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Homologous Circular-ribbon Flares Driven by Twisted Flux Emergence
Xu, Z.; Yang, K.; Guo, Y.; Zhao, J.; Zhao, Z. J.; Kashapova, L.
英文摘要In this paper, we report two homologous circular-ribbon flares associated with two filament eruptions. They were well observed by the New Vacuum Solar Telescope and the Solar Dynamics Observatory on 2014 March 5. Prior to the flare, two small-scale filaments enclosed by a circular pre-flare brightening lie along the circular polarity inversion line around the parasitic polarity, which has shown a continuous rotation since its first appearance. Two filaments eventually erupt in sequence associated with two homologous circular-ribbon flares and display an apparent writhing signature. Supplemented by the nonlinear force-free field extrapolation and the magnetic field squashing factor investigation, the following are revealed. (1) This event involves the emergence of magnetic flux ropes into a pre-existing polarity area, which yields the formation of a 3D null-point topology in the corona. (2) Continuous input of the free energy in the form of a flux rope from beneath the photosphere may drive a breakout-type reconnection occurring high in the corona, supported by the pre-flare brightening. (3) This initiation reconnection could release the constraint on the flux rope and trigger the MHD instability to first make filament F1 lose equilibrium. The subsequent more violent magnetic reconnection with the overlying flux is driven during the filament rising. In return, the eruption of filament F2 is further facilitated by the reduction of the magnetic tension force above. These two processes form a positive feedback to each other to cause the energetic mass eruption and flare.
GB/T 7714
Xu, Z.,Yang, K.,Guo, Y.,et al. Homologous Circular-ribbon Flares Driven by Twisted Flux Emergence[J]. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2017,851(1):30.
APA Xu, Z.,Yang, K.,Guo, Y.,Zhao, J.,Zhao, Z. J.,&Kashapova, L..(2017).Homologous Circular-ribbon Flares Driven by Twisted Flux Emergence.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,851(1),30.
MLA Xu, Z.,et al."Homologous Circular-ribbon Flares Driven by Twisted Flux Emergence".ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 851.1(2017):30.
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