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1. 基于项重写形式化模型的建模方法、检测算法研究。针对密码模块API的形式化建模存在众多方法,而基于项重写的形式化模型有着独到的优势,它结合了API的特点,模型简洁易懂,建模方法简单,克服了模型中存在全局易变状态的问题,并在理论上给出了可判定性证明。本文针对密码模块API的形式化验证,提出了一种基于项重写形式化模型的检测算法,该算法利用符号化及广度优先搜索方法,使用项重写规则对敌手的初始知识集不断进行匹配和扩展,直到找到攻击路径或者搜索完状态空间。该算法在搜索攻击的过程中利用匹配的规则动态生成新项及状态节点,在搜索攻击的效率上相比使用模型检测工具NuSMV的方法大大提高。同时,该算法直接以建立的API命令的项重写规则为输入,不用将其转化为其他的输入模型,大大简化了建模分析的过程。

2. 基于提出的检测算法实现了检测分析工具,并对密码模块API标准PKCS#11进行了形式化验证。PKCS#11是目前在密码模块中广泛使用的一种API标准,直接应用于智能卡、智能密码钥匙等密码模块中。本文的验证实验主要涉及PKCS#11的密钥管理部分的API命令。实验中我们通过修改PKCS#11的初始化配置来寻找针对PKCS#11的API攻击或者安全配置。实验结果表明,本文的检测工具能够有效检测到针对PKCS#11的攻击,并找到一个新的攻击序列,搜索攻击的效率大大提高。
英文摘要Due to  increasing requirements for information security, cryptographic modules have been  widely used, and more and more attention has been paid to the security analysis of cryptographic modules. The cryptographic module API is the only interface through which cryptographic modules provide cryptographic services. Its security  is important   for cryptographic modules, and even for  whole information system.The  security analysis of cryptographic module APIs has been paid  much attention gradually in the past few years. In  early days, the security analysis of cryptographic module APIs was mostly completed by conducting a detailed inspection of all instructions by hand. But the manual inspection is complicated, cumbersome and error-prone. Later on,  formal analysis of security protocols was introduced to the security analysis of cryptographic module APIs. There are many formal methods for the security analysis of  cryptographic module APIs, and formal methods  also become more and more  important and useful. The main idea of  formal analysis is that we first build  corresponding formal models for cryptographic module APIs, and then use theorem provers or model checking tools to verify whether  the model satisfies  security objectives. The established formal model  for cryptographic module APIs has a direct impact on the efficiency of analysis and final results. Model checking  is of higher degree of automation compared to other methods, and   results of attacks are intuitive. Our research of this paper focuses on the term rewriting formal model for cryptographic  module APIs. Our work  is divided into two main parts as following:

1. The modeling and the verification algorithm for  cryptographic module APIs using term rewriting formal model. There are a number of methods for the formal modeling of cryptographic module APIs, but  term rewriting formal model have unique advantages. It uses  features of  cryptographic module APIs, and  is simple and easy for  modeling and understanding. Furthermore, it solves  the non-monotonic global state  problem and proves the decidability of the model. In this paper, we propose a new verification algorithm which  is   especially designed for  the  term  rewriting  formal  model. The main idea is to  search  all  the  API commands sequence  with   symbolic  method and  breath-first  search. The search will not stop until an attack path has been found or all the finite state space has been searched. The algorithm generates terms dynamically during the search, which greatly improves the efficiency of searching attacks compared to the way of using NuSMV. Furthermore, the algorithm uses rewriting rules of  APIs as inputs, simplifying the process of modeling without conversion to other input models.

2. We implement a verification tool for security analysis of cryptographic module APIs based on our algorithm,  and use the tool verify the cryptographic module API standard PKCS#11. PKCS#11 is a widely used cryptographic module API standard, and is directly used in smart cards, USB tokens, etc. The experiments  mainly involves  the formal verification of PKCS#11 key management APIs. In the experiments, we change the initial configuration to find different attacks or secure  configurations. The experimental results show that, our tool can find  attacks against PKCS#11  effectively, and a new attack sequence is discovered. Furthermore, the efficiency  for searching attacks  is significantly improved.
GB/T 7714
刘波. 密码模块API形式化分析技术研究[D]. 北京. 中国科学院大学. 2013.
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