Construction of Late Devonian Dundunshan arc in the Beishan orogen and its implication for tectonics of southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Guo, Qianqian1,2; Xiao, Wenjiao2,3; Hou, Quanlin1; Windley, Brian F.4; Han, Chunming3; Tian, Zhonghua1,3; Song, Dongfang3
关键词Beishan Dundunshan arc Devonian Subduction zone retreat Pa leo-Asian Ocean
英文摘要The Beishan orogen, located in the southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt, was formed by subduction-accretionary processes in the Paleozoic, and so provides key constraints on the current international controversy regarding the duration of the orogenesis and the time of its termination and formation of the final suture. This paper concerns the tectonic setting, in the Beishan, of Devonian volcanic and sedimentary rocks that belong to the Dundunshan subduction-generated volcanic arc. The Dundunshan arc comprises metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, calcalkaline andesites, dacites, rhyolites, porphyries and tuffs, which have Late Devonian U-Pb zircon ages of 368.8 +/- 3.1 Ma and 370.9 +/- 13 Ma. The rhyolites have an arc geochemical signature. The Dundunshan sediments are predominantly clastic sandstones, the trace element geochemical data of which indicate derivation from a rhyolitic source with variable degrees of weathering, suggesting an active tectonic provenance. The Dundunshan arc is situated on the southern side of the Huaniushan arc, which, according to current published data, was generated by northward subduction in the Early Paleozoic, and this was followed by the Dundunshan arc in the Late Devonian. It is likely that the northward-dipping subduction zone retreated southwards, giving rise to southward younging of the arcs. Our data provide important constraints on a better understanding of the growth of arcs that dominate the Altaid accretionary orogen. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
WOS研究方向Geochemistry & Geophysics ; Mineralogy
资助机构Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Innovative Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-Q04-08) ; Innovative Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-Q04-08) ; Innovative Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-Q04-08) ; Innovative Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-Q04-08) ; One Hundred Talent Program B of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ; One Hundred Talent Program B of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ; One Hundred Talent Program B of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ; One Hundred Talent Program B of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(41230207 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(41230207 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(41230207 ; National Natural Science Foundation of China(41230207 ; 2007CB411307) ; 2007CB411307) ; 2007CB411307) ; 2007CB411307) ; 41302177 ; 41302177 ; 41302177 ; 41302177 ; 41390441 ; 41390441 ; 41390441 ; 41390441 ; 41190072 ; 41190072 ; 41190072 ; 41190072 ; 41190070 ; 41190070 ; 41190070 ; 41190070 ; 41190071 ; 41190071 ; 41190071 ; 41190071 ; 41202150 ; 41202150 ; 41202150 ; 41202150 ; 40523003) ; 40523003) ; 40523003) ; 40523003) ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; Bureau of Science and Technology for Resource and Environment, Chinese National Basic Research 973 Program(2014CB440801 ; 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通讯作者Xiao, Wenjiao
作者单位1.Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Key Lab Computat Geodynam, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China
2.Chinese Acad Sci, Xinjiang Inst Ecol & Geog, Xinjiang Res Ctr Mineral Resources, Urumqi 830011, Peoples R China
3.Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geol & Geophys, State Key Lab Lithospher Evolut, Beijing 100029, Peoples R China
4.Univ Leicester, Dept Geol, Leicester LE1 7RH, Leics, England
GB/T 7714
Guo, Qianqian,Xiao, Wenjiao,Hou, Quanlin,et al. Construction of Late Devonian Dundunshan arc in the Beishan orogen and its implication for tectonics of southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt[J]. LITHOS,2014,184:361-378.
APA Guo, Qianqian.,Xiao, Wenjiao.,Hou, Quanlin.,Windley, Brian F..,Han, Chunming.,...&Song, Dongfang.(2014).Construction of Late Devonian Dundunshan arc in the Beishan orogen and its implication for tectonics of southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt.LITHOS,184,361-378.
MLA Guo, Qianqian,et al."Construction of Late Devonian Dundunshan arc in the Beishan orogen and its implication for tectonics of southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt".LITHOS 184(2014):361-378.
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