On a Small-scale EUV Wave: The Driving Mechanism and the Associated Ascillating Filament
Shen, Yuandeng; Liu, Yu; Tian, Zhanjun; Qu, Zhining; Shen, YD (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Yunnan Observ, Kunming 650216, Yunnan, Peoples R China.; Shen, YD (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Space Weather, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.; Shen, YD (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Ctr Astron Mega Sci, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.
关键词Sun: Coronal Mass Ejections (Cmes) Sun: Flares Sun: Filaments Sun: Magnetic Fields Prominences Sun: Oscillations
英文摘要We present observations of a small-scale extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wave that was associated with a mini-filament eruption and a GOES B1.9 micro-flare in the quiet-Sun region. The initiation of the event was due to the photospheric magnetic emergence and cancellation in the eruption source region, which first caused the ejection of a small plasma ejecta, then the ejecta impacted a nearby mini-filament and thereby led to the filament's eruption and the associated flare. During the filament eruption, an EUV wave at a speed of 182-317 km s(-1) was formed ahead of an expanding coronal loop, which propagated faster than the expanding loop and showed obvious deceleration and reflection during the propagation. In addition, the EUV wave further resulted in the transverse oscillation of a remote filament whose period and damping time are 15 and 60 minutes, respectively. Based on the observational results, we propose that the small-scale EUV wave should be a fast-mode magnetosonic wave that was driven by the expanding coronal loop. Moreover, with the application of filament seismology, it is estimated that the radial magnetic field strength is about 7 Gauss. The observations also suggest that small-scale EUV waves associated with miniature solar eruptions share similar driving mechanisms and observational characteristics with their large-scale counterparts.
资助机构Natural Science Foundation of China [11403097, 11633008, 11773068] ; Yunnan Science Foundation [2015FB191, 2017FB006] ; Specialized Research Fund for State Key Laboratories ; Youth Innovation Promotion Association of Chinese Academy of Sciences [2014047] ; Sichuan University of Science and Engineering [2015RC43]
通讯作者Shen, YD (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Yunnan Observ, Kunming 650216, Yunnan, Peoples R China.; Shen, YD (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Space Weather, Beijing 100190, Peoples R China.; Shen, YD (reprint author), Chinese Acad Sci, Ctr Astron Mega Sci, Beijing 100012, Peoples R China.
GB/T 7714
Shen, Yuandeng,Liu, Yu,Tian, Zhanjun,et al. On a Small-scale EUV Wave: The Driving Mechanism and the Associated Ascillating Filament[J]. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,2017,851(2):101.
APA Shen, Yuandeng.,Liu, Yu.,Tian, Zhanjun.,Qu, Zhining.,Shen, YD .,...&Shen, YD .(2017).On a Small-scale EUV Wave: The Driving Mechanism and the Associated Ascillating Filament.ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL,851(2),101.
MLA Shen, Yuandeng,et al."On a Small-scale EUV Wave: The Driving Mechanism and the Associated Ascillating Filament".ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 851.2(2017):101.
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