda 7320, 7330auroral lines and an accurate oxygen abundance of 12 + log (O/H) = 8.05 +/- 0.09. We show here that they are at the extreme end of the metallicity distribution of dwarf galaxies and propose that low metallicity is a requirement to produce these rare and peculiar SNe.
作者单位1.Univ Turku, Finnish Ctr Astron ESO FINCA, FI-21500 Piikkio, Finland
2.Univ Turku, Dept Phys & Astron, Tuorla Observ, FI-21500 Piikkio, Finland
3.INAF, Osservatorio Astron Padova, I-35122 Padua, Italy
4.Chinese Acad Sci, Natl Astron Observ, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China
5.Space Telescope Sci Inst, Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
6.Univ Hawaii, Inst Astron, Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
7.Queens Univ Belfast, Sch Math & Phys, Astrophys Res Ctr, Belfast BT7 1NN, Antrim, North Ireland
8.Univ Cambridge, Inst Astron, Cambridge CB3 0HA, England
9.CSIC, IEEC, Inst Ciencies Espai, E-08193 Barcelona, Spain
GB/T 7714
Fraser, M.,Kangas, T.,Kankare, E.,et al. The host galaxy and late-time evolution of the superluminous supernova PTF12dam[J]. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,2015,452(2):1567-1586.
APA Fraser, M..,Kangas, T..,Kankare, E..,Wright, D..,Inserra, C..,...&Chen, T. -W..(2015).The host galaxy and late-time evolution of the superluminous supernova PTF12dam.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,452(2),1567-1586.
MLA Fraser, M.,et al."The host galaxy and late-time evolution of the superluminous supernova PTF12dam".MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY 452.2(2015):1567-1586.
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