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efficient search of lightcuts by spatial clustering
Wang Guangwei ; Xie Guofu ; Wang Wencheng
会议名称SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches, SA'11
会议日期December 1
会议地点Hong Kong, China
关键词Image resolution Interactive computer graphics
中文摘要Lightcuts is an efficient illumination method for scenes with many complex lights, by hierarchical clustering of lights in a light tree. However, when the light tree is large, it is very time-consuming to traverse in the tree to get the suitable clusters of lights for illumination computation. For this, some methods proposed to use image coherence for neighboring pixels to share clusters of lights, and so save traversal cost in the light tree. However, with the image resolutions reduced, fewer and fewer coherences could be used and so their acceleration efficiency will be reduced dramatically, and they may even decrease the rendering efficiency. This sketch proposes to exploit spatial coherences to enhance rendering by lightcuts. For the intersection points between rays and the scene, they are clustered on the fly and the points of a cluster search their respective suitable clusters of lights from a common set of clusters, called a common cut. In this way, the traversal cost from the tree root to the common cuts can be considerably saved for acceleration. Results show that our method can be faster than the methods using image coherence, and works stably with various image resolutions. And with the lights being more complex, our method can obtain more acceleration.
英文摘要Lightcuts is an efficient illumination method for scenes with many complex lights, by hierarchical clustering of lights in a light tree. However, when the light tree is large, it is very time-consuming to traverse in the tree to get the suitable clusters of lights for illumination computation. For this, some methods proposed to use image coherence for neighboring pixels to share clusters of lights, and so save traversal cost in the light tree. However, with the image resolutions reduced, fewer and fewer coherences could be used and so their acceleration efficiency will be reduced dramatically, and they may even decrease the rendering efficiency. This sketch proposes to exploit spatial coherences to enhance rendering by lightcuts. For the intersection points between rays and the scene, they are clustered on the fly and the points of a cluster search their respective suitable clusters of lights from a common set of clusters, called a common cut. In this way, the traversal cost from the tree root to the common cuts can be considerably saved for acceleration. Results show that our method can be faster than the methods using image coherence, and works stably with various image resolutions. And with the lights being more complex, our method can obtain more acceleration.
会议主办者ACM Spec. Interest Group Comput. Graph. Interact.; Tech. (SIGGRAPH); ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human; Interaction (SIGCHI)
会议录SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches, SA'11
GB/T 7714
Wang Guangwei,Xie Guofu,Wang Wencheng. efficient search of lightcuts by spatial clustering[C]. 见:SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 Sketches, SA'11. Hong Kong, China. December 1.
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