Learning Structured Ordinal Measures for Video based Face Recognition
Ran He1,2; Tieniu Tan1,2; Larry Davis3; Zhenan Sun1,2
刊名Pattern Recognition
关键词Learning Structured Ordinal Measures
英文摘要Handcrafted ordinal measures (OM) have been widely used in many computer vision problems. This pa- per presents a structured OM (SOM) method in a data driven way. SOM simultaneously learns ordinal filters and structured ordinal features. It leads to a structural distance metric for video-based face recog- nition. The SOM problem is posed as a non-convex integer program problem that includes two parts. The first part learns stable ordinal filters to project video data into a large-margin ordinal space. The second seeks self-correcting and discrete codes by balancing the projected data and a rank-one ordinal matrix in a structured low-rank way. Weakly-supervised and supervised structures are considered for the ordinal matrix. In addition, as a complement to hierarchical structures, deep feature representations are integrated into our method to enhance coding stability. An alternating minimization method is employed to handle the discrete and low-rank constraints, yielding high-quality codes that capture prior structures well. Experimental results on three commonly used face video databases show that our SOM method with a simple voting classifier can achieve state-of-the-art recognition rates using fewer features and samples.
作者单位1.The National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and CAS Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology (CEBSIT), CASIA
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)
3.The institute for advanced computer studies and the department of computer science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, United States
GB/T 7714
Ran He,Tieniu Tan,Larry Davis,et al. Learning Structured Ordinal Measures for Video based Face Recognition[J]. Pattern Recognition,2018,75(0):4-14.
APA Ran He,Tieniu Tan,Larry Davis,&Zhenan Sun.(2018).Learning Structured Ordinal Measures for Video based Face Recognition.Pattern Recognition,75(0),4-14.
MLA Ran He,et al."Learning Structured Ordinal Measures for Video based Face Recognition".Pattern Recognition 75.0(2018):4-14.
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